Roe v Wade overturned, the murder of the unborn is back to the states

Considering prostitution is the worlds oldest profession im not sure why some people think abortion is only a new thing and what the relevance is of a court case.

Abortions have been happening well before courts existed, especially such a backwards court like the US. Happening since day dot pretty much. You can choose to make them safe or you can kill more women.

You can choose to make women's business your business or leave it up to the women. You can choose to have females with no constitutional rights or you can choose for them to have equal rights.

Says a lot about people i think.
There are so many reasons a female might not want to have a "males sperm" hatch out any of her eggs. Or a family/parent want that for their child. I totally concur and sympathize with that. Just like I do with pro life people that want to preserve life at any cost, at the same time. Especially would be dads that never even knew (1/4 woman in US= chances are some of us guys right here might have had aborted children we never knew about), or maybe did know, and begged her not to go through with it.

That's why I can only be so thankful, and respect women as the sacred divine portals to this realm that they are. So happy to be a dad myself, and for all those that are too. And for moms.

I could never sleep with a woman without mutually sharing my sperm in such a way, so that it is also hers too, and alway's make it known that's what i'm prepared for if we do. I feel rich knowing I found one that said yes. I could never be controlling in any way towards any women, or lead them on. It's a moral obligation to protect women and children, and slay demons. I see all the errors of my older ways, thinking I could change people and all of that.. I'm highly aware of those that wish to be in control now, and see how weak and pathetic it actually makes them. Super low vibes. Same with simps too, that let the other people have all the control over them, lol. They simp ly do not have the will power to control their lust/emotions, and do not act like a real man around females, and vice versa. Always wanting and needing, trying to fill a void as if they aren't whole. Like energy vampires. A lack of god\balance if you will. Wanting everything attracts nothing... wanting control.. haha.

No I don't think they were only legalized because of her. I know there are many more infinite reasons than that. Some of them as of recent times seam pretty dark and sinister though, like political funding that went along towards aiding in the trafficking of the so called batches of cells you're talking about (which more often than not resemble actual little human body parts, tissues, organs, and full on looking babies coming out screaming) for profits and control.

They are trained to cut the jugular/vocal box area first, so the patients don't get upset from the noise of the live fetus coming out, trying to breath. Just like they cut out the throats of the dogs they were testing on in the wuhan labs, so they don't yelp during experiments, etc.

I'm pretty okay knowing that won't happen so often. I also know that women will still find ways to have successful procedures performed, like they always have, regardless of any court decisions. Or botched jobs,where they remember the sound of it dying, even though they were told its not a living thing. I'm cool with all that too. They will still be able to get it done. Might just cost a bit more??

I really don't think any woman, or groups of women ever did go along with trying to publicly get it legalized on their own accord. They probably had to be filtered through and selected, blackmailed, and or paid off... because they are either afraid of being persecuted over it, or simply know it's wrong in their hearts*, and rather be completely anonymous about it.
There are so many reasons a female might not want to have a "males sperm" hatch out any of her eggs. Or a family/parent want that for their child. I totally concur and sympathize with that. Just like I do with pro life people that want to preserve life at any cost, at the same time. Especially would be dads that never even knew (1/4 woman in US= chances are some of us guys right here might have had aborted children we never knew about), or maybe did know, and begged her not to go through with it.

That's why I can only be so thankful, and respect women as the sacred divine portals to this realm that they are. So happy to be a dad myself, and for all those that are too. And for moms.

I could never sleep with a woman without mutually sharing my sperm in such a way, so that it is also hers too, and alway's make it known that's what i'm prepared for if we do. I feel rich knowing I found one that said yes. I could never be controlling in any way towards any women, or lead them on. It's a moral obligation to protect women and children, and slay demons. I see all the errors of my older ways, thinking I could change people and all of that.. I'm highly aware of those that wish to be in control now, and see how weak and pathetic it actually makes them. Super low vibes. Same with simps too, that let the other people have all the control over them, lol. They simp ly do not have the will power to control their lust/emotions, and do not act like a real man around females, and vice versa. Always wanting and needing, trying to fill a void as if they aren't whole. Like energy vampires. A lack of god\balance if you will. Wanting everything attracts nothing... wanting control.. haha.

No I don't think they were only legalized because of her. I know there are many more infinite reasons than that. Some of them as of recent times seam pretty dark and sinister though, like political funding that went along towards aiding in the trafficking of the so called batches of cells you're talking about (which more often than not resemble actual little human body parts, tissues, organs, and full on looking babies coming out screaming) for profits and control.

