Ron Paul on Snowden


Well-Known Member
ask yourself which right trumps: the rights of the police to conduct a mission against an armed psycho shooting at them, or the right of NBC to send their helicopter in to boost ratings?

they're gonna side with the guys getting shot at every time.
Liberty was also attacked on that day


New Member
I think you're right, and it is unconstitutional. Freedom of the press and all that stuff.

The document is hundreds of years old and written by a bunch of old white men and it is "alive", so who knows what it means, obviously nothing.
CRIME SCENE is a subjective term these days... Especially when you can just ship a "crime scene" off to china...


New Member
and how in the hell is your retarded line about "reading compensation" out of context at all?

you called me a liar for claiming that oregon ROUTINELY* sends OMMP info to the feds, and then showing that oregon sends OMMP info to the feds.
Routinely and you're own link proved there was nothing routine about it. 1 subpoena and 1 warrant in 6 years. Warrant even wanted dosage amounts, type etc... As for "reading compensation", well we've all seen that definitions are meaningless and all context is lost on you...


New Member
sounds like nontheist knows a thing or two about treating an irritated vagina.

i bet his horse of a wife gave him a decent education all about that, in between munching on apples and carrots and grazing in the field.
Buck, Horses, Mrs. Hands, Education, $7k & a masters in TDS...

Now you're all set to move to sanfran...


Well-Known Member
Nothing to worry about, obviously. As Obama pointed out, "there are lots of people warning you about the dangers of an ever expanding government, a government that acts in secret, etc. Bitches, don't worry, we got this."

"“We should be thankful for individuals like Edward Snowden and Glenn Greenwald who see injustice being carried out by their own government and speak out, despite the risk. They have done a great service to the American people by exposing the truth about what our government is doing in secret.”

Here is RP in 1984 warning about the government snooping on citizens via computer:
He crossed the line giving info directly to China.


Well-Known Member
Ron Paul is a misguided guy. Sure he talks the talk when it comes to civil liberties, but he doesn't take into account the toll his pro free market stance would have on those liberties. He's an Ayn Rand cultist.

And the fact that he named his son "Rand" is disturbing.
Uh, you mean Randal?


Well-Known Member
there's a massive difference between an auto accident and a couple of people tossing bombs about. it's just inane to even attempt a comparison between the two.

and given the choice between losing a day or two of work and shuffling off this mortal coil, which one would you choose?

seems like an aspiring lawyer would know how to spell words like "staggering" as well.

so you're saying the government killed people during the ensuing search and didn't report it?
The only reason they found the guy is because they lifted the lockdown and a guy went outside and saw him in his boat. The lockdown prevented his capture for a day.



Well-Known Member
Maybe the government should and will think twice knowing people have the access, will, and tech to keep their overreaching asses in check.

Internet 2 - Government BS 0


Well-Known Member
Patriot for informing the American public. If we were privy to all the info, China would be as well yes? What happens to the info once it's public is inconsequential imo.
No Patriot would tell China our tactics and how to do them, nor would a patriot directly supply China with hurtful information about our nation. I'm all for telling AMERICANS whats going on, but this guy stepped way over that line.


Well-Known Member
Says who? Obamas admin. that leaks like a sieve? What information did he allegedly hand over?
actually its a popular Communist Party-backed newspaper thats claims he has documents downloaded from the post in hawaii where he worked that showed the U.S. has been hacking into Chinese computer networks for years. He is showing how we do it and what we did. Snowden reportedly went to hong kong with four laptops loaded with top secret documents. You support someone doing this ???


Well-Known Member
I was under the assumption he went to China to avoid extradition laws. That's actually the same thing Bill O'Reilly said, the DC, China comparison, except he would be immediately arrested for treason under US law if he went to DC and exposed it. So, go to China, expose it and take your chances on the lam, or go to DC, get arrested, probably never heard from again... If it were me, I'd probably have chosen a different country than China, but I sure as fuck wouldn't have stayed in the states or gone to an extradition country, that's down right stupid, especially this day in age and with how Manning's situation is being handled.


Well-Known Member
I was under the assumption he went to China to avoid extradition laws. That's actually the same thing Bill O'Reilly said, the DC, China comparison, except he would be immediately arrested for treason under US law if he went to DC and exposed it. So, go to China, expose it and take your chances on the lam, or go to DC, get arrested, probably never heard from again... If it were me, I'd probably have chosen a different country than China, but I sure as fuck wouldn't have stayed in the states or gone to an extradition country, that's down right stupid, especially this day in age and with how Manning's situation is being handled.
So let me get this right...He was against what our government was doing to its people, so he runs off to a country that treats her people even worst and shares info on what we are doing, how we are doing it and also what we are doing to them. Guy sounds like a paid spy to me.