Wow! This post turned out to be a long one. I'll try more indica before I write next time.
All lies, all good lies have truth mixed up with them. Finding a truth in a religion doesn't make that religion correct by concept.
Agreed. Finding a truth in something (religion, someones ideas...whatever) doesn't make anything correct or good in its self. I'm not trying to defend something I find a lot of problems with, like the church. I think the difference between our positions is I see a lot of good, also, coming from religion. You made the statement that it was all lies. The heart of which is based in rejection (despite the obvious fact that it's exploded in practice over the last 2000 years).
It's not mine. I'm not Jewish.
It doesn't belong to Christians however. It is central to the lie however, in working to break the covenant with G*D.
My mistake. You have so much passion on the subject, I naturally assumed you were Jewish. So, if it's all lies, and the Christians are making something out of the OT that it wasn't intended for, so what? It's just lies made from lies. In that case, it makes no real difference to anything important.
I very confused. Are you affirming that God actually made a covenant with the Jews? How can you say you are an atheist and hold that something significant happened between the Jews and God? It's a lie, dude! Why the hell do you care?
I make no claims that the Old Testament is the word of G*D. I'm an atheist... Never the less it doesn't change the events of the Christian church maneuvering to cop the Jewish religion.
You are making the OT the source of your argument as evidence that the Christians have perverted it to reject the Jews. I know you didn't claim to believe it was the word of God.
I'm really curious about atheism. A defined belief system that there are no belief systems worthy of faith. It seems to me the more someone rails against the lack of God's existence, the more they prove they believe He exists.
You've never heard anyone say the following statement:
"That fucking bitch Tinker bell! I was totally expecting her to come through for me, and that cunt didn't help me out!" No one would say that because no one believes she really exists. My question in this is, if you are truly convinced of the lack of God's existence, than why bother saying so? If an entire world from the beginning of recorded history has recognized the presence of a God, then maybe you are the one who needs to change his mind?
That's what the Old testament says.... yes. Look for yourself. You argue but haven't read the material ur debating????
I told you I've been more than a casual observer all my life. Never said I didn't know the material I am discussing. I don't think I even implied that. No biggie. I may join you in a good round of "How fucked up the Christian Church is" on another thread. I'm not trying to "defend the faith". That word means too many things to everyone.
That's because it wasn't meant for you. their G*D, not Christians or Buddhists. Kind of my point.
Oh. I thought your point was that the Jewish God doesn't want to love me. There are many examples in the OT where wives and the servants of a household converted to the man's Jewish beleifs. And many of those people were not born in a Jewish family. I think the OT shows more than not God is pleased with anyone's, everyone's worship, not just the Jews (the stones and rocks themselves would cry out if everyone remained silent: OT somewhere). I can prove it, but I don't really want to go there.
Again, I'm an atheist. You suppose already "why would G*D let...." I presume no such guesswork.
I don't think anyone is up there guiding anything.
That's cool. Maybe that's why I've been enjoying the discussion.