Well-Known Member
Talk to Clyde about it ASS WIPE.
is your ignore button broken, closet case?

Talk to Clyde about it ASS WIPE.
It's pretty simple. Obama's unconstitutional circumvention of existing immigration law, i.e. the DREAM executive order, enticed every downtrodden child south of Mexico to head north because "Obama said kids will get citizenship".
not only was that constitutional, it was a republican idea.
and if you think that brought kids up here, then you are as retarded as i would expect a white supremacist to be:
Individuals who request deferred action must have:
- Been under the age of 31 on June 15, 2012
- Arrived to the United States before reaching their 16th birthday
- Continuously resided in the United States from June 15, 2007 (last five years) to the present
- Been physically present in the United States on June 15, 2012, as well as at the time of requesting deferred action from USCIS;
- Entered without inspection before June 15, 2012, or had any lawful immigration status expired on or before June 15, 2012
- Been in school at the time of application, or have already graduated or obtained a certificate of completion from high school, or have obtained a general education development (GED) certificate, or are an honorably discharged veteran of the U.S. Coast Guard or the U.S. Armed Forces
- Not been convicted of a felony, significant misdemeanor, or three or more other misdemeanors, and do not otherwise pose a threat to national security or public safety
wanna take another crack at it? i suggest you go back and cry to your buddies at stormfront about how mean buck is being to you instead. your racist trash ain't welcome here.
Hilarious! You think all the illiterate children in Honduras understand US immigration law.
All they heard was, "if you make it across the border and you're a child, you can stay". This is Obama's man made Katrina, and yet another reason to spank the Democrats in November.
white supremacist logic.
your argument relies on the assumption that all central americans are illiterate and will travel hundreds or thousands of miles at great peril due to hearsay.
you are retarded.
Your counter argument is a pretty good summary of what happened.
Enjoy your Katrina moment, ya' racist prick.
Would it be too much to ask Democrats to express a little remorse and shame for tricking tens of thousands of children to travel thousands of miles to get their Obama phones? There can be little doubt that thousands of them lay in unmarked graves along the rail line of death. Do you have no regrets about that, feel no shame?
You guys have blood soaked hands, not that you give the first fuck about children dieing, it is a plank in the Dem platform after all.
as if a white supremacist like you cares about these kids besides to use them as political props.
I will take that as a "no regrets" from politically motivated slaughter of children. Enjoy your place in hell, ya' worthless excretion.
When your enemy creates a crisis, let him wallow in it till after the mid term elections.
we've already reviewed the idiocy of your white supremacist logic and we've already established that your only interest in these children is to use them as political hay.
we've already reviewed the idiocy of your white supremacist logic and we've already established that your only interest in these children is to use them as political hay.
See you in November, you little bitch.
the results of a national election will not make your white supremacist logic any more valid.
they shouldn't be all piled up upon that town. agreed. unfair to any town.
the US has been fucking with their countries of origin since the Monroe administration. we set up murderers as presidents, and trained their death squads.
See you in November, you little bitch.