Research Chemicals

Sorry folks, I simply don't see the point, marijuana is gods medicine, it is pleasant, no one has ever died from it, it is pretty much everywhere you turn over a rock and you can grow it yourself. Why would anyone get an artificial, unknown psychoactive that purports to mimic something that is so easy to find? Imagine someone looking for synthetic alcohol - same thing. I understand some of the other RCs, they have a unique effect in one way or another - or they mimic something that really is hard to obtain, but this stuff? Nope. More than that, smoking pot is not just about the high, but the experience, the smells, the texture, the look and the taste play a major part in smoking reefer. And this is from someone who, when it gets right down to it, rarely enjoys getting a marijuana buzz.
Sorry folks, I simply don't see the point, marijuana is gods medicine, it is pleasant, no one has ever died from it, it is pretty much everywhere you turn over a rock and you can grow it yourself. Why would anyone get an artificial, unknown psychoactive that purports to mimic something that is so easy to find? Imagine someone looking for synthetic alcohol - same thing. I understand some of the other RCs, they have a unique effect in one way or another - or they mimic something that really is hard to obtain, but this stuff? Nope. More than that, smoking pot is not just about the high, but the experience, the smells, the texture, the look and the taste play a major part in smoking reefer. And this is from someone who, when it gets right down to it, rarely enjoys getting a marijuana buzz.

I bet if they were opioids you would see more of a point canndo. Different strokes for different folks though. What really drew me into these was that I could overly satisfy my cannabis cravings at a fraction of the cost. Also, not just comparable effects given, but effects that would go above and beyond if you wanted. Full on trips from smoking some of these.
I know the toxicity isn't worth it and regret using as much as I did. I think the biggest problem with these is that they are attractive as a replacement for people who can't smoke (drug tests/too expensive) and they don't realize how bad these can be to use on a daily basis.
I also don't think there is a replacement for the experience given from real bud, and I also value raw opium experiences over all of these pills available.
I guess I overlooked the point you were stressing about how easy cannabis is to come by. Not everyone has the option to grow or can find it when they want it, and buying at gas stations seems a lot more attractive than committing a crime in the process. I bet if cannabis was legal and available cheap at the counter the herbal blend business would go bankrupt. Just another example of prohibition doing more harm than good. Like the idea of smoking synthetic tobacco just sounds ridiculous to consider...
While I would never make a habit of smoking synthetic cannabinoids, I have tried some of the full agonist ones because they offered a novel experience. There are no natural full agonists at CB1&2. There's a good number of synthetic ones.
At this point there aren't many potentially worthwhile novel drug experiences left for me. A full agonist cannabinoid met that criteria.
While I would never make a habit of smoking synthetic cannabinoids, I have tried some of the full agonist ones because they offered a novel experience. There are no natural full agonists at CB1&2. There's a good number of synthetic ones.
At this point there aren't many potentially worthwhile novel drug experiences left for me. A full agonist cannabinoid met that criteria.

The key word is novel here, I can't fault anyone from seeking such a thing, I was under the impression that they all mimic some other natural chemical - note, I am not a "natural" freak.