Canna Sylvan
Well-Known Member
Reminds me of Hamiltion Fish, the first time he went to kill someone he couldn't do it
Note to self, don't troll Bushy.
Reminds me of Hamiltion Fish, the first time he went to kill someone he couldn't do it
No, I was born with a thirst for knowledge.
As long as it doesn't involve reading the warning labels on those pills you were/are addicted to, or those totally boring slavery textbooks.
In fact, recently I have had an interest in the high and late middle ages, and have been reading the wiki-bio's of the royalty and upper nobility of England, France, Iberia, the Holy Roman Empire and important crusaders.
As a scholar, you should know, there are sources beyond wiki.
They have interest that lead them elsewhere, the manufacture and distribution of crack cocaine, learning how to unlock and crank a vehicle without the keys, and how to evade police.
Just like your own interest led you to find the best way to steal from your parents and the local Walmart.
Yes, I stole some things of cash value, nothing of sentimental value.
Does that distinction, somehow make stealing from mom and dad less abhorrent?
Oddly enough the first sign (for myself) that I 'might' have a problem was one night I took a hunting knife into his house with me, with the intent to kill him and take his money and drugs.
Losing everything you had and becoming a thief really should have tipped someone of your intellect off way before the whole premeditated murder thing.
There I stood, behind him while he sat in his chair, back turned to me. I had my knife in my pocket, hand on the handle. I was just a few nerve impulses and 2 seconds away from plunging a 5 inch blade into his neck. My heart was pounding. And suddenly it was as if I felt a voice... This isn't me. I was no more than 30 seconds away from committing murder. I had already bought some. So I said by and left.
Is this code for realizing it is much easier to clean up after giving a blow job, than committing murder with a knife?
I sort of felt like Abraham when god sparred him from sacrificing Isaac.
Protip- Murdering your drug dealer, is in fact nothing like God commanding you to sacrifice your child.
Even assuming your hypothesis is correct, would America not be better off if there was not a race within it that the white majority did not systematically repress, even if on a sub-conscious level that has resulted in that race committing crimes and being incarcerated at astronomical rates?
If America would be better off removing black people because they commit so many more crimes, couldn't the same be said about you?
I don't think 100 to 200 years of whites having SOME control over the breeding of blacks can overcome the fact that 6000 years ago God and Jesus made a certain group of people who were just less intelligent.
At least they have an excuse. What was yours?
There isn't anyone I hung out with while I was "out there" that didn't want to not be doing what they were doing.
Finally some truth. It wasn't everyones fault that you were/are a shiftless junkie. You just liked getting high.
Is this code for realizing it is much easier to clean up after giving a blow job, than committing murder with a knife?
i just spat out my breakfast burrito.
I love Fin like a brother. But I still find that I am sexually attracted to his sister, and would like the opportunity to fornicate with her, if he allowed.
Not really seen you around much, although you don't agree with a thing I said, and called me names, I welcome any poster who actually provides an argument with the name calling. I do try not to be a hypocrite, if I ever discover that I have been, I will reexamine my stance and modify a position, or just say fuck it and move on realizing that no one is perfect and I can just add that to my list.I'm glad your honest about your racism, hopefully one day that honesty will extend over to your hypocrisy.
As a scholar, you should know, there are sources beyond wiki
Just like your own interest led you to find the best way to steal from your parents and the local Walmart.
Does that distinction, somehow make stealing from mom and dad less abhorrent?
Should does not always equate to did. Any person who has really been an addict will tell you that the denial was the hardest thing to overcome. Its absurd.Losing everything you had and becoming a thief really should have tipped someone of your intellect off way before the whole premeditated murder thing.
Protip- Murdering your drug dealer, is in fact nothing like God commanding you to sacrifice your child.
If America would be better off removing black people because they commit so many more crimes, couldn't the same be said about you?
At least they have an excuse. What was yours?
Finally some truth. It wasn't everyones fault that you were/are a shiftless junkie. You just liked getting high.
isn't "austrian economics" just a clever way of stating that you are a supreme douche with zero credibility?
i mean, austrian economics has zero track record of success anytime anywhere in all of history. it is wishful right wing delusional thought experiment and nothing more.
spam rawn pawl now, it's what all the other austrians love doing.
Makes you feel a little like a vampire in the sunlight huh?
Here let me say it without "austrian".
You literally practice and profit from a pure free market.......that you also denounce as part of your political ideology.
Want to hear it again so you don't get side tracked or hung up on terms?
Too easy.
you are definitely not meant to tutor republicans on how to talk to black people either. or mulattos.
The black market is the freest market there is. Sure, it isnt legal, but government does not give tax breaks to the largest drug dealer on the block. Its pure supply/demand cut throat capitalism. Its great.sorry, government prohibitions and free markets don't mix.
you are definitely not meant to tutor republicans on how to talk to black people either. or mulattos.
The black market is the freest market there is. Sure, it isnt legal, but government does not give tax breaks to the largest drug dealer on the block. Its pure supply/demand cut throat capitalism. Its great.
And you, sir, are definitely not meant to tutor anyone on munching my breakfast burrito.
Scott Terry is a racist attention whore. Just managed to watch the whole video. Wow.
I wish there had been more video of people talking back to him.
So which one is worse..
Buck ignoring Tiburon or "republicans" ignoring BnB and nevyn?