reyhdration, flavor, humidty, qwiso

S.W.I.M is wondering cant find an answer. sorry if swims English is lame. go easy on swim im a newbie. After this month ill have about 100 plants under my belt and still learning so much love the hobby. S.W.I.M latest big harvest in my high humidity area has bought up a big issue mold wpm and bud rot . growing organic in soil. water ppm is around 150 starts at almost 15 i bring it up with cal mag and epsom salt. i used sub cools super soil. grown in 5 gallon smart pots. normally do 5 or 6 plants at a time my biggest hall so far with around 40 plants to be done within the weeks.been flushing since the second to last week of july with plain water. before that Swim would ph to 6.5 but i read a shock in ph might kill wpm. i tried milk on a few plants no dice no mold advancement but didnt stop it either. tried sm80. tried neem oil. now im to far along in flower to spray anything on my budd with out fear of it affectring taste. strain super skunk, white widow and delicious candy i just finished the only 3 critical masses i had majority are super skunk which the mother has grown sinky many times before.

ive managed to cut apart most of the bud rot from the bud lost a ton of budd but im hoping to reclaim it with some 99% iso more on that later.

SO even the non moldy stuff tastes like shit never had the issue before im used to a very long slow dry 7-14 days if im lucky closer to 17 no mold actually thought it was a myth lol . The last batch has had to go for 2 day fan dry in a low humid room around 35%. i see no mention of the method or technique im proposing so if you know of it please link me. is it possible to salvage the taste by rehrdrating the bud then quickly dehydrating it to avoid chance of mold? repeat multiple times? im pretty sure it wont increase the budd potency and the thc will no longer continue to mature once it reaches a certain dry point but....... will the re hydration then dehydration remove chlorophyll or nasty built up nutes. due to cutting early the flush wasn't as long as id like. or am i just wasting time and pumping water in and out of the budd for no reason to try to get it taste better?

what would be best for re hydration in everyone's opinion that would cause the least chance of mold to spread?

With dehydration does the budd take on the characteristics like if i dried in a brown bag the taste could transfer over (brown bag budd) . or if i had a screen in front of a fan sitting over some rice to draw moisture would the budd pick up a ricey taste? currently im settle on calcium chloride its the only thing ive found to get my budd close enough to dry to even be smoked its so humid where i live that it will never get dry dry with out a dehydrant. even thought of mixing a little lithium with the calcium chloride to really bring down the r.h.

is there any sources stating that thca does not continue to break down if re hydrated then dehydrated? what about the terpines do they get washed away or is there a way to improve them on fast dried budd.

A water cure is what got me thinking about all of this its almost the same with more risk. the draw back to the water cure is the loss of all flavor but since the budd is completely submerged mold cant grow right?

i was also reading that the only way to kill mold spores not mold itself is with a salt brine is this true or are spores just there forever?

with rehydrating at what r/h level would mold be a concern? basically what are the acceptable number to go from bone dry to water filled again with out risk of mold?

at what level does the curing process officially stop? and is there anyway to bring it back to life?

how does the r/h outside effect the inside and how can i prevent it from affecting the inside. if multiple of my indoor hygro meters and my dehumdifier read 30% humidity is that accurate to say its an average of the room and there could still be wet spots in the budd?

ive done a completly organic grow and i know i need my little microbes converting organic matter to food for my plants but since at harvest they are no longer needed could i lower my risk of mold by doing a final flush with hydrogen peroxide in soil or will it pick up the taste. or are the microbes good at fighting of mold? does mold spread faster on a drying plant thats infected or an alive one because the plant has a sort of immune system? so should i cut everything now or quickly as i go cut down plants and remove any signs of mold?

How about a fast dry but long cure will that equal out to the same thing in the end as a long dry and a month cure?

if possible could i get a fact check and some numbers on thc degreation due to temp air and light. I read that over a 6 month period if left in light said budd would have a 6% loss due to not being in a dark place? how much does heat and humidity effect the degregation?

can i get this budd to ever smell like the loud im used to growing?

Now on to the stuff i know i cant save or was even a tad bit questionable. i did a small batch of qwiso. i was ill preparded and it was a test run i did in a pie dish. Can i do a second 3rd and 4th layer of a qwiso in the same dish and let it just layer then purge it if needed? or will reapply 99% to fresh and old stuff cause thc to degrade? also all buds that i put in this question pile to save for the alcohol i hit with 2% hydrogen peroxide in the hopes to stop the advance of the mold on that to use for the alcohol is this ill advice i want some agreement os i can sleep well and get back to trimming tomorrow? .

ill clarify anything you need please help im just learning and ive never had such a devastating set back so im calling all experts if you need any additional info i will provide it please and thank you it would mean the world for the help this is all for personal use i want to smoke some tasty nug before winter comes.
Fme taste won't get better or its gonna get a weird smell flavor you will never forget. I fuxed off a batch like that once and tossed 50% of the extreme, concentrated 40% and prayed over the last 10.

All of it was no good in the end. Curing didn't help because of that fuxin smell, god I hate that smell now.. anywho good luck with that.
Anyone have a non photo bucket picture of mold under a digital microscope and spores. Are the white hairs spores or mold. Or wpm. Im attempting to smoke the critical masd pop corns that were in the dark in front of a fam for around 1 day. Humidity in dry room is 50. It got me high it wasnt harsh but it was alright.

Help please please