Romulan n Kryptonite 2 strains, 2 lights, 2lbs.


Well-Known Member
I Love It! Sweet man. Do you think they make coral light bulbs for a photo tron? That would just be awesome if they did, cuz I have one.

Your girls are all looking wonderful NorCal. Such beautiful, tall, white, untouched pistles. mmmmmm.


Well-Known Member
thanks fumble;) i dont even know what a photo tron is, but ill look into it for you. there are a number of ways to get a deeper spectrum. that is basicly all it is im doing tinkering in the light spectrum to see what is the best combo.

i know right? those are hella tall! mine have been getting realy big last crop and this. i think it maybe related to something good to cuz i havent seen tall long ones like this without a ginormas buds being the end product so yay


Well-Known Member
I Love It! Sweet man. Do you think they make coral light bulbs for a photo tron? That would just be awesome if they did, cuz I have one.

Your girls are all looking wonderful NorCal. Such beautiful, tall, white, untouched pistles. mmmmmm.

hmmm idk bout that. what does your machine use? bulbs or LED? even if they are small bulbs they still may have coral spectrum bulbs so lemme know


Well-Known Member

@keepitcoastal, i havent got any to open. all were duds so far... big upset..


Well-Known Member
hahaha worm picking sounds like fun, not! well for fishin or to keep em away from the girls? either is a good deal right there lol


Well-Known Member
Lol NorCal...picking those fuckers off my girls this morning. One was so big I could see him without my glasses :shock:


Well-Known Member
Oh Shit worms on the buds? like caterpillar little guys? those bitches are gay as aids! i had 2 one time amost took out a whole pre teen by themselves!!!


Well-Known Member
I hate those fuckers! Of course I have the BT...and forgot to use it. Now it is too late. I only have 1 maybe 2 weeks left soooo I'm a pickin'. It's okay, they make a nice pop when you squish em lol


Well-Known Member
lol fumble ay you hear of mighty wash? it kills em good, and you can use it day of harvest no prob!!!! its a must have for me, ive watched so many diferent types of bugs die with very little effort on my part.

@ManishWayz thanks breh! almost got me one of dem too but it was a beater lol and wasnt as new. im still a beginner but love it all just the same.

so i have a few pics here if i have time...
cut clones: Romulan, Kryptonite, KMK's Domina I'm giving the mothers too a hommie as they are to big and hopfully this will be my beginning of perpetual. a nice sealed grow so i can make what is great, better.