Well-Known Member
Here's a suggestion, how about everyone refrain from using racial stereotypes completely when conversing about contentious issues
Most have. Only three have not.
Here's a suggestion, how about everyone refrain from using racial stereotypes completely when conversing about contentious issues
actually many would disagree with you. Just because I curse like a fucking sailor does not mean I'm angry. You should be wise enough to know there are more than one emotion.Ditto.
It's clear he's an angry person whose views are limited to two words: white privilege.
Outside those two words, he has no thought process of any kind.
I'm black so I have to be an angry man. ?? At least from what I'm told. Go figure.Here's a suggestion, how about everyone refrain from using racial stereotypes completely when conversing about contentious issues. When people use terms like "angry black man", "typical old white man", "white privilege", "white tears", etc... it just elicits an emotional response and in no way validates anyone's point of view, and does more to derail an actual conversation than anything else.
Lying fuck you put me on ignore whilst you like my post . Please STFU..and thank youi wasn't even aware he was black...i've had him on ignore for a long time, and occasionally reply to a post of his i see when i "show ignored content"....
what do you mean "oh its going to cost"? the financial implications are meaningless to me...the biggest problem i have with this has nothing to do with black people...i forsee many, many white people using this as a reason to ignore minority issues. "they've been paid off for that, done deal, move on."...without fixing anything...without fixing pay inequity, without even mentioning institutionalized racism, without even attempting to fix anything..."we settled that debt, get over it"...that is my concern...not whatever you imagine it is...the road to hell is paved with good intentions, and you're a fucking truck full of hot tar
Yeah, in a culture where white men rarely experience what women and people of color experience many times a day -- we should just stop referring to the stereotypes that those same white men swear by.Here's a suggestion, how about everyone refrain from using racial stereotypes completely when conversing about contentious issues. When people use terms like "angry black man", "typical old white man", "white privilege", "white tears", etc... it just elicits an emotional response and in no way validates anyone's point of view, and does more to derail an actual conversation than anything else.
The guy who calls everyone a retard, the irony in this thread is comical.Shrubs asked what black people were saying on this issue and he shut London down when he told him.
Oh and London is the "angry black man" according to Taco.
Typical old white guys are not used to being disagreed with.
Its too funny that you were shocked when I referred to the angry black man stereotype that Taco called up
Yeah, in a culture where white men rarely experience what women and people of color experience many times a day
Oh you had black friendsPretty sure I didn't quote you, I just used those as examples that were fresh in the last couple pages.
Probably not, but I do have positive and negative experiences to varying degrees and feel the same pressures as most people. I'm not going to pretend like I know what it's like to be black, or female or whatever, I have no idea. What I do have is a wife who has been assaulted, a sister that was date raped and a daughter I don't want that to happen to. I did live in Bermuda for a few years when I was younger where all my friends were black so maybe I view things differently, was never racist, and am quite empathetic about what happened and continues to happen to people of colour. I was in a toxic relationship where I was physically assaulted a few times by an ex girlfriend who used and stole from me, but I don't judge all women by that experience. It's not about evening the score, it's about moving on and using those experiences to grow as a person.
Maybe your perception of what it is to be a white man is misguided by the fact that you aren't a white man, but that doesn't stop you from stereotyping me while knowing nothing about me. Does it make you feel better? More important? More right or vindicated?
All that anger seems to be making you more angry. Good luck with that!!
Shut up, whiteHere's a suggestion, how about everyone refrain from using racial stereotypes completely when conversing about contentious issues. When people use terms like "angry black man", "typical old white man", "white privilege", "white tears", etc... it just elicits an emotional response and in no way validates anyone's point of view, and does more to derail an actual conversation than anything else.
Here is a suggestion. Since you "don't know what it's like to be black, female or whatever." how about letting them tell you about it? How about just shutting up and listening without comment?Pretty sure I didn't quote you, I just used those as examples that were fresh in the last couple pages.
Probably not, but I do have positive and negative experiences to varying degrees and feel the same pressures as most people. I'm not going to pretend like I know what it's like to be black, or female or whatever, I have no idea. What I do have is a wife who has been assaulted, a sister that was date raped and a daughter I don't want that to happen to. I did live in Bermuda for a few years when I was younger where all my friends were black so maybe I view things differently, was never racist, and am quite empathetic about what happened and continues to happen to people of colour. I was in a toxic relationship where I was physically assaulted a few times by an ex girlfriend who used and stole from me, but I don't judge all women by that experience. It's not about evening the score, it's about moving on and using those experiences to grow as a person.
Maybe your perception of what it is to be a white man is misguided by the fact that you aren't a white man, but that doesn't stop you from stereotyping me while knowing nothing about me. Does it make you feel better? More important? More right or vindicated?
All that anger seems to be making you more angry. Good luck with that!!
Oh you had black friends
LOLYeah, I did. So what? It's not a big deal either way, and that was a long time ago. To be honest, I dont really have any close black friends, they're more acquaintances or friends of friends. Does that make me a Nazi?
I was taught by my father not to discriminate against anyone for any reason, whether it be race, gender, sexual orientation, whatever. I was also taught that people have a personal space, and if they want you in it, you will be invited. So I've never been lewd, aggressive or handsy with women, it's actually the thing that most attracted my wife to me, according to her.
Still not a Nazi.
LOL about calling me the angry black guy. Your kind just can't shake the stereotypes.
I don't know if you are racist but having a black friend is such a common trope among racists that it's become a joke.
#NotRacists Be Like: The Top 10 Phrases Used by People Who Claim They Are Not Racist
You hit two or three of his top ten phrases. But you didn't hit them all, congratulations.
i once had a white co-workerYeah, I did. So what? It's not a big deal.
Shut up, white
wealth is passed down through families. many white families owe their entire wealth to the labor they stole from slaves.
these families who stole wealth from black families need to pay it back, plain and simple.
there's not one black person in America today that was a slave. there's not one white person in America today that has owned a slave. why are people who didn't do something giving anything to people that didn't have anything done to them?
this is a way for white people to assuage some kind of guilt i apparently do not feel...and for black people to get something they did not earn...you wanna reanimate some slaves, i'll be happy to pay them reparations...
The United States took part in the slave trade a total of 24 years.
The previous 200+ were all the product of Europe.
European nations are actually far more responsible for it than the United States is. After all, they created the entire thing.
Willie Lynch was a slave owner in Virginia who gave a speech that talked almost the whole entire world how to break slaves like horses. Give me a break I think that penis in your butt is messing with your thinking LOLYep, sure thing the Europeans started our Civil War, they also created our racial divide. So cotton is not the reason why America is a super power right now?The thing about history books in schools in America. Is that they don’t tell the whole story. Some of Our elders are still alive.You should try talking to one of them and hear a story from the horses mouth.