RIP Chris Cornell

My daughter and I saw him in Atlanta exactly two weeks down to nearly the minute before he died. I've got a little over half the concert on video. We were in the 6th row behind the pit, maybe 40 feet away from him.

I still can't believe he's gone.

To top it off, Nicky Hayden died today.

Fucking brutal month, man.
I lived in Arkansas and South Florida for awhile. Your recent description of a certain class of Southerner in another thread was apt; in Arkansas they never learned to walk upright and in Florida they just treat EVERYONE who isn't in their economic class like shit.
If you'd call Kurt talented.
Kurt was talented in his own way.
I moved to Seattle back in 90 right before all those guys became big rock stars. I had friends in bands and got to party with a few famous people, but I never got to meet Chris Cornell or Soundgarden, they were already touring heavy by then.

I love Soundgarden, but never listened to Audioslave, except on the radio.
Their tribute to the Spoonman is one of my favorites.
My friends and I spent many hours tripping at the Sound Garden sound sculpture near Magnuson Park and it was always like yeah man, this is where Soundgarden got their name, lol.

Those were epic times when Sub Pop Records was king and people from all over starting flocking to Seattle to get in on the Grunge thing. It turned real cheesy real quick.

R.I.P. Chris Cornell.