Ron Paul 2012

I don't think you even know what my point was. Your European Union is burning it's self down and I feel bad for you crazy Europeans. You are the most self enslaved people in human history and you have the gumption to call me out. Your Naive secular society will be drowned in Sharia because you have never learned what freedom is. The sad thing is half of America looks up to the Europeans as if somehow they are more enlightened and progressive. LOL

hyperbole much?
i can suggest a few stretching exercises to try, but it can take months or years before you will be able to reach your wee.

LOL..... I just have my wife smoke that for me now. No more herniated vertebral disks is just one of the many benefits of marriage.
Once again it come back to Race when you have no logical argument. ANd the typo correction angle is always devastating, even to the most eloquent and masterful debaters. How could someone of such lowly intellectual stature standup your masterful execution of wit. Typos and race LAME. LOL

doesn't it just sting so bad when a "victim of public education", as you may put it, points out not typos, but spelling errors?

capitalizing the first two letters of a sentence as you did is a typo and understandable. now take a look down at your keyboard. note the distance between 'a' and 'i'. no way you slipped a key there. you don't know how to spell 'sensitive' and you are all butt hurt i pointed it out.

and there was no charge of racism in my post. i was simply mocking your simpleton belief that somehow libertarians are incapable of racism, then went on to make a borderline characterization that somehow brought my religion into the equation.

so you might as well take that race accusation and repeat it to yourself in the mirror, blowhard.
hyperbole much?

IF you are a Statist maybe it may seem like hyperbole but if past history is any measure than my prediction of it's future really isn't "hyperbole". People are so naive to believe the world will never see another Hitler or Stalin. Europe is blind to there own history.
LOL..... I just have my wife smoke that for me now. No more herniated vertebral disks is just one of the many benefits of marriage.

ha. i remember when i was 14 and stretched for sports all the time. i was able to get there, but too much pain and couldn't hang out long enough. tried again some time ago, not even close anymore. and i know nothing down there got smaller.

edit: probably a good thing, or i would leave the house even less than i do now.
doesn't it just sting so bad when a "victim of public education", as you may put it, points out not typos, but spelling errors?

capitalizing the first two letters of a sentence as you did is a typo and understandable. now take a look down at your keyboard. note the distance between 'a' and 'i'. no way you slipped a key there. you don't know how to spell 'sensitive' and you are all butt hurt i pointed it out.

and there was no charge of racism in my post. i was simply mocking your simpleton belief that somehow libertarians are incapable of racism, then went on to make a borderline characterization that somehow brought my religion into the equation.

so you might as well take that race accusation and repeat it to yourself in the mirror, blowhard.

Are you kidding?

First, I never said Racism I said Race
Second, I never claimed Libertarians can't be racist. YOu put words in my mouth because your incapable of understanding my points.
Third, your correcting my grammar is quite endearing, you remind me of my aging grandmother.
Fourth, I never said anything about racism.
Fifth, I never said anything about racism
Sixth, YOu try typing and putting together grammatically perfect sentences when you have 3 children climbing on you.
Seventh, Why don't you finish your assignment and please explain to me, with historic and philosophic accuracy, the 3/5 rule.
Eighth, you really are making your self look a little out classed here and I can change the subject if you would like. You know, talk about something more your speed like........ Uh, smoking weed maybe?
Turtle soup recipe


  • 1 1/3 pounds turtle meat
  • 4 1/2 cups water
  • 2 medium onions
  • 1 bay leaf
  • 1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper
  • 1 1/4 teaspoons salt
  • 5 tablespoons butter or margarine
  • 1/3 cup all-purpose flour
  • 3 tablespoons tomato puree
  • 3 tablespoons Worcestershire sauce
  • 1/3 cup chicken broth
  • 2 hard-cooked eggs, chopped
  • 1/4 cup lemon juice
  • Chopped fresh parsley


