Roe v Wade overturned, the murder of the unborn is back to the states

Devils advocate side, women have always used the my body my choice narrative forcing men to be fathers when they aren’t ready for financial gains mostly in form of support, guys never have a say in anything so it’s almost a taste of their own medicine thing going on. Second topic of discussion about all of it, women have like 7 options for birth control, they can act responsibly and use them. Third topic, what if the man wants to be a father and is willing to raise the kid alone, should a women get to annex that over 9 months of discomforts and destroy the life? It’s one thing if it’s going to take the life of the mother and physicians can determine this accurately, but aside from that shouldn’t women be held to responsibility or are we always gonna say it’s the man’s fault he should have worn a condom instead of she should have been on the pill, shot, iud etc etc
so rape never happens where you live?......
So you believe the DNC fake news. Typical. As we near the mid terms we will se more evidence of election fraud brought forth. There is already proof of a lot.
Go back to school
You can't even write a complete fucking sentence

See what the American schools produce?

huh they are forcing abortion now in the states? wtf
