republicans shut down planned parenthood, are rewarded with HIV outbreak

Pretty sad thinking on a drug forum .

I have zero problem with drug use. All drugs should be legal.

What I have a problem with, is people taking risks with potentially dangerous and/or addictive drugs, and then dumping the costs of their addiction on society after they done fucked up.
I have zero problem with drug use. All drugs should be legal.

What I have a problem with, is people taking risks with potentially dangerous and/or addictive drugs, and then dumping the costs of their addiction on society after they done fucked up.

Again i agree but we have people who dump the burden on the taxpayers & public in general , yes its shitty but do we keep going the way we are now where we know , beyond a shadow of a doubt that 1970's drug laws do not work , not in prevention nor in treatment of the problem .

How many times are we gonna piss on the toilet seat before we figure out a better way & lift the seat up .
Again i agree but we have people who dump the burden on the taxpayers & public in general , yes its shitty but do we keep going the way we are now where we know , beyond a shadow of a doubt that 1970's drug laws do not work , not in prevention nor in treatment of the problem .

How many times are we gonna piss on the toilet seat before we figure out a better way & lift the seat up .

History teaches us that man learns nothing from history.
Subsidizing their upbringing usually leads to abuse of the funds, ask your parents dipshit. You not only want to fund it but actually do nothing to stop the abuse of monies. Two of the biggest problems with the SNAP program are fraud and ID theft.


Obama was taken out of his Natural upbringing and grew up fatherless, he`s now the most powerful man in the States....Dipshit.

I bet he would have been a great fisherman had he grew up at home. Dipshit.

Your concern for the loss of tax dollars is commendable. I'm sure, the needle manufactures will find a way along with management, to swindle millions.

But seriously, if that is your cause (tax dollars), you should direct your energies to find out where the head of the pentagon is putting all that money. You should be livid! I know i am.

88 Billion unaccounted for in 2001, no Audits since so possibly 1.23TRILLION.

But Helping Junkies return to Society are going to put us in the poor house.:wall:

Hey look....>>>>>>> Squirrel!!!
Why does the State have to pay for the child`s up-brining ?
The needle. Why does the State have to put them on Medicaid ?

So parenting goes right out the window in favor of subsidies ? You do know that the key to a child`s success is in the parenting, Right ?

it's unfortunate what role religion plays in all this.

it now costs $250k to raise a child from birth to 18.

so your saying is that it makes more sense to support that child rather than give out free needle and condoms?

aren't you for low taxes? that doesn't make any fiscal sense..and this is all about making sense, right?
Your concern for the loss of tax dollars is commendable. I'm sure, the needle manufactures will find a way along with management, to swindle millions.

But seriously, if that is your cause (tax dollars), you should direct your energies to find out where the head of the pentagon is putting all that money. You should be livid! I know i am.

88 Billion unaccounted for in 2001, no Audits since so possibly 1.23TRILLION.

But Helping Junkies return to Society are going to put us in the poor house.:wall:

Hey look....>>>>>>> Squirrel!!!

what a good laugh! you totally pegged it! thank you! +rep:lol::clap:
Old news, to bad the huf po has to make propaganda out of it, It makes you look dumber even yet to post bull shit from that commie news source.
The aids out break isn't due to shutting down a plan parent hood center, It comes from all the illegal aliens peddling heroin and meth.
These ass holes are giving it to one another by sharing dirty needles and butt burglaring one another,
Who fucking cares one less piece of garbage in America.If we get lucky all the hard core drug users pushing needles into their own arms will get it along with anyone stupid enough to have sex with them,
Hey but blame someone else because obamao lets 30 million illegal aliens run into the country with fucking heroin and meth,
But hey,,its the republicans fault right, They closed down a planned parenthood,
Are all you fuckers mentally retarded?

That's funny. All the heroin, crack, and opiate addicts I know are white.
From my experience Latinos like coke, Not love though because it's cheap and easy to fuck your life up and the examples are easy to see in South America. Coke in SA isn't a rich person's drug.

Ecstasy and hallucinogens are harder to get and clubs are expensive so that stuff has more appeal due to rarity.

White people