Rich's Girl


Well-Known Member
that's gonna be a nice little stash of personal chronic! can't wait to see the finished product and + rep. you don't live in california I take it? too bad the laws cant all be like they are here. my garden is about as blatant as can be. :bongsmilie:


Well-Known Member
Yeh, I can't wait till it is ready to harvest. Wish I'd have done this a couple weeks ago. I'm in WI and the weather is changing to cool 60s.


Well-Known Member
Can anyone tell me how long I'll be able to let her grow to get the best crop possible? Here's my pics from this morning. Thanks.



Well-Known Member
Id say about 9-10 weeks.can't say for sure tho not knowing the strain.You will just have to watch the Trichs and bud development


Well-Known Member
Wow, that is a lot longer than I thought I would have, but I'm new to this. Okay, I'm prepared to wait that long. I assume should we get close to freezing overnight before that, I will drag it inside to harvest. I first noticed flowering on August 1st, I think.

Out of my cuttings I took a while back and tried to root them in my homemade bubble cloner, I'm not sure if they will all survive or not. One rooted and the roots were over 4 inches when I transplanted her into MG soil in a Solo cup. She looks healthy, but #2 rooted an inch or two before I burned out my new air pump by getting it wet. I was forced to transplant the last 2 or run out to buy another pump. So I broke #2's only root off accidentally and transplanted #2 and #3 with just bumps. Crap, we'll see what happens. In the worst case, I still can " send in the clowns " or clones. The buds are still growing on them.


Well-Known Member
Question about rain. Should I cover or move her to get her out of the rain now or just let her be?


Well-Known Member
If I had somethin like that id taking it in during the rain.Covering might draw attention to it.


Well-Known Member
Well, I decided on just trying to cover her since she can't really be seen from outside the deck. I think it would be more noticeable if I try to move her in and out. Supposed to get a big rain storm and possible hail today. She'll have shelter from the storm and can still breathe.

56.jpg 57.jpg58.jpg59.jpg


Well-Known Member
awesome man! that will probably work great. its cool the wicker basket will breath a lot!! +rep if they will let me give you more!


Well-Known Member
Thanks man.. I don't understand the +rep thing, but I know it's a good thing. She made it through the storm and her hat is going in the garbage today. Good thing I wrapped it with that green u-haul stuff cause it was only good for one time. Think I'll go to a garage sale and try to find a cheap card table. That would stand over it and not crush it like this did. She'll probably be okay w/ sunshine today.


Well-Known Member
it's the star underneath someones name and picture. to the right of journel this post. when you click it and give them rep it adds to the green bars at the side and helps builds you from stranger to, able to roll a joint, to stoner and so on to mr. ganja and other stuff. it's kinda pointless but it seems that when people first sign up a lot of them listen to the people with more rep over strangers...


Well-Known Member
Sure, that makes sense. Wind and rain again overnight so I covered her with a light plastic tarp after dark. Removed it before daylight. Fall is coming in fast here in WI. Wish we had the growing weather you all have in CA. Thanks again.


Well-Known Member
you should get a cheap glass table to put of it will both stop the rain from hitting it and still let in all the light she needs. really really cool though


Well-Known Member
Thanks, I wondered about plexiglass(too much $$) or just like you said, a glass table. Would it magnify the sun and burn her?