Renewed Energy Grow Room


Well-Known Member
i have solar panels.
it makes enough energy to run the house and garden and still get me a cheque at the end of every year from the power company for excess i created
Where do you live? I know excess power produced in most places does not provide you a check ever.... When you produce more power then you consume usually the power company will credit your account. It is possible to have the power company owe you $10,000 and never see a dime of it. They look at it as you dont maintain their lines equipment... buy stock and they will cut you a check.

I love this post!


Well-Known Member
Ahhh, I kinda took that as a NEVER without lots of money NEVER. You are right 12v doesnt run 110v equipment though.


Well-Known Member
there are a lot of options that can be combined though, that would work in a bit of a ghetto way. you could set up small vertical axis wind mills around your yard, combined with a few small panels, and rig up a treadmill or some excercise equipment to a turbine. igf your a bit crafty a lot of this stuff can be made.


Active Member
How bad ass would it be to say that your marijuana was literally grown with your sweat and blood :P +Rep my friend lol