Romulan n Kryptonite 2 strains, 2 lights, 2lbs.


Well-Known Member
Beautiful as always bro. Mighty Wash? How much is it? And you can spray on the buds? :o
aw its like 10-15 bucks maybe and yeah!!! buds stem leaf the hole bitch:) you can literally spray them, then cut em down to dry, jar for cure then a happy bug n poison free bud! its like .99999 water


Well-Known Member

So i got home few days ago and this among other branches have fallen over from its own weight, some worse than others this being the worst. so mcgivered this splint n will take new pics and put them up in the next day or two. only the basic pic loader is working now one pic at a time f that lol. i also saved the juicy pics for then too ;)


Well-Known Member

oh ya and a vid suppose id post it :)


Well-Known Member

well ther they are :) also the bug ridden one is Tangurine Dream, gots hella mite eggs, but im not worried as my kung foo is strong ;)

also my clones are all rooted those will be in next pic update. the krypton isnt showing yet so idk i may have to drop her out n replace with the TD



Well-Known Member
good news here!!!! just not a big update yet im lazy rt now.. so 90% of kryptos rooted so she stays, but is about 2 wks behind the others. tangerine TBA. my only krypto is in its first few hrs of its 48hr dark before cut to dry. pics are on there way!

thanks for watchn the grow every one!!!!


Well-Known Member
Damn, wasn't expecting to see such a nice garden flipping threw the first 2 pages n so I skipped to the last. great job looks like dank with potential all over it.


Well-Known Member
Yea its good stuff! I'm not the best grower, but im gettin the hang of things. thanks for stoppin by InsaneMJ.

pic update today!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Well-Known Member

Kryptonite, God's gift, Romulan (my strain), Purple Berry, and GrandDaddy Purple. seeds from my hommie's garden ill be poppin beans in 3-4 weeks :)

so the other pics: all the clones rooted!!!!! the krypton a week behind. (ill be crossing kryto with rom for a faster root hopefully) so i planted all in cups that i didnt need n donated to another hommies garden.

bud shot bud shot then my cat nip;) krypto is in guest restroom tub for 48hrs dark with a final flush. clipping her to dry tomorrow. last pic is the next plant to come down:)



Well-Known Member
its official the Krypto is chopped n drying in new drying rack! smells n looks great cant wait to par take :) im guessing i pulled her early, but most times ive growin it was too long for my liking. it can go to bout 9-9.5 weeks for more weight, but it made me sleepy... so I pulled it a week sooner than other times. will log my findings here



Well-Known Member
thanks for the awesome coments n REP. uh well id say 4-5 days on the dry, but am unsure as this is a new method of dry for me. i used a closet n a big ass box before this so ill definatly keep its status posted. its funny but in the past ive never had bud durring harvest, but my last grow was so great i still have maybe a qp! so i usually was smokin on them before cured, but id say given my plants n meathods id say bout a 2.5 - 3 week cure.


Well-Known Member
Nice job my man! I copied your dry box lol. I used it for my Medi's and it worked perfect! Tried to rep, but you know how that goes. REP!