republicans tutored on how to talk to black people

In that case, can I count on your support to remove suppressors from the hands of all civilians? These guys are real bastards about exercising special privilege.

If not, then fer grief's sake allow the rest of us to, say, plink ground squirrels in a neighborly manner. i'd like that.


can those civilians not call the military if need be? i bet they can, so your usual fallback is moot.

besides, that usual fallback of yours is just a clever restatement of the notion that you can fight off the military. you can't.

that may have been among the original intents of the second, but it isn't anymore.
It's fecking super simple to make a suppressor out of nothing more than an oil filter and a threaded adapter. So simple Cheezy could make the adapter in a heart beat. Instead of spending $300 to buy one, just do the paperwork and pay the fees. It isn't the greatest silencer, but its cuts the noise by a huge amount, but big and heavy and cumbersome, especially on the end of a smaller pistol like a small Glock or god forbid on the end of a browning 1911 .22.

If you need something awesome though, you need a Dakota Silencers Varminter 2.0 for .308/.223 made in Titanium. About $1,000 for it. When you go hunting and miss your prey, it won't even know you shot at it and won't run away.
I also have one of their whole barrel silencers for a Ruger 10/22 of mine. The only sound you can hear is the bolt moving back and forth, a hamster fart is louder. The silencer cost 5 times what the rifle did.
can those civilians not call the military if need be? i bet they can, so your usual fallback is moot.

besides, that usual fallback of yours is just a clever restatement of the notion that you can fight off the military. you can't.

that may have been among the original intents of the second, but it isn't anymore.

They can call the military, the military will tell them to fuck off. The military isn't allowed to conduct operations against united states citizens.
I come equiped with an emotion supressor which turns on or off when I want. Your liberal mind games don't work on me.

liberal mind games?

how often do conservatives present emotion laden pleas about people who wouldn't be alive if not for their gun?

i come equipped with a bullshit detector which never turns off, your right wing stereotypes don't work on me.
can those civilians not call the military if need be? i bet they can, so your usual fallback is moot.

besides, that usual fallback of yours is just a clever restatement of the notion that you can fight off the military. you can't.

that may have been among the original intents of the second, but it isn't anymore.

Want to test your statement, do-gooder? Those southern hill billies you make fun of don't fuck around. If martial law is ordered most in the military would shoot those who support that order. I hope you're real good with an axe.
Some people believe that military and police will have no problem mowing down their neighbors and relatives as long as they are ordered to do so, because you know, that whole Nuremberg thing worked out so well last time.
liberal mind games?

how often do conservatives present emotion laden pleas about people who wouldn't be alive if not for their gun?

i come equipped with a bullshit detector which never turns off, your right wing stereotypes don't work on me.

I'm not right wing, I'm mid-north wing, ie classical liberal. Look up John Locke. I make no emotional pleas. The only plea is from the evil doer before I shoot his ass dead for trying to hurt me or my family. Your bullshit dector apparently doesn't detect your own.
They can call the military, the military will tell them to fuck off. The military isn't allowed to conduct operations against united states citizens.

yeah, i totally just imagined the national guard being called in boston a few months back.

you are right, as always.
yeah, i totally just imagined the national guard being called in boston a few months back.

you are right, as always.
They can do certain things. They can return fire if fired upon probably.

But they cannot conduct offensive operations against citizens even when they hijack a tank and drive it down the interstate. Cops had to take it out. Military refused an air strike.
They can do certain things. They can return fire if fired upon probably.

But they cannot conduct offensive operations against citizens even when they hijack a tank and drive it down the interstate. Cops had to take it out. Military refused an air strike.

national guard is part of the military, dumbass.
By many but not by all. Children and the legally barred (arrest or psych record, for instance) nope.
In some States, it's the exception and not the rule to be allowed to get a firearm. Check out Hawai'i. More restrictive than most European countries!
In other States, it varies by locale. Upstate NY or MA, some allowances. Boston or NYC ... nice try.
Remember that you initially said anyone. Patently false.

As for "well-regulated" v. "regulated" ... on such fine points does all jurisprudence hinge. In other words, that shit matters.

I'm not talking about the legalities, I'm talking about unfettered access to firearms and ammunition in the home and black market/street. And, Yes even convicted felons can buy a gun via private sale at a gun show.

Again, well regulated vs regulated is not the issue. If citizens don't care enough to vote in a time of peace, they ain't picking up a weapon in a time of war. Nothing you say will convince me otherwise.
can those civilians not call the military if need be? i bet they can, so your usual fallback is moot.

besides, that usual fallback of yours is just a clever restatement of the notion that you can fight off the military. you can't.

that may have been among the original intents of the second, but it isn't anymore.

No. It is not. The police are not military. They are civilians.