
they plan on dropping lifetime caps, pre-existing conditions, maternal care, and making it legal to make you pay more because you have a vagina.

it will get much worse for you, pie.
Everything is getting dropped so that they only need 51 votes. They would need 60 if they tried to keep parts. They dont have 60 votes.

Medicaid will still be there. Preexisting conditions will be included in the replacement. People will be able to get insurance.
The Health Insurance Industry is just one leg of this evil stool.

The other two are the hospitals and big pharma. Together we as a nation are being fleeced while we create billionaires.

To offer any other opinion is just ignorant. This isn't happening elsewhere in the western world.

Like credit cards. A bank fleeces a business for 3% just to accept a customer's credit card. Any other country and the banks take maybe 0.25%. That's 12X what a US bank charges.

Because, the US government has ALWAYS backed industry, not the citizens.
Shouldn't you be the most worried? I thought you relied on social programs for you and your family? They're all in jeaprody.
No they are not.

Medicaid will still exist. I never shopped on the marketplace for aca. Those plans will continue. New plans at end of period.
The Health Insurance Industry is just one leg of this evil stool.

The other two are the hospitals and big pharma. Together we as a nation are being fleeced while we create billionaires.

To offer any other opinion is just ignorant. This isn't happening elsewhere in the western world.

Like credit cards. A bank fleeces a business for 3% just to accept a customer's credit card. Any other country and the banks take maybe 0.25%. That's 12X what a US bank charges.

Because, the US government has ALWAYS backed industry, not the citizens.
Trump is gonna go after drug prices. Watch.
so you couldn't get insurance except through obamacare, and you think things will get better once they make it legal to deny you coverage for your pre-existing condition?

fucking idiot.

this is hilarious to watch.
I have no pre-existing conditions, just self employed.
Trump is in the Rich White Business Club. So are are big pharma, hospitals, and Insurance Companies. There will be no lowering of drug prices, although Cheat-O will spin shit so he can take credit. Just like he's taking credit for jobs and factories WHEN NONE OF THESE MOVES HAD ANYTHING TO DO WITH TRUMP.