RI h7610 - changes to current mm law

I can't believe somebody got paid to write that shit. Good luck trying to out rule caregivers
There has been bills like that already and they did not go thru.at one point they wanted inspections of grow rooms.would make sense a little to control the grows out there.i know card holders that have multiple grows in multiple locations.mostly caregivers that are ruining it for everybody with there high numbers,coop grows and multiple location grows.in my opinion they should just eliminate caregivers.most are in it fr the wrong reasons anyways.
A few things,
a) caregivers are the reason all the patients have meds to buy in variety. Caregivers are currently marketing them selfs just to get rid of meds and in return are GIFTING meds to patients that sign up to them. Caregivers created this market that actually gives you the mentality to say such a thing. If the market didn't exist aka caregivers didn't exist, you would be stuck with higher prices from dispensary AND street prices higher which everyone would turn to because dispensary has to compete with street prices by law... Therefore, if there was not meds everywhere the street value would be a lot higher.

b) someone once spoke about inspections and it would be illegal since this is MEDICAL. So personal information would have to be made public without issue of a warrant from police. That's a major issue. You want your house being on record as a grow house for public eyes?

c) co-OP grows should not be any sort of issue. Many of them are in commercial building which are safer then residential in case of electrical fire or flood ect. Far fetch but possible. What gives someone the right to tell a patient he/she cannot grow medicine because someone else already does in the household when patient regulations with plant counts are based off recommendations for growing for just themselfs... Fuck it I guess only one patient gets to have meds whereas the other is screwed since cannot afford to go rent elsewhere by themselfs.

with anything along these lines you will always have people abusing the system. Doesn't mean everyone suffers. It's thoughts like that which people read and agree with without thinking the comments thoroughly. Then in numbers the bill will pass and THEN those same people complain when they see how things end up but it will be too late.

at the end of my giant rant, pretty much this state is so corrupt that the main dispensary is picked base off family relation to the same people who are making bullshit arrests everyday. They care about money and we stand in their way of just issuing any bullshit profit bill they want. Be patient and stay smart. They want everyone to jump in based off hype and they know the final outcome is all about maximizing money aka taking away our rights unless we are willing to pay the price for it.
100% agreed, the price on the street is because of caregivers nobody else. I can't wait for some cannabis cups around here everybody will know the rubber ducky
A few things,
a) caregivers are the reason all the patients have meds to buy in variety. Caregivers are currently marketing them selfs just to get rid of meds and in return are GIFTING meds to patients that sign up to them. Caregivers created this market that actually gives you the mentality to say such a thing. If the market didn't exist aka caregivers didn't exist, you would be stuck with higher prices from dispensary AND street prices higher which everyone would turn to because dispensary has to compete with street prices by law... Therefore, if there was not meds everywhere the street value would be a lot higher.

b) someone once spoke about inspections and it would be illegal since this is MEDICAL. So personal information would have to be made public without issue of a warrant from police. That's a major issue. You want your house being on record as a grow house for public eyes?

c) co-OP grows should not be any sort of issue. Many of them are in commercial building which are safer then residential in case of electrical fire or flood ect. Far fetch but possible. What gives someone the right to tell a patient he/she cannot grow medicine because someone else already does in the household when patient regulations with plant counts are based off recommendations for growing for just themselfs... Fuck it I guess only one patient gets to have meds whereas the other is screwed since cannot afford to go rent elsewhere by themselfs.

with anything along these lines you will always have people abusing the system. Doesn't mean everyone suffers. It's thoughts like that which people read and agree with without thinking the comments thoroughly. Then in numbers the bill will pass and THEN those same people complain when they see how things end up but it will be too late.

at the end of my giant rant, pretty much this state is so corrupt that the main dispensary is picked base off family relation to the same people who are making bullshit arrests everyday. They care about money and we stand in their way of just issuing any bullshit profit bill they want. Be patient and stay smart. They want everyone to jump in based off hype and they know the final outcome is all about maximizing money aka taking away our rights unless we are willing to pay the price for it.

where are there caregivers with variety? Only caregivers I come across have 1 or 2 different kinds,usually either poorly grown or poorly cured.and they charge 250+ for a zip.i can get that all day everyday in the streets even cheaper.where is there a law that says centers have to be equal to street pricing as you stated? All I see out there is greedy caregivers trying to cash in and ride they system till the wheels fall off.patients can grow there own and if they cant the the centers are there for them.i think they need more centers at least a dozen in the state. Every bust u see on the news is caregivers.my bad if I ofended you wavegem I have no idea if your a patient or CG.but what I speak is truth.no caregiver will agree with me lol
You do not know every caregiver but have the option to buy off every caregiver without consequence, whereas the caregiver takes risk of being arrested for taking donation. So you have an open market and hell yes there is a shit ton of variety around that this state has never seen before.

