Remote temperature monitoring or alarming - no wifi


New Member
Hi All -

New here but looking for a solution to view temp, RH, maybe C02 for our remote building that doesnt have wifi or a phoneline. I want to be able to look in and check the temperatures and make sure the power hasn't gone out after a storm.

Any suggestions for something quick and easy?
Its actually just on another property - so pretty far away from home. No access to internet or phone (or i really dont want to figure out how to get it out there)
If you too lazy to go over and take a look-see maybe growing isn't for you! After all there may be more problems only your eyes will see that a monitor can't.
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satellite connection, ,,,, could do like a adriuno board and hook up desired sensors, temp humid, voltage monitor, what ever really, then use the satellite connection to send back,,,
Thanks all. Its essentially a barn a few miles away from home. So no options for wifi extender.

perhaps I'll check out a wifi hotspot and do a bit of googling!
I know you can make AM radio transmitters pretty cheap and fairly easy. This wouldn't help you for monitoring temp or RH but it would confirm the status of your electrical service after a storm. Leave the transmitter on and tune your radio to its freq. No transmitting = no power.
I know you can make AM radio transmitters pretty cheap and fairly easy. This wouldn't help you for monitoring temp or RH but it would confirm the status of your electrical service after a storm. Leave the transmitter on and tune your radio to its freq. No transmitting = no power.
your talking about setting up a beacon unless you a ham radio operator there are no frequiences you can use with constant transmission. A sure way to get reported to the fcc
A sure way to get reported to the fcc
Forgive me, I am ignorant to broadcasting regulations, FCC,etc but it sounds like he is in a rural area, is someone really going to care or notice if it is broadcasting a few miles? Unless he has a HAM radio person within range who is a vigilante FCC agent?
Here is an idea.
Outside of your grow space, put a monitor
With sensors going into the grow areas
Temp, RH, CO2, wind speed , anything you want, have them together (one for every room kept at a different temp etc)

Get a cell phone trail cam. UWAY makes good ones.
It’s a trail camera that takes pics and sends them to your phone(good to know when target animals are in your spot for hunting)
You have you get a small data pack fr your cell phone company.

Point the cam at the monitors and make an arm or something to trigger the cam. (Light mover could work(going to take some engineering)
Put this on a gear system so it trips the cam every 15min , 30min, 1hour , 2twice a day, whatever you want.
Bobs your uncle.
A cheap 4g tablet added to your phone plan would get you WiFi out there. You could probably use something like sensorpush to keep live information on the tablet that can be viewed from anywhere
Can you set up a wireless security cam that can see the controllers and meters maybe?
would say an auto cutoff is even more important than comms.
Forgive me, I am ignorant to broadcasting regulations, FCC,etc but it sounds like he is in a rural area, is someone really going to care or notice if it is broadcasting a few miles? Unless he has a HAM radio person within range who is a vigilante FCC agent?
Lol I am a HAM thats how I know there are a lot of assholes out there. I really think a wifi hotspot is the best option
You can use GSM module from ebay or aliexpress, it's very cheap < 10 $ from China. Actually i working on similar project using LoRa transmission, but again it has limited range (about 2km). My project is based on Arduino, which controls lights, temperature, humidity, fans. The LoRa signal is sent to the receiver, which transmits it further via wifi to internet cloud.
If you too lazy to check up on your grow, then maybe growing isn't for you. You never know what kind of problems you may run accross with nutrients and diseases if you can't see them with your own eyes.