Rockwool cubes


Active Member
Hey Al, Dugout here I guess they have been flowering for about 5 weeks and I have little white hairs all around the buds but the main buds on top the hairs have turned brown. Like I said I have made so many mistakes that I don't expect much am really looking forward to starting over just going to do one plant in 1" rockwool cube in drip unit with clay pellets. I sure appreciate that feed back you gave me on transferring from soil to hydro unit that info was very helpful. I also have a yellowing problem with the leaves but the buds and leaves around them are very green. Anyway will get back in a few days to see what you said have a great one and burn one for me The ole hippy DUGOUT


Active Member
High all DUGOUT here, Well I have put my girl on straight water and am planning on starting the drying out process in 1 1/2 weeks. Yesterday I started the germination process on my good seeds they have been in about 24 hours the last time I germinated them it took about 36 hours so hopefully tonight or tomorrow I will be able to put them in rockwool cubes. I have cut down a 1" rockwool cube to fit in this little tray that I have to get them started. I am planning on starting them in a small amount of miracle gro because they seemed to start well in that will only be in about 2 weeks and then transplant to hydro unit with straight water for 2 weeks before starting nutes gradually. I hope you see this Al B. and give me any suggestions that you might have. I am also starting one in soil because my hydro unit is only large enough for one plus I don't want to loose more than 1 plant in the unit if I don't get it to work. Really planning on babying this plant and keep a very close eye on plants. I am cleaning and steralizing all my equipment with 9 parts water 1 part bleach and cleaning grow room with pinesol. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. Sorry so long just excited about getting started again. Peace and burn one for me. The ole hippy DUGOUT

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
My first suggestion is to keep MiracleGro away from your hydro system. It's intended for soil and won't include all of the elements in proper hydroponic nutes, which have some things designed to replace elements found in soils. Use a good quality hydroponic nutrient at a weak strength (~400ppm @ 5.8 ) for your seedlings once they have their second set of 'true' leaves. Bump that to 800 after they've been chugging along on 400 for a week or so.

My second would be to use H2O2 50% grade at 10ml/L for cleaning & sterilising instead of bleach. H2O2 breaks down into H, O & H2O when it reacts with organic debris, all of course harmless to plants. Household bleach is sodium hypochlorite; one of the decomposition components is sodium, of which your plants don't need any at all. If you have used bleach, make bluddy sure you have rinsed all of it off the water contact surfaces.

I appreciate your trepidation about going hydro, but if you have proper pH & EC metering, you will get it to work with no problems. Be careful about overwatering the RW. Don't keep the RW holding your seedlings saturated.

Lemme know how you go. :)


Active Member
High Al, Dugout here. Thanks for the quick response. I have a small trey that I am starting them in it is about 2" square and kind of cones down. I have already washed and sterilized this with the bleach but I rinsed good and let stand up so all water would drain out I let sit for 24 hours before use. I took my rockwool cube and soaked for 24 hours. My seedlings had sprouted about 1/4 of an inch and I put in rockwool that I had taken straight out of the water. I filled tray with about 2 1/2 tbl spoons of miracle gro in with them to stabalize rockwool just to get started so the washing of the miracle gro will be minimal but I am worried about the rockwool cube being to wet from what you said I didn't water the miracle gro at all I figured it would suck up excess water I hope that I am right. Anyway hopefully in a couple of days I will see some growth I will let you know. As far as the meters go all I have is the PH test bottle because that is all I can afford now. You seem to be very knowledgable in what I am asking so any other info would be greatly appreciated. Hey where are you located I am in Illinios. Hope to hear from you soon. Your buddy the Ole Hippy DUGOUT

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
High Al, Dugout here.
heh, I kinda guessed that from the bit at the top of your post that says 'Dugout.' ;)

Thanks for the quick response.
no worries :)
I have a small trey that I am starting them in it is about 2" square and kind of cones down. I have already washed and sterilized this with the bleach but I rinsed good and let stand up so all water would drain out I let sit for 24 hours before use.

I took my rockwool cube and soaked for 24 hours.
Which you did with pH5.0 water & 1ml/L 50% grade H2O2, right?

Then you drained the cube fully of the presoak soln with a salad spinner, or gave yourself a little tennis elbow shaking the soln out, right?

Gotcha so far....

My seedlings had sprouted about 1/4 of an inch and I put in rockwool that I had taken straight out of the water.
Um, you DID drain that 5.0 soaking soln out, right? At this point in your description, if you haven't drained it, you have a saturated RW cube, which you know will kill your seedling.

