Revenge of Rene's random rambles

time for grizz to growl lol so Grr feel like a kid again stayin with mom and all i hear clean your room do this do that ahhh! oh wait never got yelled at as a kid really to clean my room what happened? funny how things work :lol:
Street performers were awesome!!! they had people from all over the world performing today, was an excellent day for being outside :)

yes ........another one of bugs video' a love the teens ;)
glad to hear you had fun was gonna ask but you beat me too it :) i'll have to take a peek when i get to a computer judging from the last video i think i'll probably like it lol
not me...i waz outside all day with the and went to the water-park to cool off :) aaaahhhhhhh refreshed now!

although bug didn't like the beez he thought they were on him lol
not me...i waz outside all day with the and went to the water-park to cool off :) aaaahhhhhhh refreshed now! although bug didn't like the beez he thought they were on him lol
lol you tell him long as you don't move they go away hey just like on here :fire:
does that really work...i know it works for b'zzzz lol

yes it does! they wont sting you if you leave em alone usually you are stung when you piss them off by smacking at them or surprise them like when you sit on them like i did lol hows lime today?
just went for a looooooooooooooooong walk took the boyz out to eat.... then hit timmie's lol

sounds like a good time and you sure like that timmies dont you lol glad the boys are into that stuff nice to walk we just took cub to the store walked course he was well bundled
i seriously didn't know where i was posting earlier .........til i looked back and seen where i was???lol
lmao me too i was at your thread then was like where the Fuck am i and how did i get here then realized it was my thread lol still don't know how i got there but it's nice people still watch it even if it's only 2 people lol so my cub can roll over i watched him! brent they not supposed to do that yet!?
lmao me too i was at your thread then was like where the Fuck am i and how did i get here then realized it was my thread lol still don't know how i got there but it's nice people still watch it even if it's only 2 people lol so my cub can roll over i watched him! brent they not supposed to do that yet!?

thats funny ....i was all over posting and didn't know where i was :)

thats good he's getting stronger...must be eating good ;)