RNC Committeeman to Introduce Impeachment Resolution Against Obama

That's the equivalent of saying, "hey let him steal, rape, and murder he'll be dead in a few months anyway"
Would you get that kind of slack from the government? No.
We need to also impeach his ass to let it be known that what he has done is unacceptable and any future presidents will think twice.
What do we impeach him on exactly...in your words
That's the equivalent of saying, "hey let him steal, rape, and murder he'll be dead in a few months anyway"
Would you get that kind of slack from the government? No.
We need to also impeach his ass to let it be known that what he has done is unacceptable and any future presidents will think twice.

I can live with that.

Any Idea of the charges being brought up ?
he has made nixon look like a saint, need i say more?
I think you as well as some GOP members are a clueless group of people.
Here let us try it this way. What executive order that Obama made has been ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court ?

Also Nixon impeached process was due to Watergate, please state what Obama has done that was equal to that .
I think you as well as some GOP members are a clueless group of people.
Here let us try it this way. What executive order that Obama made has been ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court ?

Also Nixon impeached process was due to Watergate, please state what Obama has done that was equal to that .
gun running, funding isis, infringing on the 2nd amendment, spying on congress. just to name a few.
I think you as well as some GOP members are a clueless group of people.
Here let us try it this way. What executive order that Obama made has been ruled unconstitutional by the Supreme Court ?

Also Nixon impeached process was due to Watergate, please state what Obama has done that was equal to that .

Trading 5 high profile terrorist leaders which three are back at it, for one deserter is a far greater charge than B&E.
Also even the supreme court is not the end all be all of the land.
Actually they pretty much are when it come to laws of the land.

The Supreme Court plays a very important role in our constitutional system of government. First, as the highest court in the land, it is the court of last resort for those looking for justice. Second, due to its power of judicial review, it plays an essential role in ensuring that each branch of government recognizes the limits of its own power. Third, it protects civil rights and liberties by striking down laws that violate the Constitution. Finally, it sets appropriate limits on democratic government by ensuring that popular majorities cannot pass laws that harm and/or take undue advantage of unpopular minorities. In essence, it serves to ensure that the changing views of a majority do not undermine the fundamental values common to all Americans, i.e., freedom of speech, freedom of religion, and due process of law.


I really don;t think you are ready to do this politic thing. Talk and toke seems a better place for you.