Religion, or lack of, open discussion/FRIENDLY debate.

Only one caveat Paddy, I wouldn't even go so far as to say that the process is trying for long term. Just what fits at the moment.

Nature does not seek perfection, just "good enough". There is no plan. I think that is what drives the thumpers nuts..... no lead to perfection and no overall plan, just what is.

Agree with you on that one CJ.
yeah i agree about the religions who live true to there beliefs most do not they pick and choose what they will accept and not accept based on the benefits offered.
Yeah right, whether were monkeys or not, noone should be held higher in some regard than others. Its morals, right and wrong.

Its like this..... Were all going someplace in the sky right, or somethin. It's your choice whatever kind of "Airplane" you wanna ride I guess. It could be a "Hot Air Balloon" as well, but damnit, Im not lookin for no cheap ass flight to where Im goin brother, Oh NOES HALLELUJAH MY BROTHERS AND SISTERS THIS RIDE, AWWW YESSA, YESSA, THIS RIDE HALLELUJAH LORD HAW, BAM, BOOM, This Ride We Takin ALLLL THE WAYY WOOOOOOO. Can I get an AMEN.......

Can I get an Amen.

Im kidding, but I hope we find fulfillment in and of ourselves and others, and hopefully continue a good way of life for everybody in some way while we are together.

In marijuana I trust haha. It has never failed me yet. j/k.

Do you think as one of my last wishes someone could plant some seeds for me near me lol? Do you think that would be illegal? hahah. Or do you think they would be sympathetic? hehe.

If it got too overpopulated, I think my body would make great ferts, maybe some day, even though Im not here, I will have money growing out of my ass. haha.

Do you think as one of my last wishes someone could plant some seeds for me near me lol? Do you think that would be illegal? hahah. Or do you think they would be sympathetic? hehe.

If it got too overpopulated, I think my body would make great ferts, maybe some day, even though Im not here, I will have money growing out of my ass. haha.

So when they cremate me, I'll just have my wife ask .... "uh, Can I have about 40 pounds of my husbands ashes"?
Watch a internet documentary called "The Arrivals" Im sure you guys will find something you never knew existed.
we are from pussy and cocky god lives thru us to create so we cant die u cant take life from the life giver sum beleive we come from monkeys either way have sex
The doc is split in to 50 part each in 10min segments, try watching the first couple of part.

I watched it a couple days ago...very profound and interesting, it took me a while to find a fully complete one with audio, Luckily I found one that was complete with audio, and someone combined all the episodes into 1, They must really have some people scared shitless with the many attempts to take it off the Net, Thanks 4 sharing :peace:
to post 272 if you have something to contribute great but so far you just use poor grammar and make no sense while at the same time thinking you know the truth please stop wasting peoples time your making yourself look very uninformed to the ways of the world in general. if you feel you know of what you speak explain in proper english if you cant go away there are grown people on here trying to have a discussion thanks.