Romulan x Vortex

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Mm lol dial in a vortex Dom rom hmm I would hope some of the Rome characteristics would shine through but I was just thinkin that with how gnarley potent both these strains are it would be hard to figure out which will dominate. I'm curious as to if he rims sage peppery sandal wood flavor carried through or if it was the vortex flavor, what pheno vortex did you cross with.

This is gettin interesting lol


Well-Known Member
IDK what pheno really, cause that was my first pack of Vortex beans. I only got 2 females out of 10, and the male I used didn't really look like either one of em'. Im picked it, because 1) it was almost the least lanky of the bunch cause they bothn have plenty of stretch.2) it wa the 3rd quickest to start showing flower. 3) It absolutely had the tightest, biggest pollen buches, and 4) It was the second most smelly one of the males. It had a spicey/floral smell kinda sorta.
My Rommy cut is a monster! She is very vigorous, and will keep up with anything in veg. She stretches like crazy during the first few weeks of bloom, and then fills in very quickly from weeks 4 to 7. Ends up medium density but heavy. Very good yielder indoors and excellent yields outdoors.
I wanted to use the Vortex because Sub said it was the most potent strain in the batch. I'm looking for te yield ,to stay, and the potency to be off the charts! That's the main objective in this cross...potency, potency, potency!

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
You may want to take a look at jacks cleaner two sub says its his most potent on the strain list right now mm a v rom x jc2 cross hat would be interesting lol

The Chemist Brothers

Active Member
jack the ripper is his highest test rating with 26% total 5%+ being thcv, which aids in producing a speedy or spacey hallucinogenic high. then agent orange and some querkle pheno's could register test samples of 24-25% thc. some potent pheno's to be found, vortex is not his highest in thc content, but it is potent and very effective.

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
In his book he claims jc2 as most potent but I believe the thc tests more as long as they weren't from those places in Colorado that got popped for fudging results lol. I believe the ao test I got a pheno I pulled two weeks early found out it had nasty root rot because I grew in a water farm over summer. Even with LEDs I still got too hot. But damn that nug was some of the frostiest nug ive ever seen even though it was as skinny as my lil finger lol. Root rot really kicks ya in the nuts. Can't wait to grow it out again this winter


Well-Known Member
maybe he said it was his favorite, not his most potent. I get confused sometmes....I'll go back and look again.

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
I was checkin the book I believe he says vortex is one of his most potent strains also the easiest to grow and supposed to shoot like damn near all females your the first person I heard about not getting five-6 females from a ten pack

The Chemist Brothers

Active Member
yea, the tests were from Colorado, but appear to be different testing sites. so yea, the numbers do seem ridiculously high on some testes when others are around 18-20% in their tests, its possible they have been tweaking the numbers for commercial purposes.

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
They hit caught and popped for it not long ago actually. Terrible. Inside ring not here minus ago I was defending their honor as scientists sayin hey wouldn't flub numbers because of the scientists code lol


Well-Known Member
They hit caught and popped for it not long ago actually. Terrible. Inside ring not here minus ago I was defending their honor as scientists sayin hey wouldn't flub numbers because of the scientists code lol
did that come out right? I'm not gettin what you said there haha...

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Lol wow way did not come out right I was sayin that I was reading somewhere they got popped a few months ago right after i said they wouldn't do that because scientists have an honor code

Kaptain Kron

Well-Known Member
Hmm looks like I might be seein y'all at the BBQ after all I may not have any nug at the moment lol but I'm going to bring what seeds I got left in the fridge lol gonna be a good time ;)

How the babies lookin today?


Well-Known Member
IMG_4781.jpgIMG_4771.jpgIMG_4774.jpgIMG_4775.jpg I topped em' today! They look good so far in my new soil mix. I've been adjusting my own "wheezy soil" a little bit lately, to run all the way, or close without feeding. It's a wee bit too hot for a couple of em' but in those little 4" pots, they'll use it up quick.
I'll be flippin' these in a minute to sex em' out, and then I put em' on up in the finish containers. I would rather go ahead and pot em up now, but I wait till they show sex so I don't waste time and dirt and space on males that I don't want.


Well-Known Member
:cry:I'll be updating everything in a day or 2. I been sick and my wife hasn't been letting me out in the control room much