Riddlme Deserves an Elite Membership. Powers that be Take Notice

Should Riddleme be given elite membership for his contributions to our community?

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She's* :grin:

If you want proof I'm a girl, there are ways of getting to it.

And she's my dear sweet friend, so you mind your manners lil boy who dreams of being a groupie in the band one day when he grows up, or I will have to kick your Daddy's ass lil boy who sux the band's member!!:twisted:

Namaste' :peace:

Big love for u Weedy my sweety!:hug:
you know we should not as educated adults be picking on a small child with down syndrome, it is inappropriate :roll:

and Dude your killin me :hump:
Having down syndrome is no excuse, kids that ride the short bus to school know how to behave better than this worthless shit. :blsmoke:
yes every thing on earth. have you lived by the beach, seen the mountains, seen a tree, seen the universe, it all does the same thing. fractal pattern is 100% the theme of life. you have no clue where your at
Its prevalent, yes, tis true, 100% of life, most probably, everything on earth....no, no, no. Hence why I say you didn't understand the concept fully when you learned it. but whatever. Keep trying, I'll grant thats the most intelligence I've seen you use....EVER...hey, you DID get that tutor like I told you...I"M SO PROUD!! kinda... :|
show your tits you good for nothing!

Wow, you are so much worse than I previously thought.

Good luck getting any girl to love you. Oh wait, that's right, you've used the insults "retarded" and "gay" so much that you're probably the one dealing with those issues. Hmmm, I could study you for my psych paper!

Good for nothing? :roll: You don't know me at all.

And, by the way, I already have.

:finger: bandmember
she brings it on herself

Your mother should have swallowed you or douched you out. You almost convince me that abortion is a good thing. You are being horrible senseless and vile. No more time or energy on you. Your fractal dissolves. You are the weakest link...Good-bye

Namaste' :peace:
she brings it on herself
If thats really how you think you act around a women, then all jokes and sarcasm aside, your not a man, and at this rate you never will be. Just a pathetic worthless little boy who's only recognition comes from getting others pissed off. I would piety you, but your not even worth that.
youve heard my camera situation ill use a disposable get it on cd and there it goes. everyones existence is meaningless if you want to get philosophical. i dont believe in god i believe in fractals. earth is a mind numbingly stupid puddle of fractal, just look, it made you!
Maybe 'You've heard"? Instead of "I'll use a disposable" just steal one from someone younger on the short bus. If you can't talk to us grown ups, please for the love of God, don't go into fractals. I realize you 'don't believe in God'. Many of us know more than your special ed teacher told you about fractals. Please bring back the re-cropped stolen avatar.
Wow, you are so much worse than I previously thought.

Good luck getting any girl to love you. Oh wait, that's right, you've used the insults "retarded" and "gay" so much that you're probably the one dealing with those issues. Hmmm, I could study you for my psych paper!

Good for nothing? :roll: You don't know me at all.

And, by the way, I already have.

:finger: bandmember

You are as lovely as your words had portrayed you in my mind. Nice to see true beauty.

Namaste' sweetheart:eyesmoke:
who gives a shit if your a girl thats all you talk about. dum hag
Really, thats all she talks about? Because I've talked with her before, and I never knew I was speaking to a women until this thread. Hag = old women...What have I told you about using words you don't understand? As far as who gives a shit, I would imagine Namaste for one, he's courting her. However, this is all grown up stuff, we don't expect you to understand, run along and go play with kids YOUR age...I'm figuring around 12...
my fractal dissolves, ok dude i hope so someday, i'd hate to be stuck like you quoting that annoying bitch
Tell you what, leave the lovebirds out of this, fuck with me. I'll keep going with your stupid ass, JUST FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE, be man enough to leave a lady out of this bullshit. Common, bitch, lets see what you got...throw it all out there...
Hey everyone, please stop responding to bandmember. I say this because logic does not work, reasoning does not work, evidence does not work.

If he wants to be a fool, it is his constitutional right to do so.

Let it be.
its FUCKING loser, and this coming from the poor pathetic son of a bitch that had to lie about being in school, fake a growroom, and has had to come up with 8 different names to stay on here, which tells us NO one wants you around. As pathetic as you are, I'm not sure "loser" covers it...your just trash.
who gives a shit if your a girl thats all you talk about. dum hag
"dum hag" A dumb hag seems to be proving you're a teen. If you're a boy that's all you all you talk about. Short bus must be cruel these days. This women is obviously intelligent, so just give up. You'll get to touch a boob someday, maybe, if you learn manners.