Riddlme Deserves an Elite Membership. Powers that be Take Notice

Should Riddleme be given elite membership for his contributions to our community?

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lol, yes your are.
tell me, if your buds dont have nutes, whats in them?
and how do they cure? maybe its the carbon killing this kids brain?
if you read books, read a book on cannabis and you will realize your flaws.
lol, yes your are.
tell me, if your buds dont have nutes, whats in them?
and how do they cure? maybe its the carbon killing this kids brain?
if you read books, read a book on cannabis and you will realize your flaws.
Foamy and his cousin fucking rock!!! †LOL† Sorry, saw your avatar and had to say it...less I fall victem to the squirrely wrath...:shock:
my closet could catch a case... i read books, im reading wildlife habitat right now actually. fag
Really " I'm reading wildlife habitat". Really? Do they have a scratch and sniff or is it a coloring book? Have you moved from the crayons to the colored pencils yet?
no lies just the cold truth. your a bunch of tattle tale schwaggs who get insulted by the internet! stop stealing my lines ive been calling you cyber trash since day 1. you should be defending free speech not being an internet nanny
Oh, I'm sorry, your still here? I was wondering what the putrid smell was....
no lies just the cold truth. your a bunch of tattle tale schwaggs who get insulted by the internet! stop stealing my lines ive been calling you cyber trash since day 1. you should be defending free speech not being an internet nanny
Your the most illiterate fuck in the whole of this community, and you've convinced yourself that I stole your line? Was coming up with the word "trash" that monumental of an achievement? Go play with your coloring book, the adults are talking now...bye bye...
Daniel, I hope they're not trusting him with coloring pencils, he's going to hurt himself...oh wait, give him the pencils...make sure they're sharpened first to a good point...... :fire:
obviously. see posted two things trying to prove shes a woman. she must be intelligent. go chase some online hag then. she hates me, you should use that to start your relationship.
Sadly, your hated enough it probably could be used to start a conversation. Although, here's a concept you may or may not have considered, not everyone on here is lonely like you. In fact many of us here have someone were either dating, sleeping with, married to, or all of the above. Despite her many good points, not everyone on here is looking. So please, please, please stop trying so desperately to project your many inadequacies, failing, and problems on the rest of us...
"so tell me, if your buds dont have nutes, whats in them? how do they cure?"
any body else notice this is the ONLY post he didnt respond to??:roll:
Funny, I only smell it when your in the room...what happened to your avatar? Although a blank space is so much more fitting...
†ROFLHFAO† HE GOT KICKED OFF, AGAIN!!! This is so fucking priceless....:hump:
Wonder if he cried? Downs and riding a short bus must be hard.
So priceless.
Now back to the matter at hand: will Riddleme get the recognition he deserves?

No chance. Are you serious i have more info than that stored in just 1 of my document folders or 1 brain cell. Is this guy some kind of ganja guru who knows everything = NO !!!!!!!