Roe v Wade overturned, the murder of the unborn is back to the states

It’s always sunny in fantasyIand I guess. Hang on to your dreams, if you keep crying loud enough us common sense folk might just join your side instead of helping you look like the morons you love to portray
we were never gonna talk sense into the diehard pubtards, but it's the 10% RINO swing voters we are after.. I believe the supreme court just did us a favor. bongsmilie
How so? Seems we are having record turnouts.
In America as I'm sure you know one persons vote is worth more than another's.
Its not a majority government allot of the time its a minority government elected by people who's votes are worth more.
Voting in the states is much more restricted and harder than countries were citizen's are required to vote.

and yes the last election America had a large turn out to show their disgust at Trump but % wise compared to countries where 90 plus % of eligible voters turn out its pretty piss poor.
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Bitchute! Might wanna practice some info hygiene there.


Damn people got dumb. Is your tap water all fucked up or something?

I can recall a point in time where if you held up the "newspapers" sold in the grocery store checkout line as proof of your claim every single person would laugh at you (in small midwest towns) and just dismiss your claims about Elvis. These people have turned to that as legitimate news to inform their world view.

Just holy shit. Look at yourself.
The videos with Jane Roe confessing that she ultimately turned against abortion, lied about being raped, and did it for the money are on just about every media platform BTW. Even the more "left leaning" censored ones like youtube.. Go ahead and fact check it to be sure.

I got my info directly from Norma's mouth, and feel confident about her confessions, whether it was on bitchute or not.

Was I misinformed by her or something? Well, wasn't everyone? No?

The dirtiest of info came right from herself, and her signatures agreeing to the terms all those years ago. She admits that it was all a big lie. So basically anyone using Roe vs Wade as a reason to justify killing millions should probably be checking themselves as well, and understanding why she did what she did, right?

I would feel bad too.. if 100's of thousands of unborn children were aborted every year for selfish reasons. For decades, mostly based on an agenda full of lies and deceit that I was coerced into helping fabricate.

Recently it was said that 1 out of 4 women in the US will have, or has had an abortion, but only less than 1000 a year have any real problem that they could die as a result of child birth. I wonder how all that will change, now that it's up to the states or whatever.

I'm not saying it's a good or bad thing, or judging anyone about it really. Just curious to see if it all comes tumbling down, as realities based on lies usually do.
I don't identify to or with any arguments here though. I know better than to argue with anyone, and I agree with your point.
The words we use are hugely consquential. When you use a phrase associated with the worst of the Jesus Taliban, you indicate sympathy or concurrence with the underlying (and morally repugnant) ideology.
The videos with Jane Roe confessing that she ultimately turned against abortion, lied about being raped, and did it for the money are on just about every media platform BTW. Even the more "left leaning" censored ones like youtube.. Go ahead and fact check it to be sure.

I got my info directly from Norma's mouth, and feel confident about her confessions, whether it was on bitchute or not.

Was I misinformed by her or something? Well, wasn't everyone? No?

The dirtiest of info came right from herself, and her signatures agreeing to the terms all those years ago. She admits that it was all a big lie. So basically anyone using Roe vs Wade as a reason to justify killing millions should probably be checking themselves as well, and understanding why she did what she did, right?

I would feel bad too.. if 100's of thousands of unborn children were aborted every year for selfish reasons. For decades, mostly based on an agenda full of lies and deceit that I was coerced into helping fabricate.

Recently it was said that 1 out of 4 women in the US will have, or has had an abortion, but only less than 1000 a year have any real problem that they could die as a result of child birth. I wonder how all that will change, now that it's up to the states or whatever.

I'm not saying it's a good or bad thing, or judging anyone about it really. Just curious to see if it all comes tumbling down, as realities based on lies usually do.
I only laugh because of the audacity of thinking you know what the reasons are that a woman would choose to not carry a spermed on egg to completion. Especially when most abortions are chosen by women who already have children. Thinking that they are doing it for 'selfish' reasons is bullshit.

As is the religious nut talk, but that was already covered in the above posts.
Selfish as in, abortions were legalized into an industry, because a woman that lied wanted money. Referring to her decisions as being selfish, which even she agrees were.

Not as in I don't believe women do not have a choice or should have. That is not really for me to decide.

IMO I think everything happens exactly the way it is supposed to. If it was meant to be, it will be. That includes giving birth or having an abortion..
Selfish as in, abortions were legalized into an industry, because a woman that lied wanted money. Referring to her decisions as being selfish, which even she agrees were.

Not as in I don't believe women do not have a choice or should have. That is not really for me to decide.
You really think that abortions were only legalized because of her? You really think that with all the women throughout pre-roe era, who have went through hell having people stab them with hangers, pour bleach inside of them, and other hells to remove the growing batch of cells from her body, not one of them would have gone through the work to get it legalized?

That sounds really naive to me.

I agree with it not being your choice what health care a woman would choose to have. Or think that the reasons are 'selfish'.

IMO I think everything happens exactly the way it is supposed to. If it was meant to be, it will be. That includes giving birth or having an abortion..
Yeah that sounds really a lot like copout to me. But they are just feels, so really not one way or the other to know.