republicans tutored on how to talk to black people

Google revealed nothing about that question. I did find a lot of scholarly work done supporting the validity and reliability of iq tests.

I did find a lot of papers attempting to explain away the reason African Americans continue to do poorly on these tests.

I couple that fact with the observation that no society that is made up of primarily black citizens is prosperous. In fact, most seem to be regressing instead of progressing.

I just really cannot find any evidence at all that indicates blacks and other races are on a level playing field when it comes to intelligence.

Even if that question was presented the way you say, which I doubt, there are other sections of the test which are independently scored. Such as the spatial cognitive sections. It just consists of shapes. You could give it to a person from the stone age who has never even seen an alphabet! Yet for some reason, blacks reliably score lower on these sections than whites.

Maybe they need a slam dunk section on the test.
he even tried to justify and rationalize it as taking his inheritance a bit early.

A tongue in cheek comment.

@ abandon: Yes, I stole some things of cash value, nothing of sentimental value. If you are ever fortunate enough to develop a strong opioid dependency I'm sure you will do some things that are out of character as well. Being an addict isn't an excuse that makes it better, it's just the reason it happened. That shit fucks with your brain so hard that after you've spent every dime you had in savings, then took out a $10,000 dollar student loan, and blew it on dope within 3 months, you would still sit and argue that 'you don't have a problem' with someone. Amazing what that shit can do to you.

I tell my story at places in public when asked, because until that point I was successful in life. I had to have knee surgery and some complications arose. I was in lots of pain for a fair amount of time, given large amounts of drugs, and when the knee was all better I was left with a dependency, no prescription, and no medical advice on what might happen to me, a safe ways to deal with it, or really any indication on what changes that 'medicine' had made in my mind.

Look down on me if you want, but I wouldn't wish what happened to me on my worst enemy.

I am, however, not ashamed to speak about it, of the deeds I did, yes, but if spreading the word about it can prevent one person from naively taking their prescription as directed for 3 months, then it will be worth it. Because it's not that far from the dr and pharmacy to the dope man's house and addiction.
A tongue in cheek comment.

@ abandon: Yes, I stole some things of cash value, nothing of sentimental value. If you are ever fortunate enough to develop a strong opioid dependency I'm sure you will do some things that are out of character as well. Being an addict isn't an excuse that makes it better, it's just the reason it happened. That shit fucks with your brain so hard that after you've spent every dime you had in savings, then took out a $10,000 dollar student loan, and blew it on dope within 3 months, you would still sit and argue that 'you don't have a problem' with someone. Amazing what that shit can do to you.

I tell my story at places in public when asked, because until that point I was successful in life. I had to have knee surgery and some complications arose. I was in lots of pain for a fair amount of time, given large amounts of drugs, and when the knee was all better I was left with a dependency, no prescription, and no medical advice on what might happen to me, a safe ways to deal with it, or really any indication on what changes that 'medicine' had made in my mind.

Look down on me if you want, but I wouldn't wish what happened to me on my worst enemy.

I am, however, not ashamed to speak about it, of the deeds I did, yes, but if spreading the word about it can prevent one person from naively taking their prescription as directed for 3 months, then it will be worth it. Because it's not that far from the dr and pharmacy to the dope man's house and addiction.

Did you ever suck dick for a dose?
are you referring to how an avatar of a sock is racist, and how you were completely wrong about my reasons for going to california?

i figured i would spare you the embarrassment of having to go over that too much.

No bro you know exactly what I am talking about. I will say it again here and every time you try and dodge it.

You profit from selling produce on the black market, thereby implementing, embracing and profiting by using right wing free market Austrian economic principles.

All the while denouncing them for you opposing ideology.....its called having your cake and eating it too, makes you a supreme douche with zero credibility in the Politic threads you troll so much.
A tongue in cheek comment.

@ abandon: Yes, I stole some things of cash value, nothing of sentimental value. If you are ever fortunate enough to develop a strong opioid dependency I'm sure you will do some things that are out of character as well. Being an addict isn't an excuse that makes it better, it's just the reason it happened. That shit fucks with your brain so hard that after you've spent every dime you had in savings, then took out a $10,000 dollar student loan, and blew it on dope within 3 months, you would still sit and argue that 'you don't have a problem' with someone. Amazing what that shit can do to you.

I tell my story at places in public when asked, because until that point I was successful in life. I had to have knee surgery and some complications arose. I was in lots of pain for a fair amount of time, given large amounts of drugs, and when the knee was all better I was left with a dependency, no prescription, and no medical advice on what might happen to me, a safe ways to deal with it, or really any indication on what changes that 'medicine' had made in my mind.

Look down on me if you want, but I wouldn't wish what happened to me on my worst enemy.

I am, however, not ashamed to speak about it, of the deeds I did, yes, but if spreading the word about it can prevent one person from naively taking their prescription as directed for 3 months, then it will be worth it. Because it's not that far from the dr and pharmacy to the dope man's house and addiction.

