Religion Has Done More Bad Than Good

You're expecting religious cults to make sense, though.

Religion isn't about making sense. It's about controlling populations.
Quite the opposite. We don't expect them to make sense at all. Speaking for myself I think all religions are BS, made by man to control man, I think cracker thinks the same but he would have to vouch for that himself. Where just having a small debate over the small print.
In that case, here's more fuel for the fires :)

Ever run into a person who doesn't believe in the literal Adam and Eve, but DOES believe in the literal Original Sin?
That takes a special kind of cognitive dissonance :)
The Jews believe that Adam and Eve were the "symbolic" start of man. It's a metaphor more than anything.

The main point being that Christians have turned the story into something else entirely. They aren't emulating the Jews, they are hijacking their stories and attaching new meanings to them.

Incorrect I might add. Adam and eve were always mortal.
Actually it is the New Testament which is unoriginal in the myth.

the Old Testament is really more of a tribal history of that region.

But yes, all religions have to share much of their credo. The fact that they all have happy endings is a tip off that .... we made it all up.

Look around.... nothing ends happily on earth. :wink:
Now they say it was the symbolic start of man as they find it impossible to dispute evolution, so it is only recent history they have said this. But for thousands of years it was preached that everything in the book was actual fact as it happened. Religion has changed its views time and time again just to keep in line with what science has proven wrong about the faiths.
So damn I cant come back from the dead if I change my name to Jesus?

Im gonna name my child God Jesus I like the ring to it.
Oh, I think there is definitely evil in the world, it's just not supernatural. It's made right here on Earth, by us. No Diety needed for that. It's a blame game.... easier than looking in the mirror.
Oh, I think there is definitely evil in the world, it's just not supernatural. It's made right here on Earth, by us. No Diety needed for that. It's a blame game.... easier than looking in the mirror.

Goat headed devil dancers with big tittys now thats evil awsome.

I just think evil is a bad word to us because it makes it seem as if it can manifest like some sort of spirit. I think people are just nuts. Evil is a word made up by crazys to make them feel less crazy because its the "evil" not they crazy ass.

But yes in a way im with you I beleive there is "evil" by definition but I hate definitions it just sounds wack.
What does any of this anti-god nonsense have to do with growing weed? Politics and religious discussion should at least be on topic IMO
Crackerjax; There probably was a Jesus.You got me on the miracles, but claims of imaculate conception were common.
There probably actually wasn't. Only 4 references in the historical record to same or similar name, at least one considered to be a forgery by both secular and theological historians. But they are passing references only. (And the bible is not a historical record. Unicorns and talking snakes do not an accurate history make. :P )

The Bible chapters written about Jesus were not written during his supposed lifetime, nor even shortly after, but 2 to 3 generations after. The authors never met the man, nor witnessed any of the acts ascribed to him in their documents.

You could create a profile of an entity similar in nature, if not by name, by lifting data from many legends hundreds of years older.
Yes, there is little evidence of an historical Jesus. The name was not uncommon.

Read up on Paul of tarsus .... he is the key to the hijacking of the Christian faith. All subsequent gospels spring from Paul. Paul is our best known writer, and we do know a few things about him..... he certainly was no saint.
Crackerjax; There probably was a Jesus.You got me on the miracles, but claims of imaculate conception were common.

We got this one firgured out allready I used to work with the guy. He wasnt nothing special I did see him hand a bum some bread once so maybe that got him famous?