Republicans Admit They Will Confirm Obama’s SCOTUS Nominee If They Lose The Election

So if the Senate can't block it, where do you get your information from?

Congress can set the size of the court, but cannot nominate a replacement. Because the vacancy is a result from the death of the justice,..The President holds the upper hand.
There are many tricks for the Senate to try and delay, but they cannot deny because they cannot nominate.

If the guy has no convictions and is responsible,.. He`s in.
This thread is a 1 star for sure. It doesn't even make sense. If Democrats win the election, it won't be Obama's pick.
Odds Hillary will nominate the same exact person are highly unlikely, which makes this thread stupid

Senate Republicans admitted that they are blocking President Obama's Supreme Court nominee as an election tactic. Some Senators admit that they will confirm Obama's Supreme Court pick during the lame duck session if they lose the presidential election in November.

Don't let the door hit ya on your way out. ;)

Senate Republicans admitted that they are blocking President Obama's Supreme Court nominee as an election tactic. Some Senators admit that they will confirm Obama's Supreme Court pick during the lame duck session if they lose the presidential election in November.

Don't let the door hit ya on your way out. ;)

Only republicans could twist themselves up into thinking that denying a president his right under the constitution would somehow not blow up in their face.
What these Republicans are doing is called Obstructing, but what I call it is treason.

I hope the idiot voters remember this when voting for Congress and the Senate.


Problem is, 80% of the voters who vote Republican are going to keep on voting Republican even if they ran Adolph Hitler at the top of the ticket and Joseph Stalin for VP. Anyone who is still voting for that party after all these years is so thoroughly drowned in the Koolaide that nothing will ever change their vote.

So you know Trump is pulling at least 40% of the popular this fall no matter what, just as 40% of the voters will be voting Hillary no matter what. Then there's always that 5% range of people who are true independents, and about another 10 or 15% who are generally straight ticket voters when they do vote, but don't necessarily vote every election because they're not always very motivated. They'll sometimes sit one out if they aren't excited about either candidate, and with the general disgust about both Hillary and Trump, quite a lot of those voters would probably not have bothered this year.

I mean, let's face it - even a lot of us who really are into politics were already practically vomiting into trash cans at the idea of having to choose between one of those two, so you know that a lot of people who aren't very politically motivated probably would have just said, "fuck it. what's on TV that night?" And, a lot of them still will. But this is the sort of issue that is going to pry a lot of those people out of their houses and get them out into the voting booth - however, the question is, how many will be motivated because they are disgusted by what the republicans are doing, or because they support it?

My guess is that it's going to motivate more liberals than conservatives, which should make Hillary's victory an easier one, but more importantly that it will swing several Senate seats to the Blue column. I'm not entirely confident that it will be enough, though - picking up 5 seats out of 24 is going to be tougher than it sounds. Quite a lot of those Republican seats that are contested this year are in solid Red states, and it may be hard. It's going to be one hell of an interesting night in November.
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Only republicans could twist themselves up into thinking that denying a president his right under the constitution would somehow not blow up in their face.

They are not denying Obama any right. He has a right to nominate a candidate.
But if they don't even hold a hearing it is denying that right. That's like saying "You have a right to a fair trail, but we're not going to even give you a trial, but you have that right."

It is part of the separation of powers. It makes it so the president cannot act like a king. It also prevents the senate from running wild, etc.

Most of it is politics which I do not really approve of. However, the counter argument that the people get a vote in it by who they vote for in the election is pretty valid. Shouldnt the citizens get a choice on the influence of the pick?

If you look around here, the Democrats are gonna win anyway.
It is part of the separation of powers. It makes it so the president cannot act like a king. It also prevents the senate from running wild, etc.

Most of it is politics which I do not really approve of. However, the counter argument that the people get a vote in it by who they vote for in the election is pretty valid. Shouldnt the citizens get a choice on the influence of the pick?

If you look around here, the Democrats are gonna win anyway.

