Removing yourself from a dispensary

What's in it for me? Serious as a heart attack

you know what i just remembered? When I my card expired last yr and when it was time to re new. and sign up to a dispensary...does your membership just roll over to a new yr membership? or do you have to get it all notorized and sign papers again....if so The Treehouse failed to do so.
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A few lesser known places which somtimes are hit or misses... but do contain the dank (CO Springs)

Bijou Wellness Center. Changed their name but fuck em same place same buds and excessive display and quantity of medicated tea. Not bad on select strains. No bullshit I wish it weren't but old dude in there shorted me almost a gram before. Only a sorry and correction. =\

Dr Releaf. Cheap medicine and cute girls. Concentrates are per-customers preference but I for one dislike their wac..I mean wax. However unique strains compared to other stores and wonderful prices including specials changing always. So you could walk out with an eighth of Critical Sensei Star for $18

Organic Seed is spiffy. Not so ideal location but is very convenient. Cheap buds but I always feel awkward at their atmosphere. Above average medicine but also beware for the not so pretty. They carry Keef $10 a gram. Interesting purchasing incentives available to members and non. This includes pre roll tuesday or whatever, discount friday, ya know those kinds of deals
Watch out walter....I'm a different kind of animal.

Society is what fucked me up.....and the army
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@6ohMax your card does not automatically go back to the dispensary.

That's what "they" said. I remember quite vividly...When car expired and recieved the new one. I went in there and told them that I would like to re sign with them...was along the lines of this

Oh, don't worry about it, we'll take care of it and will roll over another yr.
Displeasing to hear how the original crew crew gave more effort than reasonable return ever came about

Now that was some enricare attitude.

Anyone got a handgun I can buy off em'?
Welp, you mother fuckers got me once again for a dumb baboon. Went to the Treehouse today after an appt I had up in that area...It was about opening time when i arrived so I waited a min in my vehicle. Go to go in an the doors are locked ...this is 5 min after opening time... I go back to my truck and look at MMJ Menu and you have to be a member to see their menu...what kind of shit is that I go back and try to enter...doors are still locked...I knock ..hard enough so someone could hear me..looked in no one...waited another minute or 2. .....looked in....knocked again.....doors still locked....looked in .....saw someone in a white shirt walk by...I knocked and waited a couple more minutes and nothing...this is now 15 minutes past opening time....oh ..even tried to call and nothing.....

WHat a bunch of low life scum bags....Why can't these dicks be put out of business?