republicans shut down planned parenthood, are rewarded with HIV outbreak

Indiana stops public money granted to Planned Parenthood from passing out free needles and HIV testing to IV drug using junkies.

Junkies get HIV and die.

What`s the problem ?
The problem? Are you so fucking blind that you can't see the obvious?!?!

The problem, sir, is we need a meat wagon to collect the bodies.

that should play well in the GOP debates.
To treat them and handout free stuff requires the use of Tax dollars. Don`t worry about your addiction, you can be treated free, is not my approval.

Having to be cared for because of situations out of your control I can see.

Everyone knows about the birds and the bees so don`t cry about it later.

the only reason in HIV outbreak doesn't worry you is because your flaccid wiener is incapable of intercourse, and no one would have sex with you even if that wasn't such a problem for you. you are completely unloved, so no one you know or love is having intercourse either.

the rest of us, however, do not share in your level of misery or loneliness, so HIV outbreaks do concern us.
Seriously, some dipshit willing to stick a needle in their arm to get fucked up is human garbage.

Fuck them all.

i honestly hope your wife cheats on you with one of these junkies and brings it home to you.

we'll see if you're still being a homicidal shitbag then.
We would have to ask Laura Basset from the Huffington post, she claimed that 4 Planned Parenthood facilities did testing for AIDS.

HIV testing is a normal test these days so are VD's..part of your cbc and blood panel..look on your paperwork next time you need to get blood's all on there..FTW it's HIV not AIDS testing.
HIV testing is a normal test these days so are VD's..part of your cbc and blood panel..look on your paperwork next time you need to get blood's all on there..FTW it's HIV not AIDS testing.

They only look for what`s checked off. Still the story is relating the problem of illegal junkies to these closings.
You must be a special kind of nit-wit. What costs more? The state paying to care for a child for 18 years or a condom?
What costs more? The state putting someone on medicaid and treating them for hepititis and aids for X amount of years or a free needle?
Seriously..WAKE THE FUCK UP!

Everybody know the birds and bees? How's do people know unless they're taught?
The conservative plan...Teach kids abstinance only AND on top of that make birth control and disease prevention unavailable and hopefully those kids will figure it out themselves and if you get pregnant or contract a terminal disease well then fuuuuck you, this is 'murica!!

Why does the State have to pay for the child`s up-brining ?
The needle. Why does the State have to put them on Medicaid ?

So parenting goes right out the window in favor of subsidies ? You do know that the key to a child`s success is in the parenting, Right ?