Return to 12/12 from seed in small pots.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
Not putting down anyones grow here. But if you are growing with an M&M card, then you have to be very careful to follow the laws. And they do count little branches stuffed into rapid rooters as plants, and seedlings. Even though what state I was in, they stated you could have 4 plants in veg. state, and 3 in flower. And even then you can only have 1 OZ. Bunch of retards wrote those laws. I had 3 in flowering, and 6 that were just little 2" seedlings. I planted more just in case two died. Well they stuck their boots up my ass. Also, the more plants you have, the bigger the bust. They do not care if your plants are 2' tall or 20' tall, they count them as $1,500 worth of weed each. just fyi. If you review my past post and journals from 2 years ago, you will see what I am talking about. I had 3 plants that were in full flower, and the PIG's say they got 43 lbs from them, even though they were only 2' tallk. Lieing PRICKS. Since then I moved to another state that has thier Medical MJ enforcement more in line with what reality is.
This is why I no longer have all my nice grow equipment. It took 2 years of battleing with them, but they had trashed the equipment, even though in the law for that state they must keep the equipment safe from harm until the final ruleing.

Well, best wishes on your harvest.


Well-Known Member
The only reason I use clones is because I know I have a female gene. Otherwise I would be going from seed every time. with each grow that I have had any success I have used the lessons that everyone on here has taught me. I am even proving that issue now by rushing a grow and only giving my babies straight bloom nutes, rather then a balanced nutritional diet. Output is suffering and plants are yellowing twice as fast. So Lord Dangly watch read and learn. These guys know what they are doing! (I am not trying to dis you either just suggesting.)

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
The only reason I use clones is because I know I have a female gene. Otherwise I would be going from seed every time. with each grow that I have had any success I have used the lessons that everyone on here has taught me. I am even proving that issue now by rushing a grow and only giving my babies straight bloom nutes, rather then a balanced nutritional diet. Output is suffering and plants are yellowing twice as fast. So Lord Dangly watch read and learn. These guys know what they are doing! (I am not trying to dis you either just suggesting.)
HAHAHAHA. Watch read learn. LMAO. Please research my journals back 2 years, when people had no idea if this would work on this site. LMAO. Sorry Bud. I am the one that started this 12/12 from seed or clone on this site. Look up Lolly-popping. I did it to try and keep my plants easier to manicure. I was tired of spending uncountable hours clipping and snipping. I also get rid of all the lower leafs and branches. They are a waste of energy for the plant. If you want to see what started this 12/12 from seedling or clone, then Click......... Clone to Flowering (LollyPopp'n) go to post #96 and #98 to see the two different crops I had at the same time to test out which worked better. Zero veg, or 7-10 days veg. 7-10 days of Veg works MUCH MUCH better. Proof is right there. So if You all want to Read and learn the difference between No Veg and 7-10 days. Then check out this Journal from 2008. My plants were about 18" tall, and each Plant had 4-6 Huge Fat Cola Buds on them. :clap:

Dam, I leave for a couple of years, and I lose all my reputation with people. Where are all the old timers from past days. :wall: mm. Maybe they do not hang out in the CFL forum. Kind of cool they have this side forum now.

If you research more of my grows, you will see a few that are done with only cfls also, I have tested out LSD lights, UV lights, and much more. UV lights are a big waste of time as added light. LSD might someday work, but as of yet the technology is not there. at least when i tested them out.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member

Oh cool. My old photos are still saved. Very cool. The last two photos are with no veg. the first 4 are with 7-10 days of veg, so the roots would set. This is by Far the best way to go in my opinion. If you look at the bottom of the fourth photo you will see the bare stem, and the soil.. errrrr Coco. I always use Coco. it is so fogiveing. You get all the benifits of soil, with out the head-ache. Flushing is easier, keeping PH correct is much easier. It is just an easy medium to grow in. These Plants are only about 18" tall.


hey man i was just wondering about the coco you said you grow this just coco coir like for the pet store or is it something diff all together...also wondering how the methods change as compared to soil...does it require more nutes or more tlc in general...sounds like an interesting grow media

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I am not sure what the Coco Coir is at the Pet store. This is from a Hydro store. It works just like soil, and looks pretty much just like soil, but it is ground up Coconut husks. You can water mutliple times a day, or once a day with your nut mix. Just water it enough so it drips out the bottom, then give it one good watering a week. It is very easy and simple. I use the 2 gallon grow bags. In my journal grow, I used a High volume Pump with a riser, with 2 feeds for each plant. this allowed me to not have to even check on my plants but once every 3-5 days. Right now I am watering manually. Anymore question, click on the cloneing to flowering (lollypop'n) in post 143, this will take you to that journal. Ask the questions there, so this guys journal does not get highjacked.