as for 250 a zip then your looking in the wrong place cause average price is 200 for excellent quality because let's face it the state is flooded and everyone claims to pay bottom dollar elsewhere. A lot of people actually do 175 plus don't forget all the free meds given out to patients.

yes look on the laws for dispensaries, it has to compete with street prices so patients cannot buy from them and resell on street.

finally and most importantly, caregivers need to have patients signed to them to legally receive donation for meds which takes time and money to grow. Most caregivers give free meds to there patients for having them signed and the extra meds go to dispensary so they can make extra profits. Cause again this takes time and money so would you rather patients pay 300-400 for premium because caregivers cannot pay bills from dispensary money so they charge it off to patients? Also, you are missing main facts. 10 more dispensaries??? Clearly you are not up to date with dispensaries in this state. They cannot keep doors open without buying meds from cardholders cause they IMO too low plant count with to high of customers.

many will disagree but I don't give a fuck... I will say the obvious right now. There is not one thing wrong with growing for profits. The dispensary needs more meds to keep doors open and like anything else people will be there to sell to them for those profits. In return patients who need meds can go to dispensary for them because cardholders grow them and sell to them. without cardholders there are no options for meds in a dispensary for longer than a week. You notice as is the dispensary sells in grams rather than ounces. Now take away cardholders and highest sold will be an eight. Every business needs workers/suppliers and they sell for a wholesale price and the dispensary in this case sells for retail price. In our state specifically this retail price is already low low so I cannot honestly see why every feels like they are entitled to something where another person is not.

i am a patient and caregiver IF I grow extra meds to give to dispensary for a check where they can then put on shells for patients who do not know myself then I see no harm done. And yet in our current state the dispensaries are BEGGING for more meds off cardholders cause they cannot keep up and people like yourself say obnoxious comments that do not have any thought put into them. O now back on topic take 500 caregivers who all grow 2 or more strain to give to dispensary and you have variety of meds of shelf for people who do not know or are uncomfortable meeting strangers with access to the meds. This is an easy process and should be the process and how it's run. This will be in extra income for countless people in our state and help rebuild broken economy by allowing the little guy to make something extra than his normal job which nearly keeps them afloat. There is huge customer base and can be huge supplier base and make it a community action.... But instead people will think like you and most likely vote for first legalization bill that comes up without making sure its one which helps us rather than brings in all taxes and only helps the large Fortune 500 companies all the money. Yet again all the little people who are the consumers get raped with large price tags and not allowed the same rights as the companies who can afford to pay for all the political donations for there campaigns.

You do not agree with above then look at Colorado. There first year open to public and a single company sells over 500lbs a month and then does not have enough meds to keep up. Think about all those meds being purchased from everyday people like ourselfs. It will change lifes and create a new economy. Instead they can only sell what they can grow UNTIL it is legalized federally and the big companies start shipping it in. Why? Because the little guys need to stay in there place as consumer nearly staying afloat. It makes no sense to not allow normal people the right to supply them and make something in return, but makes all the sense to allow the multiple millionaires to become billionaires.(sarcasm)

im done with topic people will never learn or think for themselfs. Majority are Sheeps to society. One day they will see the big picture and it will be too late, all laws will be in place and big companies get larger with only CEO making profits and the little people who work ass off will always just stay dollar to dollar consumers because they do not have the funds to donate to political funds.

Patient , caregiver , consumer ect. All should have the right to sell a product to a company in need just like any single store in the world. No one has the right to deny or pass judgment on that... Especially when the product will not be available without them. Just remember me when it becomes legalized and tobacco companies ship and flood market with outdoor garbage that has been sprayed with chemicals just like our food we eat is. It will be no difference and we will have no say in it. The prices will then be based off what they want not what is fair.

damn I did forget we will be allowed 1 mature plant ;)
I just got my letter to get my card today ... This is going to get real interesting real quick ... I have been stuck with the crap that wasnt dried or cured right ... I look forward to getting some thing from someone knows what the hell they are doing.

