Ron Paul on Snowden


Well-Known Member
Sorry, I'm not deep enough in the cult to know his full name. I guess the nickname is his decision hmm?
Yeah, educating yourself on the subject so that you know and understand what you're talking about before stating your opinions as if they were facts is hard, why bother knowing what you're talking about


Well-Known Member
whats wrong Bucky, your dumb shit getting shot down as fast as you can post it really has your pussy agitated. Don't cry my little bucky bitch you don't have to report me for harassment. lol
why you no is smart like i, retarded bucky?



Well-Known Member
sounds like nontheist knows a thing or two about treating an irritated vagina.

i bet his horse of a wife gave him a decent education all about that, in between munching on apples and carrots and grazing in the field.


Well-Known Member
sounds like nontheist knows a thing or two about treating an irritated vagina.

i bet his horse of a wife gave him a decent education all about that, in between munching on apples and carrots and grazing in the field.
haha Bucky your shit is so fucking lame you can't even fucking troll worth a damn.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, educating yourself on the subject so that you know and understand what you're talking about before stating your opinions as if they were facts is hard, why bother knowing what you're talking about
Pettiness at its best. Yeah I'll join the cult next time.


Well-Known Member
are you confused by the word arrows? the arrows are a link to the post, anyone can see it.

so which is it? are you bigoted because they scary muslims, they is coming to kill you! or is is that we no need to NSA to stop they terrorists!

you can't have it both ways, moron.

ahh without posting the fucking question you snipped the quote off your a fucking self admitted liar and snitch. Kudos bucky your majorly fucking failing tonight.


Well-Known Member
Oh buck you crack me up bro!

Roll on brotha:eyesmoke:

  • You must spread some Reputation around before giving it to UncleBuck again.

to be fair and put it all in context, nontheist also did conjure up some homo-erotic, bestiality-baiting imagery about jerking off a grizzly bear, followed by some paranoid rant about how muslims are trying to kill him.*

i don't want to take anything out of context, ya know :eyesmoke:

you're welcome, nontheist!


Well-Known Member
sorry, that's just not the case.

my right to swing my fist ends at your face, the right to fly a chopper over a crime scene ends when it may interfere with an officer's right to perform his duties safely. it could be their life on the line after all.

save your crying for the midterms, child.
Good luck making the argument regarding cops safety stick.


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul is a national hero and we should all be greatful for him anx his service to us and to his country, we ought to be embarrassed that we didn't elect him president


Well-Known Member
They might, but they would be wrong and simply scratching their buddies backs. Your argument is exceptionally weak. We already know the courts are highly corrupted.
ask yourself which right trumps: the rights of the police to conduct a mission against an armed psycho shooting at them, or the right of NBC to send their helicopter in to boost ratings?

they're gonna side with the guys getting shot at every time.