Rippers...... Unmasked

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Find this guy, tape his arms and legs together with duck tape, and then roll him down a steep hill!! REPEAT.. until he throws up, then call the cops and say he sexually abused you.
What did you do to piss him off?If he was not stealing he was doing it because he is mad at you for something.I would humble him with a good ol fashion hide the bologna prison style but that is how I roll.
I did nothing..... he felt as though he was unappreciated and wasn't getting what he was worth out of whatever deal he had made....... Remember this did not happen to me......... some details are unknown....... but just a few, and most details should not be posted ;)
Well that's fucked up! Just knowin what happened when I see his pic I wanna jack up his jaw.
What a bitch. Fuck that guy....shit like that pisses me off.
Live and let live, Karma will get him. -_-

some have guns....... have something to hold over those that don't

everyone has guns..... everyone is equal in that arena

;) Simple.....

I am definitely not a gun fan...... but so long as there is guns, and so many (especially stupid people) that choose to have one........ why not even things up? then there is nothing to argue about ;) lol
i dont like guns but best believe if u pull one on me im pullin one back.. if u wont use one dont pull one.. 1+1 = 2... subtract 1 your back to
I confronted the dude who ripped me when I was a kid,(sellin buds I frew no less) my buddy and I 1whupped his ass proper 2broke his phone 3dropped him off in the middle of NOWHERE. good times I cought a beating from his boys but It was worth it.
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