Republicans Have A Big New Plan To Solve The Border Crisis

El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Columbia, and others have received "counter-terrorism" training from the US. the death squads became criminal gangs, once the politics settled down. we created an army of killers. MEN take responsibility for their mistakes; so should nations.
so you're blaming obama for this? care to spell out that logic for us?

Yes, Obama is totally to blame. He ignored an invitation to check out the border with Texas Governor Rick Perry and chose instead to do ANOTHER fund raiser. He doesn't give a shit about border security, doesn't give shit about this country and if you think these are harmless kids dumbing down our country you're an ignorant fool. Many of those breaking into our house (U.S.) are gang members, some carry diseases like TB. They are supposed to register after being caught, most are not. They are a drain to America bringing nothing but trouble and grief, financial and otherwise.

Royal case of FUBAR - fucked up beyond all recognition.

Also, your hatred for others manifested behind a cloak of constantly playing the race card and race baiting is sick. Get some counseling need it. Politics is not about race. It's about principles. Perhaps some day you'll find you some.

El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Columbia, and others have received "counter-terrorism" training from the US. the death squads became criminal gangs, once the politics settled down. we created an army of killers. MEN take responsibility for their mistakes; so should nations.

And where does that leave Eric Holder who ran guns for the drug cartels?
Would it be too much to ask Democrats to express a little remorse and shame for tricking tens of thousands of children to travel thousands of miles to get their Obama phones? There can be little doubt that thousands of them lay in unmarked graves along the rail line of death. Do you have no regrets about that, feel no shame?

You guys have blood soaked hands, not that you give the first fuck about children dieing, it is a plank in the Dem platform after all.
They've been finding dead young women and girls in the desert, raped and murdered by coyotes. apparently.
National boot in the ass day the 4th of november. It will be like a Harry Reid bitch slap. It will be the best day this nation has had for six years.
I think you underestimate the number of those looking for someone else to provide for them.
if this is a "crisis", then why is boehner not doing anything until AFTER the august recess?

: a difficult or dangerous situation that needs serious attention

There is a crisis created by the cartels and corrupt politicians that forces people to seek a better life in the US. Naturally the southern border cops the worst of it and innocent Mexicans and Americans are caught up. Mexican drugs are flooding US markets and when some cartel players are caught they don't face a custodial sentence in the US but are instead deported to start the process all over again. Killing off the drug cartels will go along ways to securing the border - the US isn't apprehensive about kinetic military action abroad, this would be a perfect opportunity for target practice.
They've been finding dead young women and girls in the desert, raped and murdered by coyotes. apparently.

There have been mass graves but never heard of a coyote raping anyone. Most die of hunger, thirst or heat related issues.

The damage they do the property of ranchers and farmers in the south Texas area, border Arizona and New Mexico is incredible. After all, they are criminals and have and will always embrace the latino attitude of "fuck you, hurray for me".

I have quite a collection living across from me. They disturb the neighbors, our right to peace on our land, with their super loud live conjunto bands, leave dead pets around as my neighbors smell the stench, (an animal is a possession, not a life long committment and friend), hang laundry on the fence, have 20 fuckin' rust buckets parked on dry dirt around the trailers and one house, dozens of brats running around in diapers, just plain filthy.

I'll never understand the latino culture.
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There is a crisis created by the cartels and corrupt politicians that forces people to seek a better life in the US. Naturally the southern border cops the worst of it and innocent Mexicans and Americans are caught up. Mexican drugs are flooding US markets and when some cartel players are caught they don't face a custodial sentence in the US but are instead deported to start the process all over again. Killing off the drug cartels will go along ways to securing the border - the US isn't apprehensive about kinetic military action abroad, this would be a perfect opportunity for target practice.


Here Obama is ready to ask Congress for billions, gawd knows for what, the fuckin' wimp.

In his (excellent) "Things that Matter" book, Charles Krauthammer explained a simple and cheap solution of physically keeping them out, of securing the border - install 2 tall walls separated by 60' of ground space along the entire border. The corridor could be monitored by running vehicles up and down and of course monitored electronically. Simple and reasonable. BUT, CK is an intellectual, a real problem solver not a politician. He offers realsolutions like most conservatives.

The party of "no"? Media hype, scapegoat talk. Yes, if the liberal proposal stinks then the come back must be "no". Liberals like Obama, Reid, Pelosi and the bunch "have to pass it so we can see what's in it" solutions. They are ineffective, lame.
There have been mass graves but never heard of a coyote raping anyone. Most die of hunger, thirst or heat related issues.

