Republicans Admit They Will Confirm Obama’s SCOTUS Nominee If They Lose The Election

You're right, the Republicans should stop obstructing everything, and actually try to accomplish something for the improvement of our society! When The President nominates a SCOTUS candidate, then there should be a vote on that nomination.

This President still has over 10 percent of his term left to serve. The notion that the next President should make the nomination is utterly stupid, and just another bullshit lie by the Repukes. Why would anyone think that a new President is more appropriate than a President that has 7 years of experience?

Only a fucking idiot would believe that line of crap. I guess the Repukes are talking to their base.

Lol. I would tell you who the "fucking idiot"s are but for fear of you putting me on slowdown again.
Certainly a ham-handed play by Mitch but just another means to the same end. Tough hop, leftist cry babies.
Lol. I would tell you who the "fucking idiot"s are but for fear of you putting me on slowdown again.
Certainly a ham-handed play by Mitch but just another means to the same end. Tough hop, leftist cry babies.

wait a second, you want to hold up a supreme court nominee for nearly a whole year, basically three times longer than any other appointment in history, thus we are the crybabies?


obama won election twice,- and you need to deal with it instead of being a racist loser who cries too much.

you are always crying.
wait a second, you want to hold up a supreme court nominee for nearly a whole year, basically three times longer than any other appointment in history, thus we are the crybabies?


obama won election twice,- and you need to deal with it instead of being a racist loser who cries too much.

you are always crying.
Cool. I actually don't have to point out who the "fucking idiot"s are. They just show up.

Unfortunate for the cry babies...this one is out of your "little hands". Suck it up buttercup.
Cool. I actually don't have to point out who the "fucking idiot"s are. They just show up.

Unfortunate for the cry babies...this one is out of your "little hands". Suck it up buttercup.

go ahead and try to hold up a moderate centrist supreme court nominee for three times longer than we have ever seen in the history of this nation.

cry about how you want the people to decide, then cry some more when i remind you that the people already did decide in landslide elections in both 2008 and 2012.

i will sit here and laugh at your tears.
Being upset at the possibility of confirmation post election is just admitting that Obama's choice was a political farce. For once, Obama is transparent and as usual his minions are confused.
Obama should withdraw the nomination when the Democrats win the senate back and the white house. Then Nominate Van Jones or Debbie Wasserman SHultz
I agree but with a twist on the Nominee, it should be Holder. And if Dems take the Senate (which I think they will) they can ram Holder through, oh boy the the GOP (if it's still around, that is) will go absolutely delirious, that will send 'em a big FUCK YOU as he's walking out the door.

Obama has gotten his way so far desite GOP obstruction.

I agree but with a twist on the Nominee, it should be Holder. And if Dems take the Senate (which I think they will) they can ram Holder through, oh boy the the GOP (if it's still around, that is) will go absolutely delirious, that will send 'em a big FUCK YOU as he's walking out the door.

Obama has gotten his way so far desite GOP obstruction.

Being upset at the possibility of confirmation post election is just admitting that Obama's choice was a political farce. For once, Obama is transparent and as usual his minions are confused.

obama chose the guy that many republicans said they wanted.

and by the way, obama is picking a candidate post election. remember when you cried for a months after obama's second landslide victory? he's still president ya know.