Republican Obstructionism and extremism will cost them


Well-Known Member
He refuses to capitalize an I refuse to spell check. lol

Way to drunk an high to remember why Im even debating politics.


Well-Known Member
Folks, the Senate has not passed a budget in 3 years. It's all a sham, what we see, iac.
Don't take sides. Moooooo.


Well-Known Member
To the OP: On some things I am glad the Repubs are standing up against, for a large majority I am not. I absolutely agree that it's their election to lose and they stand a good chance losing it depending on how Obama plays his cards especially knowing the Republicans are going to vote no on just about anything. I think if I were Obama I'd be throwing the most popular things at congress, even if I didn't necessarily agree with it, just so the Republicans could shoot it down. Build your ammo for the campaign and debates.


Well-Known Member
And here it is. Why should the rich be able to buy votes? Why is anyone who is not rich arguing for "fairness" in an unfair society? Little is fair in the world but the cause you take up is ensuring "fairness" for the rich - the ones least in need of your help?
Then quit supporting the status quo. Anyone who blames it on republicans and not democrats and vice versa is just blowing smoke.
Obamas policies stink, the didn't work in the past either.


Well-Known Member
So now we're going to start factoring in savings when it comes to considering tax codes? You brought it up, so I'm guessing you think it should be considered. I guess I should pay more than my neighbor who makes the same income I do, because I saved my money while he blew it on vacations, cocaine and hookers? Be careful, you're starting to show the ugliness of your true agenda, mame.

This is exactly why your mindset needs to be stopped in it's tracks, we KNOW where it will end up.
FDR pulled that very same crap when he taxed undistributed profits during the horrible depression he prolonged.


Well-Known Member
"We grudge no man a fortune in civil life if it is honorably obtained and well used. It is not even enough that it should have been gained without doing damage to the community. We should permit it to be gained only so long as the gaining represents benefit to the community.... The really big fortune, the swollen fortune, by the mere fact of its size, acquires qualities which differentiate it in kind as well as in degree from what is possessed by men of relatively small means. Therefore, I believe in a graduated income tax on big fortunes, and … a graduated inheritance tax on big fortunes, properly safeguarded against evasion, and increasing rapidly in amount with the size of the estate."

Teddy Roosevelt, Republican icon

partisan hacks are so dumb nowadays that they don't even realize where the things they hate came from.
Uncle Duke is so dumb he doesn't realize the tax itself, which should never have been implemented, is changed by presidential and Congressional pressure. FDR was the same way. Open a book and quit copying and pasting the first thing you come across


Well-Known Member
Around here the poor farmers an ranchers died around the 30s with the depression an dust bowl.
Those left compete with ADM an huge corporations.
They own thousands of acres, an incrediblely high priced machines withc makes their wealth up for grabs when they die now.
Most farmers an ranchers aren't poor. Imho
The land their pioneering ancestors passed to them will be sold for tax reasons if not hidden with proper estaste planning...
Another thing to remember about farms, Corporate farmers receive ~80 percent of the farm subsidies


Well-Known Member
The Republican spin machine is very very powerful. Conservatives themselves are gulible to the point that they are commonly convinced to vote against their own best interests by this very machine. In contrast, the Dem propaganda arm has always sucked. Perhaps it is because they loath lies but it is more likely that Dems are not authoritarians and seldom march in step to anything.
You are retarded, naive, extremely biased, and blind to most fact(s). That is all.


Well-Known Member
funny, most of the rich inherit or marry into their wealth (or earn it dishonestly).
and none of those rich people would hire a single person without DEMAND, which is spurred by the aggregate of all the people, not just the wealthy.
given the state if the economy right now, which do you think will produce and save more jobs: writing a large check to those already rolling in it, or freeing up the bottom half to actually spend money and create demand?
i can't believe i am even wasting my time replying to someone spouting off fox news talking points.
The only one spouting off is you uncleduke. An overwhelming majority of millionaires DO NOT inherit their wealth.
Whose backside do you pull your misinformation from?

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
The death tax Obama Reinstated will send the majority of their wealth to Washington instead of the deceaseds family.
It's so strange how you just say what you feel like saying at the time without any regard for truth. Do you even care that most of the stuff you just make up are easily proven false? The cap on the estate tax is 35%. 35% is still less than 51% right? 51% or more is what majority means in case you were wondering.

Sad that you're actually better at spelling than math.

And yes, they should take the majority of it! We shouldn't have hereditary wealth in the US. The children of children of children of wealthy people did exactly nothing to earn that money.

Next time you want to just make stuff up, you should probably come up with something that can't be proven false by googling "estate tax" and clicking on any link.