Ah okay I see where you're coming from it is a somewhat valid opinion but it actually isn't correct. I don't mean this in a demeaning way but you're not entirely as versed on this as I am (once again I follow politics very heavily, I've worked in politics, and I don't mean that in a demeaning way). The people did get a vote in who they wanted: 2012. Obama is still in office. It is Congress' job to, at the very least, have a hearing. If they say they won't even do that they are shirking on their duty and infringing.
Problem is, 80% of the voters who vote Republican are going to keep on voting Republican even if they ran Adolph Hitler at the top of the ticket and Joseph Stalin for VP. Anyone who is still voting for that party after all these years is so thoroughly drowned in the Koolaide that nothing will ever change their vote.

So you know Trump is pulling at least 40% of the popular this fall no matter what, just as 40% of the voters will be voting Hillary no matter what. Then there's always that 5% range of people who are true independents, and about another 10 or 15% who are generally straight ticket voters when they do vote, but don't necessarily vote every election because they're not always very motivated. They'll sometimes sit one out if they aren't excited about either candidate, and with the general disgust about both Hillary and Trump, quite a lot of those voters would probably not have bothered this year.

I mean, let's face it - even a lot of us who really are into politics were already practically vomiting into trash cans at the idea of having to choose between one of those two, so you know that a lot of people who aren't very politically motivated probably would have just said, "fuck it. what's on TV that night?" And, a lot of them still will. But this is the sort of issue that is going to pry a lot of those people out of their houses and get them out into the voting booth - however, the question is, how many will be motivated because they are disgusted by what the republicans are doing, or because they support it?

My guess is that it's going to motivate more liberals than conservatives, which should make Hillary's victory an easier one, but more importantly that it will swing several Senate seats to the Blue column. I'm not entirely confident that it will be enough, though - picking up 5 seats out of 24 is going to be tougher than it sounds. Quite a lot of those Republican seats that are contested this year are in solid Red states, and it may be hard. It's going to be one hell of an interesting night in November.
Trump wont hit 40% in the general
Trump wont hit 40% in the general

6 months ago, I'd have agreed with you. And you may very well still be right. But the depth and the passion of his support is just shocking to me, and if he gets the nomination, I think he'll pull a solid 40% - maybe 45. A hell of a lot of people who don't ordinarily vote because they've given up on the process are coming out of the woodwork to support this guy. He's consistently hitting 40 nationwide now, and I think that number is actually artificially small because an unusually large number of Trump supporters are too embarrassed to admit they would vote for him. If everyone who genuinely supports Trump had the balls to admit it to a total stranger, I think the poll numbers would be closer to 45%.

We're seeing something unfolding before our eyes that has never happened in this country before. I think that the longer it goes on, the more legitimate Trump will seem in the eyes of a lot of skeptical voters, and the more legitimate he becomes, the more momentum he's going to gather. I still think Hillary wins, but I think it could be excruciatingly close.
Ah okay I see where you're coming from it is a somewhat valid opinion but it actually isn't correct. I don't mean this in a demeaning way but you're not entirely as versed on this as I am (once again I follow politics very heavily, I've worked in politics, and I don't mean that in a demeaning way). The people did get a vote in who they wanted: 2012. Obama is still in office. It is Congress' job to, at the very least, have a hearing. If they say they won't even do that they are shirking on their duty and infringing.

I would say obstructing but that certainly isnt anything new. It is not like Obama has made any effort to work with Congress or the Senate for years.

It is being done for political purposes, I certainly can agree with that as well.
There are many who don't quite understand ...especially nitro Harley that the poll numbers they report are Republican primary numbers, so yes the dumpster looks great but nationally he sucks and is upside down in his favorability numbers, and those numbers will get worst once he goes one on one in debates against Hillary.

He can cancel out on a primary debate, because he's weak in that area he has nothing but when it comes to the general he can't duck out and that's when Hillary will tear him a new asshole.

Trump took on Rosie Odonnell and got the upper hand. If he can handle that dyke then Hillary should be a pushover.