You know I reckon this is why Kurt Cobain was so addicted do hard drugs, he had serious stomach problems that wouldn't go away (I think it was stomach anyway), It may be one of the reason he shot himself.
The cause is exceedingly relevant because only by understanding it can one formulate an effective response.
If your community were oppressed into poor performance numbers and then told to leave because of them, would you accept that as the majority's wise counsel?

Or would you crusade to redress the cause of the oppression, so that your community and the larger one without both benefit?

Which is the winning solution? I know which one I would choose. The "not being burned in your bed by the wrathful grandchildren of the wronged" thing is pure bonus if you ask me.

I think were saying the same thing... At least that is simiar to my feelings. I don't want to force blacks out of the country, I have repeatedly said this, yet there you are giving a hypothetical where a group is asked to leave.

I have no wish to keep them down, and I respect any black man that supports his family just as much as anyone else for the same conduct.

I think I even said we must accept that they are here and move on, affording them the same rights and privileges as anyone.

Really, I don't understand why you all think I hate blacks.
I think were saying the same thing... At least that is simiar to my feelings. I don't want to force blacks out of the country, I have repeatedly said this, yet there you are giving a hypothetical where a group is asked to leave.

I have no wish to keep them down, and I respect any black man that supports his family just as much as anyone else for the same conduct.

I think I even said we must accept that they are here and move on, affording them the same rights and privileges as anyone.

Really, I don't understand why you all think I hate blacks.

Because it is easy to read the following sentiment as genocidal intent: remove the "problem". It smacks of die Judenfrage. I recommend using language that doesn't appear like sly incitement, assuming that to be contrary to your aim.

The problem exists, its cause is irrelevant. There is still a population that is a drain on the country. The country is better off without the problem, wouldn't you agree?
Did you ever suck dick for a dose?

I had a gay drug dealer, and the insinuation was made (by him). I never took him up on it. Oddly enough the first sign (for myself) that I 'might' have a problem was one night I took a hunting knife into his house with me, with the intent to kill him and take his money and drugs. There I stood, behind him while he sat in his chair, back turned to me. I had my knife in my pocket, hand on the handle. I was just a few nerve impulses and 2 seconds away from plunging a 5 inch blade into his neck. My heart was pounding. And suddenly it was as if I felt a voice... This isn't me. I was no more than 30 seconds away from committing murder. I had already bought some. So I said by and left.

I sort of felt like Abraham when god sparred him from sacrificing Isaac.
Because it is easy to read the following sentiment as genocidal intent: remove the "problem". It smacks of die Judenfrage. I recommend using language that doesn't appear like sly incitement, assuming that to be contrary to your aim.

I see your point. But if not a problem, what then?

Even assuming your hypothesis is correct, would America not be better off if there was not a race within it that the white majority did not systematically repress, even if on a sub-conscious level that has resulted in that race committing crimes and being incarcerated at astronomical rates?
I saw a homeless guy the other night while out with friends and decided to go give him $10. One of my friends spoke up and suggested I shouldn't "because he will just buy dope". I replied, "well at least tonight he won't have to suck any cocks or commit any crimes for his dope".
You do hear me say often that the average white person is more intelligent than the average black person.

Only because blacks score lower than 75% of the whites on IQ tests.

But its cause they were slaves 200 years ago. Evolved from productive workers, into entitled leaches. Its whiteys fault they haven't amounted to anything. White people made black peope stupid.

It's a shame, really.
Only because blacks score lower than 75% of the whites on IQ tests.

But its cause they were slaves 200 years ago. Evolved from productive workers, into entitled leaches. Its whiteys fault they haven't amounted to anything. White people made black peope stupid.

It's a shame, really.

You know in a strange way you right, thought provoking comment, nice.
Only because blacks score lower than 75% of the whites on IQ tests.

But its cause they were slaves 200 years ago. Evolved from productive workers, into entitled leaches. Its whiteys fault they haven't amounted to anything. White people made black peope stupid.

It's a shame, really.

What's your excuse?
Only because blacks score lower than 75% of the whites on IQ tests.

But its cause they were slaves 200 years ago. Evolved from productive workers, into entitled leaches. Its whiteys fault they haven't amounted to anything. White people made black peope stupid.

It's a shame, really.

I don't think 100 to 200 years of whites having SOME control over the breeding of blacks can overcome the fact that 6000 years ago God and Jesus made a certain group of people who were just less intelligent.
I saw a homeless guy the other night while out with friends and decided to go give him $10. One of my friends spoke up and suggested I shouldn't "because he will just buy dope". I replied, "well at least tonight he won't have to suck any cocks or commit any crimes for his dope".

This made me laugh. And good for you.

There isn't anyone I hung out with while I was "out there" that didn't want to not be doing what they were doing. I just don't think anyone who hasn't been there can comprehend how powerful that addiction is. It takes extraordinary strength to go one day without using when you have been using daily for any length of time.