I filled tray with about 2 1/2 tbl spoons of miracle gro in with them to stabalize rockwool just to get started so the washing of the miracle gro will be minimal but I am worried about the rockwool cube being to wet

from what you said I didn't water the miracle gro at all I figured it would suck up excess water I hope that I am right.

Anyway hopefully in a couple of days I will see some growth I will let you know.
If you have left that RW cube saturated, you'll soon have a stretchy and somewhat dead seedling.

As far as the meters go all I have is the PH test bottle because that is all I can afford now.
Maybe you should stop now and wait until you can afford some proper metering. pH test strips or liquid colour matching kits are fine for your swimming pool, but simply not good enough for hydroponics.

You seem to be very knowledgable in what I am asking so any other info would be greatly appreciated.
Thanks for that, but if you won't follow my suggestions, I may as well not make any.

Hey where are you located I am in Illinios.
Sydney, Australia.


Active Member
High Al it is not that I won't follow your directions it is just that unfortunately I got the info after I had already planted. A lot of what you said I don't understand. There were no nutes at all in the water all I used was tap water that had sat for 24 hours. I am not sure what H2o2 is also what is ph 5.0 I was told previously not to use any nutes until it has been about 2 weeks and then start slow. don't give up on me just yet Al I am just learning and a little confused do to different info from different people. These people I talked to before you. I love Australia almost moved there spent 2 weeks in Perth met a great gal and have lots of good memories. Well High to you down under burn one for me the ole hippy DUGOUT


Active Member
Hey Al, Dugout here again. I have told you what I did with my good seeds. I put them in a saturated 1" rockwool cube with about 2 1/2 tablespoons of miracle gro to stabalize the block I had also cut the cube down to about 3/4" to fit in the squares in the tray. I know you said never use this in last message so is there anyway to correct my mistake can I just leave the seed in the cube with nothing around it and how much and how do I properly water it. I hope that I have not screwed up again. I do really appreciate all of your help and I will pay attention to what you say from know on. I will ask before I do. Anyway Peace and burn one for me the ole hippy DUGOUT

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
There were no nutes at all in the water all I used was tap water that had sat for 24 hours.
No need to stand water for 24h, out of the tap is fine.

I am not sure what H2o2 is
hydrogen peroxide solution. Get 50% or 35% grades from hydro shops.

also what is ph 5.0
Water adjusted to pH 5.0 with pHDown adjustment solution. You need the pHDown solution and an electronic pH meter, both avail from hydro shops.
I was told previously not to use any nutes until it has been about 2 weeks and then start slow.
That's correct. I specifically disadvise giving nutes until they have roots.


Active Member
High Al, so is there anything I can do to correct the mistakes you have said I made with the germination process. I checked the rockwool cube and it is still pretty moist. Just curious what does the peroxide do? Anyway I read in a book that you could cut off and bud and put it in a envelope and sit it on the ballast for about 3 hours and it will dry it out so you can smoke. Curiousity got the best of me because of all the mistakes I have made with it I just needed to know if I needed just to throw it away. Well I tried it and believe it or not for all of the mistakes it still gave you an ok mellow buzz for about any hour. I was really surprised not the greatest but not the worst maybe with a little more time it will be better still going to let it grow for 8 more days and then cure which I figure the buds will be a little better after curing properly. Ok as far as your suggestions goes about picking up the peroxide and the electronic PH meter I am going to check prices and see if I can afford it at this time I am disabled and on a very fixed income and I have just about spent all I can afford for a while but if it is possible I will get it let you know what I find out. O yea I already have PH up and down. Well my brother peace and burn one for me The Ole HIPPY DUGOUT


Active Member
High Al, Just checked out the prices. The peroxide is no problem but the meter is a problem for a while at $150 and up I just can't afford at this time. Is there anything else I can do I have the water tester with the drops but I think you said that wasn't accurate enough. Well my brother hope to hear from you soon. The Ole Hippy DUGOUT

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
I checked the rockwool cube and it is still pretty moist.
Shake all excess water out of the cube with a snap of the wrist. Avoid crushing the cube.

Just curious what does the peroxide do?
H2O2 breaks down into H2, O2 & H2O on contact with organic matter (pathogens etc). Roots love the O2 and the H2O2 kills any pathogens which may attack the roots.

Anyway I read in a book that you could cut off and bud and put it in a envelope and sit it on the ballast for about 3 hours and it will dry it out so you can smoke.
Not a good practise... but it'll work for sampling, I spoze.

