Roadside Drug Tests Will Be Canadians' New Normal When Weed's Legal


Well-Known Member
It's important to understand what drugged driving really means, what tools police have and what Canadians must keep in mind behind the wheel.
Police units from Montreal's north shore conducting a drug and alcohol checkpoint in Laval, Que. on Nov. 30, 2017.

As cannabis moves closer to legalization, Canadians are asking themselves what it means for them. If the recent Toronto Star article is any indication, one area that's coming under greater scrutiny is the issue of drugged driving.

Unfortunately, there's nothing new about people choosing to get behind the wheel while under the influence of drugs or alcohol, and police forces across Canada already have processes in place to deal with that reality. What will change once Bill C-45 and its companion, Bill C-46 — which includes greater enforcement for drugged driving laws under the Criminal Code — are our social norms. Literally overnight, police will find themselves enforcing road safety laws in an environment where people can buy cannabis from a local store. It is expected that a greater number of people will be experimenting with, or perhaps even regularly consuming, cannabis.

The reality is that cannabis has been shown to impair driving performance for up to three hours after use.
Drinking and driving has long since entered mainstream discussion. Today, most people know when to stop themselves or others from making a terrible decision. It's become an accepted social norm. By contrast, given that one in four cannabis users in Canada reported having operated a vehicle while under the influence of the drug, it is likely fewer Canadians consider cannabis and driving in the same way, let alone how things will change under C-46, and the implications this may have for police and the public alike.

I come to this discussion with a unique perspective. I am part of a company that has been making roadside drug testing devices for over a decade that are used today by police around the world. These devices operate much like breathalyzers, except they require small amounts of saliva to determine the level of drugs in a person's system. They use saliva because it correlates most closely to blood concentrations, so they are only detecting recent usage.

A foreign police officer shows off a positive THC saliva test (used to detect cannabis use).

Needless to say, as a manufacturer of drug and alcohol testing products, improving road safety is a frequent topic of conversation. But besides the obvious fact that no one should ever drive when impaired after consuming drugs or alcohol, it's important to understand what drugged driving really means, what tools police have at their disposal, and what Canadians who currently or plan to use cannabis must keep in mind whenever they get behind the wheel.

The complexity of cannabis

One issue facing police and governments is that cannabis is quite different from beer, wine or spirits. Alcohol behaves in a relatively predictable way in someone's body. Once someone stops drinking, the level of alcohol steadily decreases to a point where it is not present at all. Cannabis, on the other hand, stays in the body longer. This has raised concerns that people who have not consumed cannabis for an extended period could still be found to have it in their systems, as could people who use cannabis more frequently. There's also the matter of people who use cannabis for medicinal purposes. The reality is that cannabis has been shown to impair driving performance for up to three hours after use.

The purpose of roadside testing

Today, a roadside officer who suspects a driver of operating under the influence of drugs makes that determination by asking questions or conducting simple tests. But, ultimately, they must refer a driver to be assessed by a trained Drug Recognition Expert, or DRE. They conduct further tests and may require a blood sample, which is considered the gold standard in court cases.

While C-46 opens the door to the use of roadside saliva drug testing devices like ours, they are one more way for the police to add objective and credible evidence to their assessment. The combination of trained experts and blood samples remain core to the process.


Questions of accuracy

If and when drug testing devices do enter the equation here in Canada, some have raised the concern about the possibility of erroneous readings and that the technology around drug testing is still relatively young when compared to breathalyzers. Suffice to say that saliva-testing technology has been shown to be 95-per-cent accurate in scientific studies. But the point I'm making is that a saliva test, conducted by police at the roadside, is simply another tool that helps the police determine if the driver will be requested to provide a blood sample.

More blogs from HuffPost Canada:

The bottom line is that across Canada, drugs already play a role in an increasing proportion of fatal road traffic accidents. Road safety should be a priority for every Canadian and ensuring police have the resources they need to spot drug impaired drivers will help save lives.

Canadians should use the months leading up to legalization to better understand the rules and responsibilities proposed under Bill C-46 and, if they haven't already, to begin viewing roadside drug testing in much the same way they have come to view the roadside checkpoint and use of the breathalyzer — something we anticipate and accept to protect people on our roads.

Rob Clark is Managing Director at Draeger Canada

Also on HuffPost:
So I'm a medical user and drive.. now I should be worried? I either have to usey cbd vape then go out or not at all because I have muscle spasms lmfao that I Can't drive with lmfao wow.

