robbed for an oz

All of that behavior is cool with me.

I am not in a position to judge anyone's personal life. The OP can harbor all of those traits for all I care.

I was referring to his writing style. Hemingway's writing was exquisite.

And your taste in authors is excellent. EH is not my very favorite, but he's definitely on the list.

The Sun Also Rises and For Whom the Bell Tolls are among my favorites.

I personally liked "The Old Man and the Seedless Harvest". When he dragged a huge, empty stem aboard at the end ... I cried, and am not ashamed to admit it. cn
All of that behavior is cool with me.

I am not in a position to judge anyone's personal life. The OP can harbor all of those traits for all I care.

I was referring to his writing style. Hemingway's writing was exquisite.

And your taste in authors is excellent. EH is not my very favorite, but he's definitely on the list.

The Sun Also Rises and For Whom the Bell Tolls are among my favorites.

For Whom the Bell Tolls, Islands in the Stream, and Old Man and the Sea are my favorites. if you are a hemingway man then you will know this one...

"my mojito in La Bodeguita, my daiquiri in El Floridita"

both still alive and well in old havana. la bodeguita is a very cool place to hang out on the rooftop.

El Floridita.jpg La Bodeguita del Medio.jpg

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But please tell me how typing making me wanna sounds gangster if u were paying attention I clearly said multiple times I'm not a gangster and don't want to be one? So ur stupid as fuck I'm a white boy from the suburbs tryin not to waste time so I leave out letters just like a text just like a text I type lol instead of laughing out loud I type em instead of them I leave out almost any g at the end of a word unless spell check changes it automaticly I use no instead of no its not that big of a deal smoke some and relax u clearly understand it so quit bitching

Well when we say you sound is like when Canadian people type Ay, at the end of their are typing in is hard for me personally to understand..but from your post you were getting some cannabis from some unsavory types, and one of them stole your weed, so you beat up their friend..and something about g, g this, g that...I'm a G...You're a G...We're all Gs sounds like you are getting what people get when they keep the company you are keeping..I feel as though there are sometimes gaps that can't be bridged this is where we part ways
And just to repeat this is a post for simple small talk not for advice and obvious I can handle myself I stomped dude out who was involved that's not handling it u shouldn't judge people off one thing u no about em and I been doing this for multiple years and I seen a lot of people come and go in this game but I remain here I think that says I handle my business pretty fucking smart one incident has happened I don't have my shit twisted and a oz is pathetic n that's Wat i told dude who robbed me when he called saying were bogus for fucking his dude up I loled at him n said ur dude got fucked up for a couple hundo and honestly the green was worth fucking his dude up lol it was pretty enjoyable and also not getting snitched on because I handled it the right was and gave dude his phone and wallet back was a plus and let me add I'm not going to go shooting guns and hunting people down for a couple hundo to get 25 plus years Mybad I re posted like 5 times I just woke up and a had to catch up

You just answered your own question
Ur just stupid never said I was a g but ur gunna have to deal with it or don't comment on anything u don't like