They are trained to cut the jugular/vocal box area first, so the patients don't get upset from the noise of the live fetus coming out, trying to breath. Just like they cut out the throats of the dogs they were testing on in the wuhan labs, so they don't yelp during experiments, etc.

I'm pretty okay knowing that won't happen so often. I also know that women will still find ways to have successful procedures performed, like they always have, regardless of any court decisions. Or botched jobs,where they remember the sound of it dying, even though they were told its not a living thing. I'm cool with all that too. They will still be able to get it done. Might just cost a bit more??

I really don't think any woman, or groups of women ever did go along with trying to publicly get it legalized on their own accord. They probably had to be filtered through and selected, blackmailed, and or paid off... because they are either afraid of being persecuted over it, or simply know it's wrong in their hearts*, and rather be completely anonymous about it.
You are seriously a mess :wall::wall::wall:
On a positive note
^^^ I’ll have what he is smoking ^^^
There are men in labs right now, growing fetuses in artificial wombs as we speak. Ectogenesis. Current human trials are limited to 14 days in the sack, due to ethical reasons. I don't see anything in the laws about how many though. They bring perfectly cloned lambs to full term no problem though.

There could be 15 billion human fetuses in sacks under the ground right now, with mad scientists hooking them up to probes, and generating electrical current as soon as the heart forms at 13 days or something. Planning to use Elon's neurolink brain chips in the future to emulate the sounds/feelings of motherhood, comforting the fetuses as they grow. Jack them right into the starlink network, lol.

There are enough female eggs on ice in Antarctica to last millions of years, and artificially procreate humans without anyone ever having sex again.. Pretty soon guy's can pick out and design their own baby on a computer, and they will ship you a fertilized egg to transplant into your artificial womb.

I've already patented the idea to have a reverse backpack womb for guys, To walk around and show off your human you are growing once it's legalized, so don't get any idea's.. lol.

I guess what I'm saying, is it's not really up to women whether they abort human cells. Guys are doing it right now. Aborting fetuses growing in sacks.

If it's so okay to get rid of "cells" by abortion, than it's totally okay for a guy to buy some eggs and grow his own kid in a grow room with artificial womb. Very simple device and the blueprints are online. Even abort it, if it starts to appear disabled, or doesn't come out looking the way you want it. Its not alive until it breathes its first breath right?, so you could just keep fluid in the lungs, and keep it in the womb for 16 years because it's not a person.
There are men in labs right now, growing fetuses in artificial wombs as we speak. Ectogenesis. Current human trials are limited to 14 days in the sack, due to ethical reasons. I don't see anything in the laws about how many though. They bring perfectly cloned lambs to full term no problem though.

There could be 15 billion human fetuses in sacks under the ground right now, with mad scientists hooking them up to probes, and generating electrical current as soon as the heart forms at 13 days or something. Planning to use Elon's neurolink brain chips in the future to emulate the sounds/feelings of motherhood, comforting the fetuses as they grow. Jack them right into the starlink network, lol.

There are enough female eggs on ice in Antarctica to last millions of years, and artificially procreate humans without anyone ever having sex again.. Pretty soon guy's can pick out and design their own baby on a computer, and they will ship you a fertilized egg to transplant into your artificial womb.

I've already patented the idea to have a reverse backpack womb for guys, To walk around and show off your human you are growing once it's legalized, so don't get any idea's.. lol.

I guess what I'm saying, is it's not really up to women whether they abort human cells. Guys are doing it right now. Aborting fetuses growing in sacks.

If it's so okay to get rid of "cells" by abortion, than it's totally okay for a guy to buy some eggs and grow his own kid in a grow room with artificial womb. Very simple device and the blueprints are online. Even abort it, if it starts to appear disabled, or doesn't come out looking the way you want it. Its not alive until it breathes its first breath right?, so you could just keep fluid in the lungs, and keep it in the womb for 16 years because it's not a person.
I still use aftershave
And toothpaste
May allah forgive me
There are men in labs right now, growing fetuses in artificial wombs as we speak. Ectogenesis. Current human trials are limited to 14 days in the sack, due to ethical reasons. I don't see anything in the laws about how many though. They bring perfectly cloned lambs to full term no problem though.