Well-Known Member
It's so strange how you just say what you feel like saying at the time without any regard for truth. Do you even care that most of the stuff you just make up are easily proven false? The cap on the estate tax is 35%. 35% is still less than 51% right? 51% or more is what majority means in case you were wondering.

Sad that you're actually better at spelling than math.

And yes, they should take the majority of it! We shouldn't have hereditary wealth in the US. The children of children of children of wealthy people did exactly nothing to earn that money.

Next time you want to just make stuff up, you should probably come up with something that can't be proven false by googling "estate tax" and clicking on any link.
You have no right to anothers money. We're told to work hard and take care of our family. Who are YOU to decide what is too much for a family to have? You are every bit as greedy as the ones you complain about.


Well-Known Member
And yes, they should take the majority of it! We shouldn't have hereditary wealth in the US. The children of children of children of wealthy people did exactly nothing to earn that money.
Isn't the goal of a parent to create a better life for their children?

I have to disagree with you completely on that.


Well-Known Member
It's so strange how you just say what you feel like saying at the time without any regard for truth. Do you even care that most of the stuff you just make up are easily proven false? The cap on the estate tax is 35%. 35% is still less than 51% right? 51% or more is what majority means in case you were wondering.

Sad that you're actually better at spelling than math.

And yes, they should take the majority of it! We shouldn't have hereditary wealth in the US. The children of children of children of wealthy people did exactly nothing to earn that money.

Next time you want to just make stuff up, you should probably come up with something that can't be proven false by googling "estate tax" and clicking on any link.

On December 17, 2010, the President signed the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010 (H.R. 4853, Public Law No: 111-312) into law. This law increased the estate exemption to $5 million and set a top federal estate tax rate of 35%. Unless Congress acts, the top estate tax rate in 2013 and beyond will be 55% plus a 5% surtax on estates between $10 million and $17.184 million. The estate tax exemption amount in 2013 and beyond will be $1 million.


Well-Known Member
Well, I'm just saying we don't know anything except what gets into the press-advertizing
machine. And in war time, (perpetual) that is secretly and tightly controlled. Even
wiki-leaks I believe was a toss up job. A distraction. Our gov't is run by a large and
faceless group of staffers. They have secret deals among themselves that are backed by
their principals over fear of the skeletons they we're elected to hide.

To me all this taking sides and nattering about 1/2 truths and mostly paritsan talking points is just buying into the idea that there is a chioce for us at this level.

I been sheep dipped on both sides in my life and now I know, that for those that want to
be told what to think, there is plenty of slogan and jingoism to go around.

This divisivness is what we do and how we do it in this country.
But, I don't take sides. I don't know the real score. Don't have even
a moderate level of security clearance.

Politics is an opiate. You need to be a seller, not a buyer.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Isn't the goal of a parent to create a better life for their children?

I have to disagree with you completely on that.
And even with the estate tax you can take care of your children. But without the estate tax your taking care of your great great great great grandchildren who you're never going to meet. That's not just creating a better life for your children. That's creating a permanent upper class. That family can live off the interest of their ancestors forever.

Do you really think we should have a permanent upper class who never has to work a day in their lives but has all the wealth and power because one of their ancestors made money? That's not capitalism, that's feudalism.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
Well, I'm just saying we don't know anything except what gets into the press-advertizing
machine. And in war time, (perpetual) that is secretly and tightly controlled. Even
wiki-leaks I believe was a toss up job. A distraction. Our gov't is run by a large and
faceless group of staffers. They have secret deals among themselves that are backed by
their principals over fear of the skeletons they we're elected to hide.

To me all this taking sides and nattering about 1/2 truths and mostly paritsan talking points is just buying into the idea that there is a chioce for us at this level.

I been sheep dipped on both sides in my life and now I know, that for those that want to
be told what to think, there is plenty of slogan and jingoism to go around.

This divisivness is what we do and how we do it in this country.
But, I don't take sides. I don't know the real score. Don't have even
a moderate level of security clearance.

Politics is an opiate. You need to be a seller, not a buyer.
That's a lot of criticism for someone who really isn't saying anything.

Dan Kone

Well-Known Member
On December 17, 2010, the President signed the Tax Relief, Unemployment Insurance Reauthorization, and Job Creation Act of 2010 (H.R. 4853, Public Law No: 111-312) into law. This law increased the estate exemption to $5 million and set a top federal estate tax rate of 35%. Unless Congress acts, the top estate tax rate in 2013 and beyond will be 55% plus a 5% surtax on estates between $10 million and $17.184 million. The estate tax exemption amount in 2013 and beyond will be $1 million.
I like what you did there. Much better. You started off with facts at least this time.

How do you figure that removing the lower exemptions on the estate tax = increasing the estate tax to 55%? The cap is 35%. I wish what you were saying is true, but I don't think it is.