  1. In a heavy 4-qt. saucepan, bring turtle meat and water to a boil. Skim off foam. Chop 1 onion and set aside. Quarter the other onion; add to saucepan along with bay leaf, cayenne pepper and salt. Cover and simmer for 2 hours or until the meat is tender. Remove meat with a slotted spoon and cut into 1/2-in. cubes; set aside. Strain broth and set aside. Rinse and dry saucepan; melt butter over medium-high heat. Cook chopped onion until tender. Add flour; cook and stir until bubbly and lightly browned. Whisk in reserved broth; cook and stir until thickened. Reduce heat; stir in tomato puree and Worcestershire sauce. Simmer, uncovered, for 10 minutes. Add chicken broth, eggs, lemon juice and meat. Simmer for 5 minutes or until heated through. Garnish with parsley if desired
I don't think you even know what my point was. Your European Union is burning it's self down and I feel bad for you crazy Europeans. You are the most self enslaved people in human history and you have the gumption to call me out. Your Naive secular society will be drowned in Sharia because you have never learned what freedom is. The sad thing is half of America looks up to the Europeans as if somehow they are more enlightened and progressive. LOL

Dear Mr Windsblow,

Many thanks for your valued opinion of the European Union.

Unfortunately I must agree with some of your judgments.

Especially your view on Europe’s secular society, for it is this amoral liberal doctrine which is at the roots of societies problems, especially in the U.K.

However, I my self do not belong too this group as you might appreciate if you noticed my avatar.

This is why I can not condone or understand Mr Pauls conflicting rants.

It may be my English is lacking in the vernacular.

To use an old German proverb

Unter den Blinden ist der Einäugige der König.

Ron Paul is a moron

It can be excused, the man is suffering from 3rd degree dementia.

O yes your delusional “American Empire”

It’s not a pipe dream its cognitive and intellectual deterioration…

In other words your bonkers man.

oh really a moron? LMAO
The person who told us of our economic collapse was coming many years before it did and the EXACT reasons why it would, is a moron???

The person who warned us that our foreign policy was going to cause an attack to happen which it did, warned us CORRECTLY about not going into IRAQ and gave us the EXACT reasons why we shouldn't because he was one of the few informed ones that read the Bin Laden Report from the CIA is a moron?????

The person who told us we should send "small special forces units using Letters of Marque and Reprisal instead of our military into the Middle East to get Bin Laden which we ended up doing many years after countless losses of lives and trillions spent is a moron?????????

The person who explained to us that all empires fall because they over expand. Citing Russia and Afghanistan recently. ( hmmm aren't we in Afghanistan now) Bin laden said his plan was to draw the US into a long and costly war in the Middle East. They want to fight us there. Guess what Ron Paul was right again. But he's a the moron?????????
Should a black person, who owns a restaurant, be forced to serve someone who comes in wearing Klan garb?

people are not born wearing a clan outfit, genius.

restaurants still reserve the right to refuse service to anyONE, not entire blocks of people.

too easy.
It has everything to do with capitalism. If you read carefully the child was sold voluntarily. Many modern sex slaves are told they will be given a better life and make plenty of money washing dishes or cleaning house and so they voluntarily join the valiant free marketeers only to get raped over and over so said free marketeer can make a few bucks (and the child, ofc, has no way out at this point). Is this not the capitalism you speak of? If you are really so blind that you favor removing child labor laws, exposing your very children to these activities than you really are hopeless.

Slavery is legal in what countries? If slavery is illegal in a country and there is still slavery then the problem isn't capitalism - it is a corrupt government who isn't doing its most basic job of protecting its citizens according to its own laws. Telling someone you are going to make them a housekeeper and then keeping them captive and raping them over and over isn't capitalism. Capitalism would be she wanted money, some guy wanted ass, and they exchanged money for ass freely.

Removing child labor laws might make it so your 14 year old could stock cans at a grocery store or something. Child labor laws and minimum wage laws aren't the same thing. Unless it was mandated that children could be paid $1 an hour or something, I fail to see how child labor laws stop anything but a motivate child(anyone under 16) from getting a job and learning to be responsible.
Main reasons I can't phuck with the Pauls at all... Thats the way they feel

Should you be forced to serve Bin Laden, Hitler, or Goofy over in Libya if you don't want to? Maybe you don't want to serve someone wearing a Klan outfit or a a rebel flag? Would a giant swastika put you off? How about someone with Ebola? At what point does what you feel comfortable doing with what is yours in your privately owned property/business outweigh what the government/society says you should be doing?