Arggg I'm a panty pirate!!!
Size 8 and no thongs! Now get out there and show me what you can get

Oh and if you find a washer/dryer combo I'm very good with that. Otherwise we'll have CN wash em off the towed scow.
Weapon systems...we need them

can you grab double jj we are gonna need him and his hawken. We have RATS

so get out there and impress him!
I'm only trained on 400# steam plants I need updating...
You'll do, OJF (figuring)
My cousin got wrote up for trying to smoke the mooring rope, what a dumb ass.
The FanTail is now open for Lobster Dinner on the Capt.
Look just because my panties are a size 8 and my ass can be seen from space is no reason to call it a FAN tail! But ok if you server lobster and bring butter you can use my ass
I'm in!
Can we mutiny when we're bored?
I still wanna build an intergalactic nuclear powered grow ship. Fuck this rock, build a star ship -- like the Galactica -- and bail on this heap. Set up a crazy teradome grow colony on Mars, and cut left for deep space.
Yes! And if you do you get to be cap'n ! That sounds like a GREAT plan. I'm good with that. As for starship I'm VERY good with that. We can appropriate some prime launch area in AU, Clint?
OK where's Clint? We need some space and a telescope array down under. I can handle the northern hemisphere but things get spotty when we get close to the antartic for me. So Clint, we need you.
Those were CANNIBAL rats, not cannabis
Yes precisely! We wait then we fight the winner in a cage match. That's the reason for The Snake. If he survives we use him for plumbing and if he doesn't we dine on rat that night, Win/win
you guys ever heard about the aircraft carrier built outta ice ?
YES! How about a space ship?
The Seven Seas & beyond. If we don't hunt to capture .......they will seek us.
I be willing to come aboard for the sake of the mating of ye planks!
Ahh!! If you have these skillz you are in! However I do not like the lack of discipline in the bottom plank spreading her legs! Old habits die hard I 'spose ;D I think the men on this crew will need your skill, welcome

Sign the book and get ready.
Hi. I'm here for the rums.
Yeah me too. I have about 6 bottles in my helmet bag. It's the green thing I have hanging up to keep away from the rats, help yourself it's Ocho Años.
Ok where's GWN! We need those skillz and a CG hostage. I'm not eating anything off the fantail until we get his ass on board. The oldest Froggie in my family is to old for this adventure so we need someone else.... otherwise the Seal's will shoot at us. Who fuckin' armed seals, damn.
We also need 420God and the pigs (MUST have bacon) and his lovely wife