RIU pirate ship sign on.... or be impressed LOL

I would hope that if you were in a space ship you wouldn't have to worry about a few amps. Be cutting it close each time the burners started.

The difference between survival and, uhm, the other thing could come down to a few meters per second of delta vee. I'd want a good, careful driver for that thing. I have a candidate in mind, but might not be able to afford the bribe.
The difference between survival and, uhm, the other thing could come down to a few meters per second of delta vee. I'd want a good, careful driver for that thing. I have a candidate in mind, but might not be able to afford the bribe.

You know, it's free, once you get them aboard the space ship. I mean "no" isn't really an OPTION at that point, is it?
space. That's where I wanna go.

Doesn't matter who pilots a space ship out in deep space.

That's precisely where we want to send you ;) and it doesn't matter who pilots the ship! That's the best part we can all take turns wearing the shiny shiny hat ;)

I shouldn't be trusted to steer or navigate the ship under the influence of rum and/or hallucinatory drugs no matter how many times I will ask to.

Look for you we will turn off the warp drive switches, once we are in deep space we don't think you can do much harm so even YOU must wear the captain's hat occasionally!

Space is cold and electric blankets draw a lot of amps.

This solar blankets and solar sails.

Could you find me a place on board I like to clean a lot! I could scrub the decks maybe?

Yes you simply must bunk with me :) I am a big fan your work :)

The difference between survival and, uhm, the other thing could come down to a few meters per second of delta vee. I'd want a good, careful driver for that thing. I have a candidate in mind, but might not be able to afford the bribe.

Inda must come with us, he simply must, good luck on the bribe. How many quatloos you got man?

I would rub your deck for a small fee! I could set up a tickle room and I could rub everyones deck for a small fee, I could be rich. :shock:


Hey Annie I'm in, I could provide my tickle shop as entertainment for the crew!

LOL you entrepreneur you!

I think that is the pirate ships' one and only rule :eyesmoke:

I am sure there will be more rules. Things like you must bathe if you live on the scow prior to your turn as Cap'n. Don't let the bear talk dirtsurfr into gunnin' the engines for water skiing etc.... You know the basics.