The damage they do the property of ranchers and farmers in the south Texas area, border Arizona and New Mexico is incredible. After all, they are criminals and have and will always embrace the latino attitude of "fuck you, hurray for me".

I have quite a collection living across from me. They disturb the neighbors, our right to peace on our land, with their super loud live conjunto bands, leave dead pets around as my neighbors smell the stench, (an animal is a possession, not a life long committment and friend), hang laundry on the fence, have 20 fuckin' rust buckets parked on dry dirt around the trailers and one house, dozens of brats running around in diapers, just plain filthy.

I'll never understand the latino culture.
They are raped, robbed, and abandoned. The desert then finishes many of them off. Many women have reported they were raped on the way here. Those were the lucky ones, they survived.
I thought I would be safe in Tx for awhile and we would be 1 of the last to fall...but I was wrong. I think they are going for us 1st b/c they know we are not gonna give up the guns and we gonna fight. They are doing a damn good job of destroying Tx as we speak. MS13 is every where as I have been saying for thr last 3 yrs.This didn't just start it just got exposed.. its been going on.Hell I aint been able to go to the border for 3 yrs.

The border has been taken down and the UN is calling the shots...its totally illegal against the constitution and an act of war.

Welcome to the North American Union and the NWO my fellow slaves.

Border Patrol Agents: U.N. Taking Control of America’s Southern Border

July 24, 2014

Two anonymous Border Patrol agents reportedly told radio host Dave Hodges that under the pretense of labeling illegal aliens “refugees,” the United Nations is “calling the shots” on America’s border operations and the U.N. is deciding which immigrants to ship to various parts of the U.S.

One of the agents said U.N. personnel are already present at various detention facilities in the American Southwest, according to Hodges, and are working with Homeland Security agents in “gathering MS-13 gangsters, captured from different roundups, patch worked together as a group and then shipped together to various locations on the perimeter of the United States.”

“I objected to admitting MS-13 gangsters into the U.S. and I was told that we have our orders to treat them like anyone else,” the other agent told Hodges.

Hodges says that he asked one of the agents how they knew the immigrants were MS-13 and he told him they could tell “by the tattoos.”

“He recounted the fact that MS-13 operatives will have a tattoo with tears on their face which represents a person that they have murdered in the commission of their drug related duties,” Hodges reported. “He said he processed an MS-13 member who had nine tears on his face and he was told to process him as an ‘unaccompanied juvenile refugee.’”

And police officers are already encountering these gang members, such as the La Grulla, Texas, officer who pulled over a vehicle last week carrying an aggressive MS-13 member.

“Once I asked him to lift up his shirt, that’s where I observed he had MS-13 tattooed on his chest and his back,” the officer stated. “Those are really dangerous subjects.”

The U.N., however, has already announced its intent to broadly designate illegal aliens, including MS-13 members from Central America, as “refugees.”
Yes, Obama is totally to blame. He ignored an invitation to check out the border with Texas Governor Rick Perry and chose instead to do ANOTHER fund raiser.

so somehow that action caused kids to come here retroactively? or did the kids show up knowing that that future action would occur?

do these kids have ESP or something?

Politics is not about race.

then why do you make it about race?
...the latino attitude of "fuck you, hurray for me".

I have quite a collection living across from me. They disturb the neighbors, our right to peace on our land, with their super loud live conjunto bands, leave dead pets around as my neighbors smell the stench, (an animal is a possession, not a life long committment and friend), hang laundry on the fence, have 20 fuckin' rust buckets parked on dry dirt around the trailers and one house, dozens of brats running around in diapers, just plain filthy.

I'll never understand the latino culture.

totally not about race at all.

totally not about race at all.


noun: prejudice; plural noun: prejudices
preconceived opinion that is not based on reason or actual experience.

I have no preconceived opinions. My opinions are based on actual experience and reason.

Hope that helps, numbnuts.
People like you give good reason to be's earned.

if it's earned, it's not prejudiced.

prejudice is preconceived and not based on experience.

might want to learn how to speak english before they start asking for your papers, uncle benis.
if it's earned, it's not prejudiced.

prejudice is preconceived and not based on experience.

might want to learn how to speak english before they start asking for your papers, uncle benis.

Might wanna wait a minute while I edit my post to jump in. You must be bored, and of course not working as usual.

I just sold wine grapes and made some money.....made good people happy from the produce of my labors. Continues for the next 2 weeks. What have you done today other than piss off your time on Troll-it-Up, Uncle Fuckup?

I can assume you're also a Facebook junkie...posing as someone other than what you are in real life, making up shit as you go along. Am I not right?