Exposing THC to temps above 29C will cause it to break down into non- or less-psychoactive cannabinoids such as cannabidiol (CBD) and cannabidinol (CBN). Mistreated buds thus may not give quite the buzz you'll get off properly dried ones.

going to let it grow for 8 more days and then cure which I figure the buds will be a little better after curing properly.
Yep. Harvesting immature plants can be a bit counterproductive, though. 60-70% of the budmass (and thus resin & THC) are made in the last 2 weeks of flowering.

Ok as far as your suggestions goes about picking up the peroxide and the electronic PH meter I am going to check prices and see if I can afford it at this time I am disabled and on a very fixed income and I have just about spent all I can afford for a while but if it is possible I will get it let you know what I find out. O yea I already have PH up and down.
There is a bit of cash outlay when you're getting set up, but it certainly pays off later on. You may opt for a very cheap pH meter in the beginning, but once in the swing of things, look for a Eutech pHScan1 waterproof pH meter. About $115, probe tip lasts 2 years, replacements are about $50-60.

Be sure to get pH 4.0 & 7.0 calibration solutions. You will need to calibrate your pH meter periodically. Put about 50ml of the pH 4 & 7 buffer solns in small plastic containers, which you can keep at room temp. Use those for dipping the meter for calibration and testing. Discard those dipping solns after about 7-10 days, or when you notice any whitish, gelatinous gack growing in them. Keep the remainder of your cal solns in their bottles, in the fridge. Sterilise the dipping containers with a solution of H2O2 50% grade and water at 10ml/L and refill them from the bulk containers you keep in the fridge.


Active Member
High Al, I was just looking at my seedlings in the rockwool and it looks like they are breaking through the rockwool dried out and I added about 2 tblspns of water in each to lightly moisten. I will quit bothering you for a couple of days and let you know what is going on later. Thanks for all the help. One more thing were do you get CO2 and how do you use it. have a good one bro and burn one for me The Ole Hippy DUGOUT

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
Good news.

CO2 is not worth doing unless done right. That means a tank, regulator and a controller, which measures gas concentration & meters the gas accordingly, as well as manages aircon or exhaust blowers to avoid blowing CO2 out of the room. Chemical reaction CO2 generation methods are unreliable- just just don't know how much gas they're making.


Active Member
High Al, How is everything down under? Here hanging in there. I think you might have been right AGAIN. My seedlings have sprouted up and I put them under my sodium light. I think my closet is getting to hot and I have no way to vent out the hot air. I was wondering if you think I could cut a hole at the top of my closet door and put an exhaust fan in. I have an oscilating fan in the closet and the room is 2' wide 7' long and about about 8 1/2' tall. My thoughts on this is to put an exhaust fan in the upper corner on the other end of the closet away from oscilating fan. I plan on some way putting and exhaust hose on it some how to eliminate light leaking out. I don't think my seedlings are going to make it. If not I will start over. How long should I soak rockwool one inch cubes and what should I do about getting excess water out before putting seedlings in cube? Also would it be alright to put them on a small plate and as the cubes dry out put a small amount of water on the plate for cubes and plants to get water. I am sick of screwing up these good seeds so please explain in laymens terms what I should do I can't afford to loose anymore seeds. I have no peroxide or root stimulus and can't get any for a while but I do have guano a 1 gallon jug for veg. and it contains bat, seagull and worm castings. I also have a 1 gal. jug for budding same guano just very little PH. So can I just start with water and in about 2 weeks start adding guano a little bit at a time until I get up to desired PH. I know I must sound like a dumb shit but I am reading a book how to grow great marijauna and in one place it says for seedling use 12 on and 12 off and then in another spot it says 18 to 24 hours. I have taken the 2 seedlings out of grow room and put under small flouresent light not very powerful but plants are about 3" from light like I said it is not a very strong light. I am hopilng they will still come out of it and start to develop and if they do when should I transfer to hydro unit. Man I wish there was some way I could get your address so I could write to you there are somethings I would like to say but not on here and I know we can't give out E address or real address's on here. O well guess this will just have to be good enough. Anyway Bro thanks for not giving up on me and I am not going to do anything if these don't make it till I hear from you. Man there are so many people with different teqniques so I have decided to just listen to one and that is you. I am sorry but a lot of this is very confusing when you get so many opinions. Anyway Peace and Burn one for me. Your friend the Ole Hippy DUGOUT


Active Member
Hey Al one more thing I have been misting my plant since in flower stage using flora bloom in misting bottle about a tsp of nutes. Someone said just to use plain water. Is this nececary or should I quit. I heard misting at night after lights are shut off with control pests. What is your opinion on this. Thanks Bro The Ole Hippy DUGOUT


Active Member
Hey Al, it me again your royal pain in the ass DUGOUT. I was searching through the threads here and found one about temps in grow rooms. My temp is around 90 degrees probably and I realize this is to hot. I just read an idea from a guy and thought I would run it passed you. He said that if I take a cooler and fill it with water frozen in milk jugs and cut holes in both ends of the cooler and it will help the problem out. What do you think Peace and out The Ole Hippy DUGOUT

Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
My seedlings have sprouted up and I put them under my sodium light. I think my closet is getting to hot and I have no way to vent out the hot air.
ventilation is job #1 in any grow op. The ventilation system must be able to keep the room between 24-26C.

