Roe v Wade overturned, the murder of the unborn is back to the states

Ok then good for them. Rest assured that there will be new laws going into effect. Why are you interested in what Red states are doing? Live where you wish. By the way your link wouldn't open for me.
Because the reds states are where my money is going.....
Obviously, not ignorant of how life works bud, just providing foundations of responsibility so she can enjoy life and not have an oops baby that changes her life goals. Again it’s not complicated, it’s simply women taking their responsibility as well as the men. And for forensics to work you gotta find the murder scene, the body, and my dna as well linking me there. If it were ever an eventuality, the kid might as well be named Hoffa. As for his dad, tough shit but you should have invested the time teaching your kid not to be sociopathic and rapey. If they do it once they’ll do it again, world doesn’t need those kinds of men
Actually all it takes is a heartbroken daughter who has better values than her psychopath father
Actually all it takes is a heartbroken daughter who has better values than her psychopath father
so you’re all for rapers? Interesting how demoralized the left is these days. I’m sure your future son will be on dateline and you’ll be saying I don’t know what happened