RIP Chris Cornell

SO many tracks, realizing just how much of an influence of what my perception of what that '90s rock sound was that it was in fact largely Chris' voice for me. That timbre of his voice takes me right back there. Lots of others for sure but his voice is iconic, straight up Rock God vocals. Sounds like an SM7 microphone, so there's a starting point for anything chasing that sound.
his wife said he was slurring on their last phone call. I wonder if he started drinkin' a few in the MGM Grand room
after taking too many Ativans. In this show hes singing behind the beat...slurred. I read a Detroit News review earlier today that basically said he was fucked up by the end,slow, stumblin.
Listen to the speech he gives @ 25:00. Kinda weird. This was mentioned in the Detroit News review
that it was odd.
Sad but true. I was listening to George Noory one evening and a guest he had on mentioned that the pills perscribed to Robin Williams was the cause of his dimise.

One of my faves.
Huh. Can't be depressed if you kill yourself i guess, the medication seems to work.