RH 40-60%, need to lower it cheaply.


Well-Known Member
I have one plant, in a loft.
The humidity is usually about 45%-57% which is alright now, because I'm only 2 weeks flowering.
But in a month or so I'm going to worry if it doesn't go down.

I live in the PNW.

I could open both windows but then I'm allowing bugs and disease into my area.

What should I do?
And a dehumidifier is completely out of the question.


Well-Known Member
Because it's expensive.
Right now I'm trying to figure out how to make $5 stretch me for a few more days of eating.

Also it's expensive to run those 24/7.

I hear people talk about dry rice, but I don't know where to start on that one.


Active Member
57 does not seem to crazy to me, just plenty of air movement. I harvested at this humidity and had no mold.


Well-Known Member
I'm just worried because it's an all natural plant, which means it's going to have one fatty cola.
I don't want my trophy to mold.

And I don't like giving it too much wind, since I'm using CFLs.
If you push them around in the wind too much they don't get the light they need.

I'm going to use the damprid, and I'm sure that it's just a moisture absorber, so probably no harm done.
I'm guessing you just take the lid off and leave it by the gals?

Oh and it hits 70%+ sometimes, like last night.


does damp rid have any negative side effects more or less meaning plant safe..?
None. Just keep it away from the plants. If some spilled on the plants, it would burn them. Damp Rid is a desiccant. Same thing they put in your pill bottles to keep moisture out.
Completely safe.


Well-Known Member
Wait keep away from the plants?
Picture your living room with a 3' tall plant in the corner.
I need to lower the humidity of that corner,
And I was planning on hanging it somewhere near the cola.
Although I suppose I could try it farther away and move it closer every day until I lock in the humidity I want.


Well-Known Member
hmmm, i was wondering about my humidity getting up to 60%, i'm about 2 weeks from 2 of 4 finishing and then the other 2 should be in a few more weeks. when my humidity got bad before i just cleaned the lower foliage from the plant, it helped get it down to aprox. 45% from 60%. guess ill clean em a bit better and let em finish, i hove no room in my flower room for a dehumidifier. flippin sucks !


New Member
your humidity is fine think about it if a grower has lots of plants his humidity will climb in the 70 / 80's after watering i wouldnt worry about it to much as long as you got lots of air movement you be fine. Yes humidity will lessen yout THc level but your still goin to produce a decent High never the less
Its when your drying buds your goin to need low humidity as for bud rott

to give you a idea how crazy i run my temps and humidity first off i found the area where my plant type originated from and tryed to duplicate the weather fluctuations heres lights off temps lol



Well-Known Member
Temperature isn't what I'm worried about.
It's humidity.
Yours hovers at 25%, which is perfect.
Mine hits 70% peaks, with a minimum of about 45%
I'm growing one, all natural, indica.
Which means one fat dense indica cola. I don't want it to rot maaaaaaan.


New Member
Temperature isn't what I'm worried about.
It's humidity.
Yours hovers at 25%, which is perfect.
Mine hits 70% peaks, with a minimum of about 45%
I'm growing one, all natural, indica.
Which means one fat dense indica cola. I don't want it to rot maaaaaaan.
i grow indica and have my humidity anywheres from 65 - 80 nothing i can do about when your in the 150 plant +
when lights are off humidity climbs stupid insane its my lighting that drops it


Well-Known Member
Get a fan on that plant its leaves are supposed to be moving around and it will prevent mold and help humidity. Also thats just how nature works wind blows, leaves wiggle and take up co2 constantly and get light. You want movement.
You don't want your plant just sitting with no movement even with cfls.
And is there a dry place during its night period in your house, I assume that's when your Humidity is at 70%.
Your gonna just have to get a 20-50dollar dehumidifier and put plant in closet or build a box for her. You only need lower humidity at night for the most part.


Well-Known Member
Of course I have a fan.
I wouldn't have a 2' plant without, they just don't grow that good without fresh Co2.
I know what and how to do it.
The only question was what to do for humidity.
Someone already suggested Damp Rid, and this will be the course of action.
Also on the first post, I wrote that I can barely afford food, so a dehumidifier is out of the question.
Building a box would add to the humidity too.

And you need lower humidity 24/7. The plant can still grow mold inside the buds during the light hours.


Rebel From The North
I just finished up a grow and my temps were in the 80s and my RH was 65 and no mold or bud rot.
I think i was on the borderline though but 50s is cool, 40s would be better. My advise to yo is if you
Dont like 50ish rh the start moving fresh air in is your cheapest bet, if bugs are a problem the get
Bug pods to cover your intake.


Well-Known Member
You have some learning to do. And if you knew what to do you would've known that high humidity in flowering if not good. And the box would be built big enough for the dehumidifier to go in and some exhuast. I was assuming that was a given why would you just build a box and put plant in it.
Also you come off like a know it all but you can't fig out what you need. Skip a few days eating go buy a dehumidifier only way your gonna fix it.
And you don't want it dry dry when lights are on you must not run with 1000w.


Well-Known Member
TheOrganic, you seriously need to read my posts better.
You are so quick to assume things.
I know that high humidity isn't good in flowering, that's the entire reason this thread was made.
I'm not going to get a dehumidifer, I've said this twice now.
I never came off like a know it all, otherwise I wouldn't be asking questions right now.
I just happen to know alot about what I'm doing, and things I don't know, I ask about.

Food is more important than pot bro, you need to prioritize your life better.

And no shit I don't use a 1000w light, I made it quite clear that I have one plant, with a low budget.
Get out of here with your big toys and expensive fixes.
Damp rid will work just fine for me, thanks.