Roe v Wade overturned, the murder of the unborn is back to the states

so you’re all for rapers? Interesting how demoralized the left is these days. I’m sure your future son will be on dateline and you’ll be saying I don’t know what happened
I’ll be saying your slut of a daughter had it coming
Sorry about that but I was a. Lifelong RepubliCON
I’ll be saying your slut of a daughter had it coming
Sorry about that but I was a. Lifelong RepubliCON
Really? That’s your retort? Dude you have some serious mental health concerns that require immediate help from a licensed psychologist. I suggest you seek it
a woman and her dr are the ones responsible to make this decision....not some drunk republican
So you’re all for women seeking birth control options and her dr recommending what’s best for her? What exactly is the issue then? If they aren’t getting pregnant until they are ready to have a family then there’s no need for abortion because they’re choosing procreation
So you’re all for women seeking birth control options and her dr recommending what’s best for her? What exactly is the issue then? If they aren’t getting pregnant until they are ready to have a family then there’s no need for abortion because they’re choosing procreation
Let me know if you find a good deal on chastity belts
So you’re all for women seeking birth control options and her dr recommending what’s best for her? What exactly is the issue then? If they aren’t getting pregnant until they are ready to have a family then there’s no need for abortion because they’re choosing procreation
it's called "Family Planning" in the free states of the USA.....
From the guy prepared to protect his daughters virginity with a gun lol
No, from the guy saying if she got raped he’d eliminate the rapist because we all know rape cases have a 100% conviction rate. It’s not like if they get away with it once they won’t do it again. Yes that’s sound logic, rely on the justice system that’s failed women who suffered that injustice on a 98% scale in the courtroom.
No, from the guy saying if she got raped he’d eliminate the rapist because we all know rape cases have a 100% conviction rate. It’s not like if they get away with it once they won’t do it again. Yes that’s sound logic, rely on the justice system that’s failed women who suffered that injustice on a 98% scale in the courtroom.
Vigilantism is still against the law Kyle be damned
By the way unlike your gal
A lot of women really enjoy sex
How do you plan to thwart that ?
That makes no sense, no one’s saying don’t enjoy life, just saying enjoy it responsibly. Libs/dems, you guys will never have any form of common sense. Bunch of overgrown toddlers pitching tantrums. Enjoy your night
And the right all stopped growing emotionally at 15
Night night
Vigilantism is still against the law Kyle be damned
By the way unlike your gal
A lot of women really enjoy sex
How do you plan to thwart that ?
Never once did I say they shouldn’t, I said both them and the man should act responsibly with it unless they’re trying to conceive. Is it so crazy to use a condom and be on the pill? Responsibility from both sides goes a long way. Are you really that stupid that you are going to argue two forms of birth control are better than one?
Never once did I say they shouldn’t, I said both them and the man should act responsibly with it unless they’re trying to conceive. Is it so crazy to use a condom and be on the pill? Responsibility from both sides goes a long way. Are you really that stupid that you are going to argue two forms of birth control are better than one?
Condoms break and pills fail
Oh dear