Rippers... guard your plants

You can't shoot a intruder on your property in Texas if you have a registered marijuana grow? Without the marijuana grow if the guy broke into your house, you can shoot them legally dead? Here in Canada you can defend your property with a firearm. I'm shocked that Canada is more laid back about people using guns to defend their homes than the conservative/republican states.
I'm not a Texan, but I don't think there are any legal grows in the SE United States.

Florida has a stand your ground law. Basically it is you do not have to retreat before using deadly force. But I'm betting it would not hold up if you were to shoot someone at your grow op.
I'm not a Texan, but I don't think there are any legal grows in the SE United States.

Florida has a stand your ground law. Basically it is you do not have to retreat before using deadly force. But I'm betting it would not hold up if you were to shoot someone at your grow op.

FL has medical marijuana everywhere these days, all though I'm not sure about being able to grow your own yet or not. I thought the stand your ground law would apply to home/property invasion and theft. Strange that it's easier to shoot a trespasser in Canada than the United States.

I guess you could always go full blown Canadian, and leave a note near your grow that says: Please don't steal my crop I need it for my arthritis, thanks and of course sorry you had to smell it.

LOL, witty, funny. I'd rather go with the Vietnamese claymore mine setup the other guy suggested. I'll settle in between and do nothing except have more motion lights / sensors / video. Already moved all the crop, while breaking an absolute ton of branches sadly. I still want to see the guy, he owes me a lot of marijuana
FL has medical marijuana everywhere these days, all though I'm not sure about being able to grow your own yet or not. I thought the stand your ground law would apply to home/property invasion and theft. Strange that it's easier to shoot a trespasser in Canada than the United States.

LOL, witty, funny. I'd rather go with the Vietnamese claymore mine setup the other guy suggested. I'll settle in between and do nothing except have more motion lights / sensors / video. Already moved all the crop, while breaking an absolute ton of branches sadly. I still want to see the guy, he owes me a lot of marijuana
You can put a live 12ga shell in this tripwire alarm and it makes it a mini claymore....:wink:

Accidently dropped a board or boards with very sharp nails pointing up around my greenhouse, over the summer dust seemed to cover most of the board.... LOL

I like that idea too. I'd likely be the dumbass to step on it though
FL has medical marijuana everywhere these days, all though I'm not sure about being able to grow your own yet or not. . . . . . . .
There is no home growing in the Florida Medical. From what I hear on the news, the lawmakers are dragging their feet getting the system set up. It's hard to get a card and it's pricey buying from the few shops that are open.