republicans tutored on how to talk to black people

ya know, the whole getting away with murder thing. or at least making it much easier.

What numbers do you bring? I was unaware that suppressors were any sort of public threat. They weren't always restricted; did their restriction lead to a significant drop in shootings? My admittedly vague memory of this issue says No. I don't think there is a "public safety aspect" here beyond an attempt to make suppressors sound (!) Scary.
Anyone can get a gun in the States.
This is patently false.
That in and of itself is a negative public safety aspect. Now add to that mix all the untrained morons.

I understand the whole regulated militia thing is an aspect, but please half the country won't vote, let alone fight.

The term is "well-regulated" and it translates to modern usage as "competent at hitting the target". It has nowt to do with being regulated in the current sense.
What numbers do you bring? I was unaware that suppressors were any sort of public threat. They weren't always restricted; did their restriction lead to a significant drop in shootings? My admittedly vague memory of this issue says No. I don't think there is a "public safety aspect" here beyond an attempt to make suppressors sound (!) Scary.

are you saying that suppressors don't make murders less detectable?
This is patently false.

Legally or otherwise - it is not hard to acquire a firearm in the US. That is a fact. If it were not, you would not be experiencing mass shootings on almost a monthly basis.

The term is "well-regulated" and it translates to modern usage as "competent at hitting the target". It has nowt to do with being regulated in the current sense.

Sorry bro but this one made me LOL... My statements stands.
Anyone can get a gun anywhere....they are called criminals for a reason.

Half the country won't vote but I bet 98 percent will shoot back at you....except buck he likes to work harder he will axe you if you shoot .
Legally or otherwise - it is not hard to acquire a firearm in the US. That is a fact. If it were not, you would not be experiencing mass shootings on almost a monthly basis.

Sorry bro but this one made me LOL... My statements stands.

By many but not by all. Children and the legally barred (arrest or psych record, for instance) nope.
In some States, it's the exception and not the rule to be allowed to get a firearm. Check out Hawai'i. More restrictive than most European countries!
In other States, it varies by locale. Upstate NY or MA, some allowances. Boston or NYC ... nice try.
Remember that you initially said anyone. Patently false.

As for "well-regulated" v. "regulated" ... on such fine points does all jurisprudence hinge. In other words, that shit matters.
I am saying: which murders?
More liberally: which shootings?
A public safety aspect requires there to be a real, not hypothetical issue. Jmo.

any murder or shooting X such that X > 0, and i'm gonna posit that X does exist.

because there's no reason for a suppressor, even twostrokenut's delicate ears, that justifies even one more murder or shooting (that applies whether the shooter/murderer was simply emboldened enough by the suppressor and still got caught, or if they were gonna do it anyway and the suppressor just made their job easier).
By many but not by all. Children and the legally barred (arrest or psych record, for instance) nope.
In some States, it's the exception and not the rule to be allowed to get a firearm. Check out Hawai'i. More restrictive than most European countries!
In other States, it varies by locale. Upstate NY or MA, some allowances. Boston or NYC ... nice try.
Remember that you initially said anyone. Patently false.

As for "well-regulated" v. "regulated" ... on such fine points does all jurisprudence hinge. In other words, that shit matters.

in iowa, even blind people can own guns.

and there's no beach around.
any murder or shooting X such that X > 0, and i'm gonna posit that X does exist.

because there's no reason for a suppressor, even twostrokenut's delicate ears, that justifies even one more murder or shooting (that applies whether the shooter/murderer was simply emboldened enough by the suppressor and still got caught, or if they were gonna do it anyway and the suppressor just made their job easier).

In that case, can I count on your support to remove suppressors from the hands of all civilians? These guys are real bastards about exercising special privilege.

If not, then fer grief's sake allow the rest of us to, say, plink ground squirrels in a neighborly manner. i'd like that.

Legally or otherwise - it is not hard to acquire a firearm in the US. That is a fact. If it were not, you would not be experiencing mass shootings on almost a monthly basis.

Mass shootings been happening for over a hundred years now, the Media just didn't glorify it like they do today. Remember when the Media used to report on things like war? I never hear anything about any of the many wars we are involved in. nothing, except for the vets who come back and kill themselves.

one small school in Colorado made shooting your school mates glamorous and now it has become a competition amongst the over medicated as to who can get the highest kill rate before they off themselves.
Supressors are legit. The hot expanding gassed coming out of the end of the barrel have a rocket effect. This makes guns much more dangerous. A gun without a supressor decreases accuracy which increases the likelihood of collateral damage.

They are easy enough to make. The baffles inside the canister being the hardest part to make. Cash at a machine shop solves the problem, though.

Supressors are not a magic bullet, no pun.

They reduce from 160 db to 130-140 depending on the quality.

They are essential for predator and dangerous game hunting. The baffles forces some of the gas back on itself, negating the rocket effect, gatly reducing recoil, and the rise associated with the typical levar affect of the typical rifle shape. This enables the shooter to get off a second and accurately fired at a charging bear or moose. The suppression of the flash allows predators to not be able to locate the shot, so the predator does not know what to run away from. This is particularly true when bird hunting.

Also, if you can hear a shot without a supressor, chances are you could hear it if one were in use.

Law enforcement rarely needs to conceal their position, or hide their numbers. They rely on their numbers for intimidation. LE actually has little use for a supressor, the civilian has many.
View attachment 2932600

That reading is a plus, not minus at SPL

Way too loud that crowd will never catch dinner....most likely they will have to purchase dinner.....and 12 dollar beers.....long as they obey I bet they will be allowed to continue doing so.

That crowd also seems to have a higher capacity for murder if they were allowed to be silent or use polite volume so it seems they must be regulated to maintain that noise level at all times to keep us all safe and cozy.
any murder or shooting X such that X > 0, and i'm gonna posit that X does exist.

because there's no reason for a suppressor, even twostrokenut's delicate ears, that justifies even one more murder or shooting (that applies whether the shooter/murderer was simply emboldened enough by the suppressor and still got caught, or if they were gonna do it anyway and the suppressor just made their job easier).

I come equiped with an emotion supressor which turns on or off when I want. Your liberal mind games don't work on me.