A few lesser known places which somtimes are hit or misses... but do contain the dank (CO Springs)
Bijou Wellness Center. Changed their name but fuck em same place same buds and excessive display and quantity of medicated tea. Not bad on select strains. No bullshit I wish it weren't but old dude in there shorted me almost a gram before. Only a sorry and correction. =\
Dr Releaf. Cheap medicine and cute girls. Concentrates are per-customers preference but I for one dislike their wac..I mean wax. However unique strains compared to other stores and wonderful prices including specials changing always. So you could walk out with an eighth of Critical Sensei Star for $18
Organic Seed is spiffy. Not so ideal location but is very convenient. Cheap buds but I always feel awkward at their atmosphere. Above average medicine but also beware for the not so pretty. They carry Keef $10 a gram. Interesting purchasing incentives available to members and non. This includes pre roll tuesday or whatever, discount friday, ya know those kinds of deals