RIU, GOOGLE..... your posts arent just on this site!!!


Active Member
sorry op, but if you REALLY want to be paranoid give this site a visit.


fucked...up...shit. we're all gonna die. even if you don't pay on that site the shit you can find by cross referencing email addresses or phone numbers and street addresses is INSANE. try this one on: do an email search on that site of whatever email address you used to sign up for riu. hope it's not the same as your facebook account. NOW the sky is falling. sweet dreams.
that was crap.... first 5 searches i tried returned no results.... useless


Perhaps RIU should block the search engine robots and spiders from indexing the forum... to protect the forum users privacy :idea:


Active Member
Wow, I am a Basement Shaman, I always wanted to be that.

Alright everybody in line, one at a time.

I shalt exercise my abilities. Here is some weed, DMT, MDMA, etc. weeeeeeeee this is fun.