There could be 15 billion human fetuses in sacks under the ground right now, with mad scientists hooking them up to probes, and generating electrical current as soon as the heart forms at 13 days or something. Planning to use Elon's neurolink brain chips in the future to emulate the sounds/feelings of motherhood, comforting the fetuses as they grow. Jack them right into the starlink network, lol.

There are enough female eggs on ice in Antarctica to last millions of years, and artificially procreate humans without anyone ever having sex again.. Pretty soon guy's can pick out and design their own baby on a computer, and they will ship you a fertilized egg to transplant into your artificial womb.

I've already patented the idea to have a reverse backpack womb for guys, To walk around and show off your human you are growing once it's legalized, so don't get any idea's.. lol.

I guess what I'm saying, is it's not really up to women whether they abort human cells. Guys are doing it right now. Aborting fetuses growing in sacks.

If it's so okay to get rid of "cells" by abortion, than it's totally okay for a guy to buy some eggs and grow his own kid in a grow room with artificial womb. Very simple device and the blueprints are online. Even abort it, if it starts to appear disabled, or doesn't come out looking the way you want it. Its not alive until it breathes its first breath right?, so you could just keep fluid in the lungs, and keep it in the womb for 16 years because it's not a person.
Im good with it. Not sure exactly what all I am endorsing with that statement, but I appreciated the narrative twist and subsequent journey. Looking forward to future installments.

I know its hard to believe right? Real test tube babies, but that is nothing...

There are guys out there ejaculating into chicken egg embryos, and creating what are known as humonculus creatures in test tubes as well, BTW.

Some guy managed to keep one alive for awhile.. and even feed it on video.

Half chicken half human hybrid abomination? Or just a clump of cells.?..

One of you guys with no morals, and who don't give a shit about your clumps of dna/cells being experimented or tortured on should totally try it, and report back if it actually works, lol.

We could have a grow competition here on RIU, and place bets on who grows the most badass hybrid!
I know its hard to believe right? Real test tube babies, but that is nothing...

There are guys out there ejaculating into chicken egg embryos, and creating what are known as humonculus creatures in test tubes as well, BTW.

Some guy managed to keep one alive for awhile.. and even feed it on video.

Half chicken half human hybrid abomination? Or just a clump of cells.?..

One of you guys with no morals, and who don't give a shit about your clumps of dna/cells being experimented or tortured on should totally try it, and report back if it actually works, lol.

We could have a grow competition here on RIU, and place bets on who grows the most badass hybrid!
go home your drunk....
I know its hard to believe right? Real test tube babies, but that is nothing...

There are guys out there ejaculating into chicken egg embryos, and creating what are known as humonculus creatures in test tubes as well, BTW.

Some guy managed to keep one alive for awhile.. and even feed it on video.

Half chicken half human hybrid abomination? Or just a clump of cells.?..

One of you guys with no morals, and who don't give a shit about your clumps of dna/cells being experimented or tortured on should totally try it, and report back if it actually works, lol.

We could have a grow competition here on RIU, and place bets on who grows the most badass hybrid!
Ready set go
They should remake the movie the blob, but have it so the blob is made from all the perpetually grown fetal cells since the 50's and 60's, from the 2 fetuses they used back then and still to this day.

If you think about it, the 2 unborn babies they used, 1 boy and 1 girl, are technically still alive in a way. Never able to fully die.

They've been researching/growing only their cell lines in petri dishes across the world for decades. Not letting them die, or let their soul cross over or something.

If you combined all of their cells which are spread out across the world right now, in thousands of laboratories, into one giant mutant looking blob formation, it would be the size of king king!

Coming this summer, to a theater near you!
They should remake the movie the blob, but have it so the blob is made from all the perpetually grown fetal cells since the 50's and 60's, from the 2 fetuses they used back then and still to this day.

If you think about it, the 2 unborn babies they used, 1 boy and 1 girl, are technically still alive in a way. Never able to fully die.

They've been researching/growing only their cell lines in petri dishes across the world for decades. Not letting them die, or let their soul cross over or something.

If you combined all of their cells which are spread out across the world right now, in thousands of laboratories, into one giant mutant looking blob formation, it would be the size of king king!

Coming this summer, to a theater near you!
so now you believe in science?...
All of these objectively horrible humans argueing for states rights are just arguing for their states to decide who has rights. If you’re racist, anti choice, anti gay, then you’re anti freedom and you’re a piece of shit and I hope you fucking die alone, scared and in a whole lot of fucking pain.

i hope your crops all fail too
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