I honestly think that this dumb-ass bill can be stopped.
Not saying your going to find every cardholder with it all properly done just that... Growing is something you have to learn from experience. It gets better and better with more time and effort. There are not many people who have grown for longer than its been legal too. A couple years is nothing when it comes to growing. I grow tested quality but I find myself still dialing in certain aspects of system for certain strains. It just takes time to learn the little mistakes.

shop around before signing someone up. You will find the people who tret growing like a hobby and learn about the little things which make a plant tick. Cannot expect to find people who sit home and only grow all day as they are not paid to do it and cannot support there families without being judged clearly. So you cannot expect the best of the best.

that was not personal to you cheeba, I respect that you have an opinion and say your opinion. Just a subject I take seriously because I look at what it could be in the future and not just what can help today for some smoke.
Cannot expect to find people who sit home and only grow all day as they are not paid to do it and cannot support there families without being judged clearly. So you cannot expect the best of the best.

Ha. I sit on my ass all day and grow some of the best I have ever smoked in my life. It ain't about money. I can support my family with food and medicine, that's about all you need to survive besides oxygen and water. Don't need money to support a family, just knowledge.
Well it a not that easy for everyone. Honest more power to you that your fortunate enough to have whole day at home with your family. Many are like me and works 2 jobs full time to support my family with 2 Kids.

are you saying you are able to sit home because you support yourself with money from growing? Because your just proving my point. Just like you are saying you have awesome meds because your home to take care of them all day. Proving my point again.

no sarcasm here either. i Wish i could get my with even my first job. I leave 6am aand get home 8pm. Get an hour a day to see my daughter before shes in bed.

Have all bills, savings account to build , college fund to build , swim/dance classes for her(1yr old) things I need to work for so she can have better life than myself.
Don't twist facts or put words in my mouth. I spend about 2 hrs a day at the location I grow. I don't even get that sometimes I don't live where I grow. I give away my meds to my patient. I don't make money off selling it. I don't believe in making money, which is why I don't work. Self-sustainability. There is more to it than this but this is not the place for it.

Edit: I just want to clear up one thing, I was not trying to sound arrogant or cocky in my first post. I just want it to be known that you can grow the best of the best without doing much. It is called organic self watering containers.
No one twisted words I asked a question and then followed with im not being sarcastic at all lol.

my patients get free meds also, your compassionat that's good.

your life style is very different than mine thats all. You give your meds cause what you believe in. I have a different lifestyle which requires me to need money. The people close to me (patients) get free meds and i pay my bills from any overages.

i think we are just seeing things differently so we can agree to dis-agree. Im not arguing with anyone.
Ya that man likes to fight the guy that doesn't care about money lol. Ricky you should be able to grow and pay for everything. More power to you that you work like you do unlike some people that sit on their ass all day. Hands down caregivers have the BEST medicine in the state
"are you saying you are able to sit home because you support yourself with money from growing? Because your just proving my point. Just like you are saying you have awesome meds because your home to take care of them all day. Proving my point again."

I felt like you took what I said and turned it around saying I sell for money and am home all day. I don't spend nearly as much time as I need to with my plants. My life is different than most people I understand that. I just hate to see people slave over something, when in the end it is just not worth it. Everyone dies, why does everyone want there most famous accomplishment to be working a 9-5? I agree I am not trying to argue. I just hate seeing what is happening to this world. Everyone is more concerned about money than even their health or their kids. It is sad. I have seen some evil things because of money. But I guess everything happens for a reason. Money only has value because the people who control things made it that way. Gold has value not a piece of paper.
Did you seriously just use gold as your argument for something that has "real" value?

You do realize that gold is just another form of money, right? It has no real value (outside of use in electronics).

For the record, you come off as an ignorant, self righteous windbag.
Thats a pretty harsh one. Gonna spend a few days thinking about how unrealistic it is. Still not so sure why these people want to treat the program like every ones doing something illegal. I got info saying there's 7,000 patients now in the state no info on caregivers but I figure half the number. If everyone becomes aware of this and gets involved this bill will die, but the moment someone says "I don't need to do anything". Thats when these people will win. So tell everyone u know to email your local people and inform anyway u can. I've been sick of these cruel people constantly trying to take away from people dealing with medical issues and for the caregivers out there that go to bed every night worrying about their patients. I'll be at the state house describing why we shouldn't treat people that way. Good night R.I. I'm proud to live here, The people who wrote that smut most likely don't even live here.