I was wondering if you think I could cut a hole at the top of my closet door and put an exhaust fan in.
yep, that's the first thing to do, the second is to assure cool air can easily enter the space so there's a throughflow.

I have an oscilating fan in the closet and the room is 2' wide 7' long and about about 8 1/2' tall. My thoughts on this is to put an exhaust fan in the upper corner on the other end of the closet away from oscilating fan.
yes, you need an osc fan too, but that alone will not only not cool the room, the fan's motor will make the room air hotter. An osc fan is needed to build stem strength and circulate air around the leaves.

I plan on some way putting and exhaust hose on it some how to eliminate light leaking out.
You can make a serpentine light trap from cardboard or plywood:

How long should I soak rockwool one inch cubes and what should I do about getting excess water out before putting seedlings in cube?
Soak cubes in water adjusted to pH 5.0 for 24h and drain using a salad spinner before plugging stems or seedlings in them.

Also would it be alright to put them on a small plate and as the cubes dry out put a small amount of water on the plate for cubes and plants to get water.
NO! Because RW has a strong wicking action, this will keep cubes saturated all the time! See for details on how to water seedlings or clones in RW cubes.

I am sick of screwing up these good seeds so please explain in laymens terms what I should do I can't afford to loose anymore seeds.
Sorry, I'm making this as simple as I can!

I have no peroxide
get some!

or root stimulus
what's that?

and can't get any for a while but I do have guano a 1 gallon jug for veg. and it contains bat, seagull and worm castings.
Don't use organics in a hydro op. They are incompatible with H2O2.

I am reading a book how to grow great marijauna and in one place it says for seedling use 12 on and 12 off and then in another spot it says 18 to 24 hours.
Not such a good book. The first citation is wrong. Clones/seedlings should get 18-24h/day light.

I have taken the 2 seedlings out of grow room and put under small flouresent light not very powerful but plants are about 3" from light like I said it is not a very strong light.
As it should be! Seedlings and clones don't need to be pounded with light.

when should I transfer to hydro unit.
When they have a good spray of roots, they can be put in pots of your choice of medium:


Al B. Fuct

once had a dog named
The trap should be large enough to flow the CFM rate of the blower without restricting it.

Given the serpentine path, I'd expect it's cross-section should have at least the same area as or (preferably) larger than the duct or fan feeding it. An S bend in some flexiduct will trap light pretty well, probably easier to make.

Paint the inside of either a serpentine light trap or an S bent duct flat black to reduce light transmission.


Active Member
Good morning Al, I hope this message finds you doing well and having a great weekend. Why do you leave the paper on your rockwool cubes does this do something I know nothing about. And what color is serpentine never heard of it I have some flat white paint that I used on my closet doors is this good enough? And last but not least how big do I make the light trap outer dimension and I can figure out the rest. Man o Man I spent all day on the computer looking stuff up about growing and talking in the rollup chat rooms. Some people really like to make you think that they are very knowledgable when it comes to growing pot and really are wrong. That is the biggest mistake I made just taking for granted that these people knew what they were talking about I am really glad I met you you have helped a lot and thanks for being patient with me. I had a guy give me a suggestion yesterday that I was going to run by you but someone else told me the major draw back of doing this. He said take a large cooler cut holes on both ends and fill with frozen milk bottles with a fan and it will cool down the grow room but another guy pointed out that this would raise the humidity quite a bit so I trashed that idea. Also someone told me not to have my ballast in my grow room because of the heat it lets out. I took the ballast out and I believe my temps are just right know probably between 75 and 80 degrees I think it droped the heat at least 10 degrees so I am very happy about that. Well bro I wish I could speak to you in person I would really like to sit down and discuss growing with you. O well I know that is impossible. If I knew a way to get my phone # to you I would do it but this is an unsecure sight and don't want personal info on here and I am sure that you are the same. Well bro have a great weekend and look forward to hearing from you soon. Burn one for me. Peace and out the Ole Hippy DUGOUT