Active Member
Nice plants LDB :-)

I heard the bad news yesterday that 'tamjam' had been busted but fortunately released with a caution, its knocked the enthusiasm out of me, that's for sure.

Heres some quick pics of the 2 MK's, about 5 weeks old, 12/12 from seed. Preflowered at 3 weeks in both cases so what we have is a couple of weeks into flowering. Some lower yellowing, large fans only but being well fed. Give them another 5 weeks or so and they should do Ok. Both have root mass now outside the bottom of the pot too so I'm bottom watering still to stop them drying out, they seem to be liking it so far as bud development looks promising to me at this stage. I had to chop the Snow White for supply but these will get to fully finish.

tamjam, give me a ring if you fancy a chat?



Well-Known Member
Hey MS! Those roots look great, I may try some lower watering in a future grow :) looks like the plants really like it.

When did you harvest the SW ? do you know how much did she yield and how tall she was when harvest ?


Well-Known Member
they look great for roughly 2 weeks flowering. those roots are SICC, and almost show up the ones from SICC's party cup!!! got some competition over here SICC. MS has a hydro/hempy/soil grow!! you should rig it into a DWC bucket. Y'all guys from UK pull out all the stops and show us americans up!!


Well-Known Member
Damn that sucks about TamJam, i hope everything works out for him :peace:

The ladies are filling in Nicely MS!

Captain Cave Man

Active Member
loving the root shots maturesmoker, could you let me know roughly what the dimensions are of your cab please? i have grown in the past but im starting up a pc case soon.

Master kush is on my future list so looking forward to seeing these finish :) i shall be sticking around



Active Member
loving the root shots maturesmoker, could you let me know roughly what the dimensions are of your cab please? i have grown in the past but im starting up a pc case soon.

Master kush is on my future list so looking forward to seeing these finish :) i shall be sticking around

Hello Captain Cave man :-) Thanks for looking in here, hope you will stick around. My little cabs just 30" wide x 30"tall by 10" deep and its kept me smoking for over 2 years now, apart from a shutdown of a couple of weeks to clear a spider mite infestation.

Gumball, I cut the SW way too early and I'd say if I got a dry Q that was it! Crazy I know but I'm being honest, given a few more weeks she would have done Ok I reckon as she had not reached the fattening up stage yet. I'm getting well dialled now with this watering/small pot thing and expect to push yields up for the future.

Right, the 2 MK's are doing ok, currently at 6 weeks from germination, 12/12 from seed, 3 weeks & 2 days since first preflower showed. had a mishap with one of the top buds and totally fried it on one of the CFL's! I'm keeping within an inch of the lamps but its risky, had to cut it off and thought it better to let the lower spread of buds take up that growth hormone. I'll put some pics up in a bit to show you. With 5 weeks + to go though I think I should be in for some nice little buds :-) Will be starting 2 new seeds later this week to follow up.

The bottom root mass is quite amazing to look at, very white and healthy they are hanging in an air space between the bottom of the soil and the bottom of the outer pots. The main pots themselves almost solid with thick white roots now. watering is daily now and by next morning its dry.


Active Member
The 2 Master Kush today with a good 5 weeks to go yet. You can see I now have one single cola plant and the other with a spread of buds due to burning the top on the CFL, it was practically glued to it so I removed it :-( This one may take a week or so to get going again but should still bud up well.

I've been very much focusing on trying to get solid root growth in my small pots to compensate for the lack of soil and they seem to be liking it. Its kind of semi hydro now, watering directly to those roots every day and they take up every drop. Feeding bio grow and bloom every other watering but not too strong. Its the root development I'm most happy with and I'll persevere with this exact method with the follow ups, bottom watering from day 1 to encourage those roots to dig down fast.



Well-Known Member
Sorry MS for that. Anyway the reason I was here to begin with is because I am trying 12/12 from seed for the first time with a bunch of bag seed and some rogue freebies. Will be doing a perpetual type thing where I will ad 2 seeds a week until I get bored, run out of seeds or come up with the latest and greatest. Man I followed RR's thread and he is good with the 12/12 from seed thing and you are obviously doing very well. Searching the web I find that there is alot of ignorance when it comes to this style. Small yields and stretchy plants and takes just as long so why not veg? All shit. I figure even if I get 7 grams a plant, which is conservative, I only smoke 7-14 per week and thats all I need. With my limited space and money this is the easiest way for me to go perpetual and actually it was when you started this grow that I started germing. Thanks bro and again I apologoze for feeding the thread jacker.


Active Member

I agree about RR, he really had it dialled in and could pull a solid dry oz from 12/12 seed grows. Like you I don't need a lot of weed to keep me going so this method is ideal.