I hope they find a solution for medical users, who if don't use can't drive let alone walk for 5 minutes without pain.
its the feds way of getting back at the sick for 7 to 0 ......supreme court WIN :hump::hump::hump::hump::weed::idea::idea::idea::idea:8)8)8)8)8)
This makes any sick person who uses cannabis as a medicine(which its not according to HC)
a criminal.
because the feds were forced to sell pot by the courts...this is their way of dealing with us sick assholes :)
I have muscle spasms

I have almost completely overcome muscle spasm and pain issues, since I starting taking Magnesium and Turmeric daily. I know for sure the turmeric helps immensely. We ran out last week and decided to stop and see if it made a difference. About a week now and both the wife and I have increased inflammation and pain. Thankfully our new order arrives today. Don't leave home without it.
I have almost completely overcome muscle spasm and pain issues, since I starting taking Magnesium and Turmeric daily. I know for sure the turmeric helps immensely. We ran out last week and decided to stop and see if it made a difference. About a week now and both the wife and I have increased inflammation and pain. Thankfully our new order arrives today. Don't leave home without it.

I am 24 and just have all the issues a young person shouldn't lol

My cbd roll on is saving my back lol
So I'm a medical user and drive.. now I should be worried? I either have to usey cbd vape then go out or not at all because I have muscle spasms lmfao that I Can't drive with lmfao wow.
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I hope they find a solution for medical users, who if don't use can't drive let alone walk for 5 minutes without pain.

they have...magical butter machine, trim, coconut oil....I take 2 00 caps every noon I'm home then the sparks fly....MHO

they have...magical butter machine, trim, coconut oil....I take 2 00 caps every noon I'm home then the sparks fly....MHO

OK, thanks for posting that opening. I have a MB machine and some Virgin Coconut Oil and a few 1000 00 caps, but I really not sure how the heck to get it into the caps once I prepare it.
OK, thanks for posting that opening. I have a MB machine and some Virgin Coconut Oil and a few 1000 )) caps, but I really not sure how the heck to get it into the caps once I prepare it.
suck it up in syringes and make a holder that will hold the caps
I use a piece of foam and I drilled small holes 1/4 inch deep to hold each cap..50 at a time.

divide the nukber of caps into 1000(1 gramof oil ) and it wil give you the amount in each cap

40 caps (39 g's coconut oil, 1 g of cannabis oil) divided by 1000 = 2
5 mg in each 00 cap...

39 grams of coconut oil to one gram of cannabis oil makes a 40 to one mixture
if you follow me here. 40 caps divided by 1 gram.(1000)
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OK, thanks for posting that opening. I have a MB machine and some Virgin Coconut Oil and a few 1000 00 caps, but I really not sure how the heck to get it into the caps once I prepare it.
The filling is both the easy and fun part, you get to lick all the spillage ;) Don't sit down to cap them if you need to be functional or drive.

I use one of these, grabbed one at Shoppers for like $2.99 including a brush to clean it, about 2 years ago and it's still perfectly fine.

You can also get these "cap machines" which are really just holders for the empty caps and I suppose they could make the job easier. I just split the caps, then grab one in one hand, the dropper in the other and fill them. A little spillage here & there but that's the reward for capping them!

End result:
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Thanks folks, been eyeing those holder trays. I have a few new plastic syringes and a couple of droppers, so I will just try them and see which works best.
Thanks folks, been eyeing those holder trays. I have a few new plastic syringes and a couple of droppers, so I will just try them and see which works best.

if you are gonna do caps...follow the recipe, and get a flush syringe...takes myself and 3 others 2 hrs to make 1000 caps...then in 3-4 months we run another need to run every week...fuck that .02

you cant swallow pills ? .Neither can my kid...
oil made frozen will not see chlorophyll in it and is what gives people stomach issues when ingesting..
Cannabis, on the other hand, stays in the body longer. This has raised concerns that people who have not consumed cannabis for an extended period could still be found to have it in their systems, as could people who use cannabis more frequently. There's also the matter of people who use cannabis for medicinal purposes. The reality is that cannabis has been shown to impair driving performance for up to three hours after use.

So the guy who works at the THC swab device factory is telling us that there are legitimate concerns that it WILL STILL be FOUND to BE in OUR SYSTEMS. And then says NOTHING further, oh I dunno, like, "Our device will ensure this doesn't happen, and innocent, non-impaired people are not charged"???? HE KNOWS BLOODY well it WILL happen with his crack-pot device, to use a turn of phrase. FUCK him and his sanctimonious unfounded science and temperamental device. Good luck using it in court in all but the most extreme cases, like where buddy says, "yeah I just smoked 10 minutes ago"; and then shows the officer video of him smoking a joint 10 minutes prior. It might work as evidence in a court case then. Just like blood readings, they get you down at the station because you failed their stupid swab device (hopefully you also failed a road side sobriety test at this point or we are truly living in a fascist state), then they take your blood, and you fail some arbitrary #, well they will pretty much have to get you failing simple cognitive tests or admitting to being impaired to say you are impaired.
We have the saliva test here and its nearly used as much roadside as the breathalyser for alcohol.

If you have THC in your system your guilty. Its not about impaired or not. One state has even gone so far as a first offence to THC is loss of licence for 3 months.